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"STOP JACKING OFF TO ME" - Twitch edition

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Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums


pls join don't be shy


xTh for Jax

the dota major grand finals is going on

huge fucking comeback and plays
come watch friendos

3rd for dota

Ezreal is cute!

Primeape gets so angry it literally dies

How do I play him?
I got a mecha shard. Any tips?

>no qt spider waifu champion


swimming in VLAD

xth for metal gfs

you all should get yourself one

Best format
Best colours
Best poster

>tfw no adc gf

Would nami get along with naga siren?

xth for the 2017 Urgot rework

i am one for a cute metal bf

xth for transcending imperfection!

its like something right out of MGQ part 3

Land your E
Then your Q

At what level do I find friends to play with?

one question - shaved, trimmed or full natural?

first for ching chong chang
fcking reddit babs

Used to have one
Wasn't that cute but hanging out with her was fun
Too bad she became a turbo dyke

delete this


depends on season


Should I wait before doing my placements?

i dont see it

>destroy enemy midlaner
>they surrender @20
>he adds me after game
>super friendly asking for tips

If I get good enough and play my best every game I could be making two firends per hour.

If I sleep 8 hours a day that's 32 friends per day.

>11,680 friends a year
>46,720 friends in four years

I made 0 friends in high school haha and they say gaming is anti social

current season

pls tell me there's a thicc bush down there

will you post pics of you being cute?

if quinn is as cancerous as you people say she is, why doesn't she get played more often?

on Veeky Forums?

nope, I'm gonna get doxxed and trolled

well until then I am convinced you look like this and are a catfish
and also your concerns are silly af

>your concerns are silly af

oh really

post your face then and let's see how much of your RL info I can dig up in an hour

link pls


Because a cancerous champion doesn't have to be a good champion they just have to suck the fun out of the game.
She is a cancer because she just shits all over the enemy top laner, then loses, which means games stall, their enemy is usually tilted as fuck, and no one is having fun by the time the game finally finishes.

there's a half of it missing


lmao rebbit are super butthurt from some shitty joke a LAS caster made

>shits all over the enemy top laner, then loses
but her late game damage is disgusting and she snowballs so hard. So if she shits all over the enemy top laner she should have no problem shitting on the other team members

What did he say?
I bet it was funny

something to do with ching chong after the LCK game



make me

Wait a sec, that's a nordic metal gf.

>no Divine Rapier

>lolbabs will never know the no buyback rapier play
>million dollar tournament

I wish I could find one where I live.

>late game damage is disgusting
Everyone but your Nami has disgusting damage late game, and from the perspective of ADCs her damage is mediocre at most.
And here is the issue, if Quinn is on your team this now means your team lacks a proper tank or bruiser. Having Quinn means the enemy team is probably going to have a lot more CC and a better front line then yours so in team fights now you have 2 adcs that both still die fairly easily, but less protection for them.
Even if a Quinn is fed, she still is as fragile as most ADCs meaning that she can still get 1 combo'd by most mid laners, so no the ganking doesn't always work out well.
The amount of gank pressure and damage she gets from steam rolling is the same as most bruisers any way, so why pick a champion that loses harder then the average bruiser but doesn't win harder?

vg vs vg when

>eating off of something that has loads of fleas and is probably matted with piss and shit

yeah it has no tits

"Get my musky rat dick out of your degenerate mind, summoner!"

>part 3
where and when

>end last season in gold 5 and stop playing
>do placements and win all 10
>ended up in silver 4

Hopefully my winning streak doesn't end and I skip my way to silver 1.

Is that Vladfag?

Make one and ill join


>two easily kited melee champions
>a vayne mayne with 4 kills
>orianna mid
The only real threat on their team was the support Brand. And that better be a support Brand because if you're bragging about stomping a game with Orianna+Vayne botlane then I don't even know what to say. Might as well post screencaps from intro bots.

>enemy team has GP, Ryze and Caitlyn
>their GP and Ryze get pretty strong, nothing insane
>GP really starts taking off though
>and Ryze is at really really good CS so hes getting big as well
>mfw their cait is so fucking god awful that even with his lategame damage hes useless to their team and loses them the game

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
come and cum

need 7 more faggots

what is a friends?
are those a thing you can eat?

if you just mean people you can play with, whenever
if you mean people you can play with well? few and far between.
if you mean people that are fun to play with. thats gonna be a bit more difficult

>uironically playing this garbage instead of Dota

Don't nitpick my shit posts please.

>playing a game slower then tar
Rather not.

>Most expensive item in the game, built out of the two most expensive component items in the game
>Drops on death, meaning it should only be bought as a last ditch attempt to win a game that is otherwise lost
>You lose gold when you die in Dota
>Buying it while ahead is a guaranteed way to throw the game when they manage to kill you and enhance that massive gold swing by another 12600g
Good. Vayne Maynes rushing rapier while 0/6/2 is not a thing that is needed in Legal Legends.

whats a good adc to play

How can you tell what's going on in dota? The game looks very one dimensional and unclear. The only time I've had this issue in league is when there's a shit ton of clutter on the screen. like fighting 5v5 in a minion + illaoi ult + brand passive, etc. Seems impossible to tell what's going on

>be jungle ww
>game goes badly before i even finish first double buff clear
>top and mid died 1v1, 2 and 4 times respectively, but its my fault they keep fighting after losing initially and being behind in levels and items
>just mute all and farm myself up
>keeping up with enemy fed katarina because lel jungle exp
>after 30 minutes start joining fights and just ult katarina and mop up the rest
>enemy morale plumets, moderately fed darius goes afk because "i said we lose if lee not go tank report pls"
>katarina gets more and more desperate to pick up the pieces, keeps suiciding into 2-3 people
>win while im 2 levels ahead of next guy in my team 5/2/13 score close to 250 cs in 35 minute game
>post game chat



5 more plz join
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums

>Get massively ahead
>Top lane decides he's faker and attempts to 1v5 the enemy team several times in the next 20 minutes
>Throws the game so hard the Diamond Yi OTP cant even save us
>Check his profile
>The guy has done this in at least the past 10 games
I don't fucking understand how he can get away with this but somebody who tells him to stop feeding can get a 3 day ban for telling him to stop 10 minutes after a report.


too late i went corki

Should have played cancer rat instead of Lesbian british cup cake queen.

>Voice line from before the retcon on an old champion
So show me the line of Azir saying summoner

m a k e m e

>implying this isn't after washing and cleaning and marrying twitch, while also nursing his mental health

>old champion
>champion is still in the game
>still used to this day, when you select her

twitch tv/theonlyisaac

Check out the stream yall

user he's the plague rat, not the cancer rat.
There's a difference.

That is exactly what I'm implying you delusion fuck.

only 4 more niggers needed

>implying this isn't after washing and cleaning and marrying twitch, while also nursing his mental health
>Implying anyone would do this and not put him down like the plague spreading vermin he is

My favorite is Jinx. But I also play a lot of Vayne, Twitch, Jhin, and MF.

I played vayne and twitch before they were broken too, if that makes you feel better.

been playing MF lately after not touching her once for the whole preseason. The new armor pen build is still great. Doesn't spike as hard with a dirk like it used to, but it's not bad. you can still poke out an adc with your crit q bounce, your ult still shreds pretty hard, etc.

Is it weaker early? Yeah. But she kind of deserved it.

tfw the only mage you can play is brand

jesus christ

when the dive goes spot on

"I'll sure as hell do better then make you! I'll teach you how it feels like to be treated like some slut."

I'd play DOTA2 if it had a cute boy hero. No, Slark is not a fucking cute boy.

Which League boys secretly want to become girls?

he is a cancer rat of no counterplay currently

>Dota major more viewers than league world finals


None of them. In a magical realm like this any one who is trans would just use magic to become the sex they desire or I guess some sciency bullshit like Viktor's.

Did the buffs not make his win rate go down? I'm surprised he's been so busted this long.

>watching people play vidya instead of playing it yourself

lel I bet you watch people fuck too

xth for precision and grace.

I love when lanes that have lost horrendously start spamming pings for help after they die three times before you've even finished your second clear then act outraged that you try to snowball the lanes that aren't atrociously feeding instead of possibly maybe helping them get back to even except the enemy laner is 70+ cs above them because they've died seven fucking times.

>mid and jungle die trying to 2v4
>"i wanted to pop Draven's GA lol"
>D E F E A T