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2 edgy 4 me
Based Gaius
Proper Previous:
No sweat though OP, you don good, I love you.
Cool i guess
>300 bux Fates LE.
For the fucks sake, I guess that I will keep with my normal version and pirate the rest.
Fuck you Bartre. That made me kek
I'm the Op :^), sry for the false prevoius link
Based Harken doing his job
Nice Moves Lyn.
I love those legendary animations
Feena is bae.
Anyone know the password for these?
what conquest paralogues should I do asap because they become really hard if I wait?
Use your fucking head knuff shit. If you type the links into google you'll find the passwords it takes 5 seconds.
>dat boob jiggle
Make Place Bitches
Oswin decides to crit Lunus into Orbit
Fanservive intensifies*
I rly can't unsee that jiggle everytime. Well, Hector is gonna suck them anyways
Don't lie.
Fuck, i forgot that she also has a battle dialogue with Brendan
Come the fuck on Eli
We're /dead/ now?
Siegbert's one is the only one you really should do earlier. A lot of people complain about Forrest's, but you can cheese it by entrapping the berserker on the turn you spawn him so it really doesn't matter. Plus doing it late gives you Gazak, aka the best berserker in the game.
>aka the best berserker in the game.
But he sucks. The best Berserker is that one generic on Lunatic that has certain blow
Don't remind me of that game.
>Expecting Eliwood to not job
I don't get why they made those weapons so heavy. Only Hector has the con to use Armads descently
They're legendary weapons. Are they supposed to be light and flimsy? That being said fuck CON I'm glad it's gone
I never liked weight as a mechanic because it felt as if it unfairly punished some classes in favor of others. Dark magic tomes were like fucking anvils what the hell?
Tomes are literally giant books though, by definition.
True, but if you're going to take up Dark magic as your primary trade the least you can do is lift some weights nigga
holy shit who is this thicc goddess?
>play FE8
>going to extreme efforts just to give lute a body ring
damn chores
Weight lifting wouldn't really help. Realistically, a tome wouldn't have it's weight properly distrubted at any time unless you opened it down the middle or had it closed (neither of which would be useful for actually using it). In fact most times Tome are left and read on a little pedestal because they were so huge or heavy. Using one in actual combat would seem like such a fucking drag, even for someone physically fit. Even the heaviest swords are made with this rule of weight distribution in mind.
/end autistic rant
I always interpreted it as rather than being weight, they were longer spells to chant so rather than being heavy, they actually take a long time to cast.
I actually kind of liked CON and weapon weight.
Me too, I enjoy being able to swap to an evasive but less powerful weapon in sketchy situations
>penis tentacles with mouths
I think I'll pass.
Just use a regukar Silver Sword then
Yeah. Athos even says, that TVOSE WEAPONS are your only chance to defeat Nergal
Nino is pissed for sure
Muh Trip
I actually used that song for one of my yt videos back in 09. I still feel ashamed for that.
R.I.P Nergal
Hector doesn't beat Lyn tho. He's a lovely husband
Why is Hector pissed?
I present you Braimond, theWonderman, who can even bring plot-convinetly the dead back
No Risk
No Fun
>Why is Hector pissed?
He's just glaring and letting Mark know to back the fuck off of his territory.
This is fine.
Mark can see all the units' stats. He also saw Hector's Str and Def and knows not the fuck with him
Some hack of 7 where Eliwoodwas named Eli. It wasn't good.
Are we posting T H I C C ?
Was the hack Corrupt Theocracy?
Yeah, that was a pile of suck.
Good thing, that Luna is a thing
Lyn is a shit lord. Only good thing is her Mani Katti
I believe so, It's been so long since I've played it but it's better forgotten.
>Lyn is a shit lord.
Calm down, Raymond.
Would anyone really be bothered if she were to come back for a third game? I think not.
I don't like Severa
Me because she sucked in fates and I didn't even enjoy having her as my waifu. But that's more of a treehouse problem than a Severa problem
I like her so I wouldn't mind but I know why other people would mind.
>17th place
>coming back
I don't think any Awakening/Fates characters are going to come back directly. I think they're done with that. But I do expect there to be plenty of character rehashes, so expect there to be another MU-obsessed tittymonster in FE15, another "unrequited love" "super deep" waifu, etc
Raven only hates Ositia aka Hector tho
Muh trip
>edge Chrom v2.0
R.I.P Athos
Ahh ok
Scarred waifus are the best!
u realize Athos can 1shot him with Nil's song|
>shitposter forgets to put on his trip again
I adore this cute maid
Camilla a best!
There, that's better
>people I don't like are shitposters
(lol stay mad spic
>memehouse version
Fuck off.
Yeah, fuck off Ninian. No Eli for you
I know, but that's boring
Fuck off faggot.
Did you really delete your post just so you can post the exact same useless garbage you always regurgitate? Or because your self esteem is so low for having such a shitty life outside of Veeky Forums that you couldn't live without your name being on the post for the attention?
You're worse than tharjafag
I want scarred Camilla to pull me into a soft hug
Nice try shitposter but if you weren't new you'd know that the spic and this underage fag are friends.
>people in this very thread don't find this attractive
Literally fuck off
I wonder if Camillafag would delete his shitposts (that he conveniently makes without his trip) and then make them again but this time with his name on like here.
Oh my~~
>there are people who find this attractive
A shame, really. There's nothing wrong with plus-sized Fire Emblem women. Just means there's more to love. I think this is more in line with what a person like Mitama would actually look like, considering how lazy of a character she is and that she actively avoids any sort of exercise.
>tripfag is a low test fag
Why am I not surprised
I know right? But homos shouldn't be bullied.
>she still wears her armour
I just don't like Thic. Deal with it
>low test is not wanting a tumblr landwhale
It's a shit fetish you cuck. Fuck off.
The spic filtered him you cuck
How bad/good?
Yeah right. That's what he said last time until he slipped up and started responding to him. Then it was "Oh, I forgot to mention I unfiltered him for absolutely no reason :^) but I'm totally filtering him for real this time!"
It's still marginally better than the useless garbage YOU always regurgitate. I'd call you pathetic, but that's even more boring than your habit of saying "fuck off" all the time. So get out of here until you can come up with something better.
Note: I do not endorse waifuspam or phoneposting in any way, I just want you fucks to git gud if you're going to waste time shitposting.
Would you like to delete that post, then remake it with your trip on? I could do with another (You)
I'd say that's okay
>Those posting times
I don't follow.