/mbgg/ - Mobage General #631

This general is for discussing the less popular mobage (Mobile Games). Games whose Veeky Forums generals wouldn't last a day or two on their own and games that are not popular enough for their own general. Typically these are Japanese only games.

>Current English Games
Potion Maker, Terra Battle, Panzer Waltz, Shadowverse, Valkyrie Connect

>Current Foreign games
Battle Girl High School, Shironeko Project & Tennis, Warship girls, Shoumetsu Toshi, Girls Frontline, Alternative Girls, Destiny's child.

>For a complete list of games played in the thread and more information about them, please read this:

If looking for game recommendations or suggestions on what to play, please check the above docs. This docs is regularly updated with games and has all the games discussed on the thread.

>Help! The game I want to play is not available for download on the store:
Read this for information on how to find APKs or getting around region locks.

>Upcoming mobage doc

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


I want AsuRenge for christmas

I want new games for Christmas.

As long as recoding doesn't use BLO luck drop tier mats it doesn't really matter if Seiryu^ is in the PoF or not, other than to save a little on recode mat farming and coins.

I don't think the player has a distinct presence within the game. There is no player avatar MC participating in the action or leading the other characters. We effectively do not exist with regards to the characters or stories. I suppose you could consider the player something akin to the guiding hand of fate or an observer existing on a plane of existence outside of their perception.

What if the player is Animata? The lore mentions Animata playing a role in recoding characters and technically we are the ones doing the recoding

Unless they are suddenly giving him an absolute God-Tier skillset, it'd be a pretty nice gesture to keep him in PoF and/or low-maintenance too and balance him on par with Invincible^. Darkness is pretty shit-tier anyway now thanks to Gravity-overlords, so it's hard to sell Seiryu^ as the hottest shit and worth the premium-recode-tier. I still fear Invincible^ may remain an exception as Guchi's birthday gift to players and that it'd be a little too soon for Seiryu^ also being "free".

Welp, DC was up for 5 minutes and now it's back down again for another hour.

Got into DC for like 10seconds before it kicked me out for maintenance again, saw two new banners with a new girl, I presume new 5*. Other one was rewarding these big orange gems for pvp rankings.

>Decide to start TB with a stonefolk waifu
>reroll ten+ times
>My best roll is Rikken and Kana

Rikken is pretty cute and neg pro is useful as fuck. Once she gets a recode she will finally be best sister

What to do on Starly Girls' tutorial on the 2nd pilot / boss press thing?

I would say no to that. Animata is driven largely by the Stonefolk at its core - Palpa and Peprope in our case. There's no free-roaming overworld to give us the illusion of control. We simply follow Animata along the linear path it takes.

>be one of the best units in the game and great Archer
>your sister is a directionless piece of shit, even ditches the Bow for Spear in the end
>suddenly she seriouses the fuck up and overshadows you at Archery out of nowhere
>fucking everyone gets an invitation left and right to that shiny new Z-class except you
>people now go "Oh. I rolled Rikken..."

Isn't it sad, Rikken.

Is anyone else playing Underworld?

Mate, NegPro is the best shit ever when you start the game. On double-drop days you can get monsters really good which clears out coin-SB-gacha, which gets you faster access to the adventurers.


I think it's like with RPGs. You follow the charas and see the story through their eyes. It's just that TB has no real main-character you control (as opposed to other games we might know), only charas important to the story.

People give her shit for not having a recode, but it honestly doesn't make that much difference in her function. If anything, the survivability is more of an asset than the damage. You run them for Nego Pro, and often times if you don't have the specific super-effective type your damage is negligible.

In terms of defenses, their stats aren't that far apart. You're looking at about 600 hp and 30 def/mdef more with Yukken^. That isn't a huge gap. In terms of utility it's Area2 confusion, if you slot her area1, versus Area1 paralysis and Heal All. With damage, where it matters you'll be running dedicated damage dealers like trinity or mages to do the heavy lifting.

It feels like the difference is status more than functionality.

Starly Girls is not a game for the stubby fingers. Jesus fuck, the itty bitty buttons.

Lose weight

Trump is president now, you can't digit shame us any more.

Had the same issue with TB and even PAD.. Can't see where I'm sliding once my finger's on the screen. Fuck.

Is the gacha roll on starly girls supposed to be empty? I didn't get anything off the 11 tickets.

>Star Ocean starts up and gives me a loading bar before promptly crashing
I guess this is my own fault for getting up my hopes when I saw the splash screens. I just wanted to reroll for when I have a better phone.

Can you make a human deck?

I'm not sure. The leader I thought was human is a Lycan, which was disappointing.

ANOTHER added hour of maintenance to DC. Good lord. The train never stops.

Hey does anyone know how to reroll in Liberasion of Azure

Deleting the Shared_prefs folder doesn't reset it for some reason.

More free goods?

Hopefully. When I was able to log on an hour ago all we got was a single 3-4* card. After all this I'm hoping for a free 10 roll.

obviously not

Well I'm working right now, so a few more hours won't hurt, too bad they don't give any free *5 ticket.

Yeah, Sebastian is human.

Shit game then, glitching like that.

You are suppose to just press and drag up, but if you are using emulator or something it's a little buggy.

I got through on nox by constantly randomly pressing and dragging really hard till it work.

You get robots and guns from gacha rolls, and girls from crafting.

>You get robots and guns from gacha rolls
I didn't get anything. The animation just shows an empty rail/belt, the station shoots up nothing, and there's nothing on the last roll list screen.

>Only 160 gems from this winter date event
Someone tell me I'm tallying this up wrong.


Ah.. you are screwed then, probably a glitch as the user above said. Good luck restarting your new account and hope it doesn't happen again.

I rerolled by redownloading because I'm on ios

Didn't count, but it was pretty low due to half the clear prizes being mittens.

backup using Titanium Backup Pro
then trial and error deleting stuff in the data folder

Is anyone playing Crash Fever? I friend told me to check it out but I barely see discussion in the archives.


Seems like they broke something.

just got Bellatrix, 500-100-500-100 and a 1 hour 10 minutes time.

user, thank you so much.

>the new event building needs star weapon runes
I regret upgrading my class buildings


Starly Girls

Error. They are fixing it now.

What coordinate did you use?

Where can I get it?

What game?



>need to do app store sorcery
Maybe I'll get it in the morning.

Man 50 secs is steep for Ella, do I need more dmg since right now it takes two Outflanks to kill her if I get lucky? Also does s/l do anything to my drag time?

DC out of maintenance now. Someone give me the details on these patch notes.

Huh, didn't notice that. Been upgrading class buildings a bunch too, I'll have to make sure to leave enough for that.

But I'm still grinding out my witch runes from Christmas co-op, so getting a decent amount coming in. Should be fine.


Most people use 2 tappers for it

It says it's incompatible.

Is there anyone playing Seven Knights still? They have they 6* ticket thing for new players. Seems like Shane is one the top picks, but what about the second choice? Was thinking May since she boosts crit and Shane seems to be all about critting.

download through qooapp or apkpure or androidappsapk.co/apkdownloader/ (select Japan as region).

Which do you recommend?

Installing it now, looks like fun.

I recommend you reading the OP pastebin.
The third one never fails for me.

Or use tunnel bear free vpn.


Damage is not your issue. I did it with this team and got it on the second try. That run fucked up on the previous floor and didn't have a power point for the double pinser, and then the bees kept clumping up in the corners for several turns after.

Try to make as much use of your AoE as you can, but prioritize quick, simple movements. I think the quickest you can get a turn is a little under half a second. Just try to speed up your floor clears as much as you can so that you have more time left for killing Ella.

Oh, and s/l resets your drag time to what it was at the beginning of the floor. So if you feel like it took much time to clear a floor, especially when it comes to masked man and winged familiar floors, you can s/l to try again. Just keep in mind there have been people encountering some issues where the s/l didn't kick in and the run was lost upon restarting.

Maybe you guys can help me find a "game" I used to have. The app was from the English play store, but it had a Japanese name and was in Japanese. The game itself was just a picture of a girl, possibly a loli, I don't really recall. She was chained up and blindfolded, and you had to tap the chains some ridiculous amount of times to break each one.

PVP is giving ridiculous points per win
I guess I wasn't the only one to think the tier rank being 1000~1200 points and suddenly to 1200~3000 is weird

Remembered seeing a link to that at some point, so I tried looking through my history for it.


Yeah checked hungryapp and that was the big change they talked about was pvp climbing was aids so devs changed it. Like tripled rank rewards and increased wins by 50-100 and decreased points lost to like 11-15 or so. It's a lot easier to rank and if you can get gold there's a chance you'll get up to 3-5* children from the event that ends next monday. If you can get platinum I think you get a guaranteed ticket.

I don't know nothing about this and nowhere mentions it either that I saw.

beat all the content and did this. now what?

I'll get my loli tank tomorrow and Astaroth on the 16, so it's all good, too bad I couldn't get a single one of best boy.

>tfw I still have the clock of my phone set to korean time

Is it safe to change it back to normal?

How do I rank up heroes?

Shit, thanks a ton

Yeah they fixed that issue so you don't have to set phone to gook time. I'm still conflicted on whether to buy astaroth but I think I missed the deal. Almost 6 mileages and no 5* roll so I don't want to give them my money, but I've played this game a lot and enjoy it despite some griping flaws and absurd difficulty tiers.

Should I reroll for Maria?

If she is your waifu, then yes.

I just want something fun to play on my phone, what should I get?

Is someone still playing Clash Royale?

Funny you should ask, I just reinstalled it a few hours ago. I was playing some clone of it on Steam and I figured the real thing would be better.

I have never played Star Ocean before

The mage is actually really strong despite her tier ranking, she has ridiculous AoE which is good for mobbing since bosses die quick anyway.

I didn't remember it was this fun user

Depends on what type of game you like.


RIP ;_;

It is, isn't it? Pulled out my old "lol 5 camps" deck and I'm having a good time. Only at Arena 3 though.

Does anyone know if SB69 works on rooted devices?

I like opening booster packs/gachas and I like distributing skill points. As long as I get to do either of those fairly often and the game isn't too complicated for my feeble mind, I'll probably love it. Also cute girls are nice.

I'm at arena 5, I'm just pushing and defending with the giant + valk + barbs.

It's pretty hard to lose if you're playing defensive.

I always used to play really offensively, so thanks for telling me that. Now maybe I can rank up.

I'm playing it since I rolled Hubble back when it launched.

People probably dropped it since it's hard to reroll with coop being region based.

Rough translation of the two event notices:

League end-of-week rewards have been increased, daily mission gold/token rewards have been increased, and you now get winstreak bonuses (rank points and tokens). Also, you get a ton more points for winning, which seems to scale based on the difference between your opponent's team rating and yours.

As for this announcement, it's a celebration event for the PvP update. At the end of this PvP week (12/18), you'll get 5-star evolution mats (1 for ruby, 2 for silver, and 3 for everything above). Gold league gets you a 5-star ticket in addition, plat league nets you two.

>go to download Hellfire: the Summoning for a nostalgia trip
>not on play store app
>Google it, find play store page
>open the app
>the company's western operations and servers are kill
Does anyone know of a similar game?

i miss barcode kanojo

>5* evo mats
It's fucking nothing. Hopefully can get gold but grinding past all these cubes / Danas is gonna be a pain in the ass. They should really just nerf the cube instead of adding cleanse to 4 healers, 2 of which are terrible anyway when healing is weak in pvp anyway.

Finally full cleared EX4 - BIG SEVEN made the difference as expected. Is Rodney actually the strongest character in the game? Because it sure seems like it.