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is cute..


Mr. Pinchy





No problem. Just share it around.

As said, I can't believe how fucking incompetent the techs at Blizzard have to be to pull shit like this.

of Illidan US is LF more cute pandas and blood elves.

Come play together and have fun


Is there a difference between LFR normal heroic and mythic for this set or is it plate leather mail cloth?

>too retarded to manage a working computer

As always, you won't be missed.

Reminder that /wowg/ is #WithHer, stands AGAINST /nostg/ and RIPiP@Sargeras are OUR BOYS

Do NOT reply to Drumpfags
Do NOT engage thieves
Do NOT join TGiSH

guys affliction or demonology please respond (respond)

uh oh, lets see what /wowg/ is up to this time...


demo so when you get to gul'dan you can show him what a real lock is

>joining ripip
its fucking dead lol

what happens if I don't loot the weekly cache for a week even though I did some mythic+?
Do I lose the items, do they stay in the chest, do I get them in the mail or what?

A different class since they're gonna get buttfucked all expansion

what's this whole "nost won" if it isn't even out yet?


>not joining


Stop playing WoW on an 8 year old computer you bought at Walmart.


fix that lisp of yours, gayboy


If you've been having massive loading times, go here:

The Blizzard techs failed at life and instead of fixing their shitty game so it would load models correctly, they just made it so you would be stuck on a loading screen for fucking ever. This blue post contains instructions on how to revert their "fix". You'll go back to having models taking a while to load, but it's still a hell of a lot better than 5 minutes long loading screens.

>He's playing any class other than Paladin

But user wow is 12 years old it should run fine on an 8 year old computer.

>followed that one user's advice of doing squats after each dungeon
>constantly checking out my ass after I walk past the mirror

A-Am I gonna make it?

Oh so that's what happened.

I like it better this way honestly

I like Tauren Females in the World of Warcraft

surely the fact that you needed 40 people vs 20 and that naxx was released 2 months before BC had nothing to do with it. Naxx nowadays would be cleared in 2 weeks top

Yes, and it's had several updates which massively improved the graphics and the game engine. A PC which could run WoW fine in 2004 will certainly not run it fine today.

You're lost.

>there are people who think vanilla Naxx was okay

no unless you are at least doing piston squats with some added weight. Normal squats are piss easy

>you will never play wow on a pentium 4 again
>you will never raid with 10 fps again

>It's an Azsuna world quest

rate my mog

jesus this thread is dead. lemme guess, you're all posting on Nost now? good choice.

I like the males more

/nost/ r00lz, /wowg/ droolz!

pussy eater

Naxx was out for way longer than 2 months before BC

not to mention catchup mechanics weren't a thing until TBC so every character that stepped into the lastest tier NEEDED to step into the previous tiers

Post THE world quest that makes you want to kill yourself.

>shard ritualists in highmountain

>dash through the rings

0nly reply to me if you have the Salty title.

anything in ruins of falanaar

>actually having trouble with those
they made them fucking babby mode so now you slow fall after dashing

i have it since 2013. you tellin me that there are casuals in this itt with out it?

Underwater pylons
Dragons charge thing

depends on which armor type you use although the colour of the armor changes depending on which difficulty you managed to get the armor set on.

pic related is current transmog i'm usin, managed to get both hc and raid finder off helya but went with black since it looks better for DK

>in this in this this

>in this itt

>in this in this thread

>t. a person who never played vanilla before private servers

you cant just say "it would be cleared in x days" because you completely forget to factor in how young the game was.
now it would be easier because you've got a gorillion guides, addons that didnt exist back then etc.

at the time it was released, the tactics AND the numbers you had to dish out were far, far above anything else there had been before.
it was hard. even for the NEET's

>do underwater pylons quest
>don't kill the elementals that spawn



>feed the whelplings in stormheim
>always full of people farming leather there
>most of the time if someone tags your mob the quest item won't work

that shit should be a free-for-all area so I could kill these skinning faggots

you guys dont GET IT DO YOU
nost will cuck YOU like we KEKED YOU IN NOVEMBER
we will still tHUOSANDS of players from you
get ready to get btfo hardet than you thought you ever could cucks....

Are you ready for the next expansion to remake azeroth in the wake of the old gods, /wowg/?
I am.

I played vanilla unlike you.

Biggest vanilla problems were
1) 40mans meaning you had more retards in raid
2) some classes were just dogshit

Raiding itself was not hard. Nowadays bosses got 3x more mechanics than they had in vanilla

the way you're going legion will be the last expansion

cut your losses and just accept nost as the true form of wow

>spend months leveling char
>blizz deletes it
Looks like you were cucked

Long story short I came back and started playing again and legion but friends quit. Now im guildless with no mythic raiding experience but want to get in a decent guild. Im no shitter and have legendary parses on all heroic fights but who gives a flying fuck about heroic raids.

After looking through the top guilds on my server on wowprogress the #1 guild(just outside top 100 world) happened to sound the best in terms of being semi hardcore but getting shit done as well.

I guess my question is should I even apply? I know I wouldnt be even considered for main raid team or anything but I feel I could earn the spot or would the no current mythic exp on the application be an instant decline?

retail doesn't even have enough active subs to fill a mythic raid
just reroll on nost

I don't have it get fukt kid


Nost in 2 days. Stop wasting time with retail, it's dying fast.

Just make up some shit senpai


OK but what about snugzug monks?

I have some past raiding experience but obviously current mythic raiding is really the only thing that matters and they can see I havent done any. I guess just being in the guild for M+ at the bare minimum would be better than my current situation and I could work up from there. Nothing to lose I guess.

stay mad retailcuck

As the holidays approach, we wanted to take a chance to share some information on an upcoming raid tuning adjustment as well as the release date for Nighthold.

Trial of Valor will see a set of tuning adjustments next week, focused mainly on Heroic and Mythic difficulty, which should help groups overcome the challenges of the Trial as they prepare for Nighthold.

Which brings us to the release date for Nighthold itself: We are aiming to unlock Normal and Heroic Nighthold on January 17, 2017. Raid Finder wings and Mythic difficulty will release during the weeks following, which we will share more specific details on at a later time.

We look forward to seeing you in the Nighthold!


also rotations were like 2 buttons

and unless you had a high end pc your fps was dogshit in 40 man raids

just report the autistic fags

but then Veeky Forums's janitors are a bunch of lazy fucks

I can help you get some Helya upskirts, all you have to do is ask nicely.

You posted a tall goblin though?
>Not playing the best spec


my main is Sin, though I go Outlaw for Mythic+ stuff.

Is running several normal/heroic dungeons for legendaries a valid strategy with this weeks bonus?

>Patch releasing in this current state.
Welp. I think this might be the biggest blunder since the selfie patch.

>janitor too busy throwing a tantrum after mom forgot to bring hotpockets from the store to do his job

>being retarded

>more bm nerfs
glad i dont play that heh

saving the crops in highmountain

>7.2 month away
That means 7.1.5 is 1-2 weeks away,r-right?

Nighthold isn't 7.2, tomb of sargeras is


wtf i hate good content now!?

Enjoy struggling to get 20 players for your raids while I raid multiple 40 man raids in Nost :)

>calling bloodlust "heroism"
>calling bloodlust "time warp"

>Calling lust "bloodlust"

>calling haste boost skill "bloodlust"

Tomb is 7.3

Big content patches are never x.y.5

>calling quicker attacks ability "haste boost skill"

>calling ancient hysteria "lust/hero"

>talking to your party members

>calling improved drums "ancient hysteria"