/nepgen/ - Neptunia General #1114

Last thread: Comfy Neps edition.
Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

4 Goddesses Online Links and Info


Translation: pastebin.com/m9wiRXxg

Cyberdimension OST Sample: youtube.com/watch?v=405uPsmmUvc

Iffy desu!

Nepper is best girl

Buran, desu!

Remember to filter the eltard.

Neptune and Plutia are a cute couple.

Remember to filter the yurishitter

No, that was funny banter. The one part that really pissed me off was when Noire said something about how she has trouble approaching people she doesn't know, and Neptune replies with "I don't even know what to say to that...", as though what what Noire said is so god damn unthinkable and pathetic.

Listen, you stupid god damn bitch: just because shyness and social anxiety are things you've never experienced does not mean they aren't valid feelings. Not everyone can be some glib, superficial cunt who slaps everyone on the back and asks how their mom and dad are different. Go cram that judgmental "ewww anyone who isn't a bubbly, confident social butterfly is weird and I'm going to wrinkle my nose at them" shit up your ass and go kill yourself.

Vampire Neptune!


>You will never see Linda - your gopnik soul-sister rushing in your home to hide from the police
>You will never peek through the door as she's taking a bath
>You will never step inside as she notices you and comes out of bath, trying to hit you in the face for peeking, while not realising she's still naked
>You will never pin her to the ground as she starts cursing at you, only to start making muffled moans as you start eating her out
>You will never see her slowly giving up on her "tough girl" cliche and starting to make cute moans as you begin to go deeper inside her with your tongue
>You will never take her to your bed in a bridal carry then proceed to fuck her brains out
>You will never fuck her to a point of her fainting from all the pleasure
>You will never give her a good night kiss and rest your head between her breasts
>You will never make her a good breakfast next day, then spent the whole day with her suffering the hangover
Why neps aren't real
I want them to be real so bad...

>Razer keyboard and mouse


>Can afford Razer shit
>Eats spaghetti with plastic fork
Being slav is a state of mind

Which one?

Neptune is pretty cool. Nepgear is a hypersexual goddess who seduces everyone she meets with her mesmerizing personality.

Nepper can only refer to Neptune, you uncultured swine.

At least I'm cultured enough to know how hot, enchanting, and irresistibly seductive Nepgear is.

Nepgear probably has HIV

Obviously nepgear is sexy, but she's too innocent to know how to use it.

Nepper is superior overall, although I love all planeptune goddesses

Oh, she'll learn soon enough. Here's photographic proof that she gets a kick out of seducing people. Give her a few years and she'll be a full-blown temptress who enjoys playing around with as many people as she can. She'll probably be 'the other woman' in a dozen different relationships at any given time.




post more waluigi


Good night nepgen
Linda did nothing wrong!

That's a big Nep



I wonder how often do you get spanked?
Your ass probably must be red as your eyes.

I've just finishes Re;Birth 2's Treu End, and I must say even though it was a gritty run and Nepgear doubting herself most of the time(which got annoying at some point), the way Nepgear turned into a mature and charming candidate who can finally stand on her own two feet is amazing, she's now one of my favorites,I hope she stays that way

I'll start with Re;Birth 3 now anyway

She goes right back to being insecure as fuck in RB3, but she's much better in megadimension VII

R;B3 sets Nepgear up to be a different kind of character with a lot more amusing traits, but her development from R;B2 is mostly lost in the process.

V-II keeps everyone's development from R;B2 intact and is pretty great for it.

More Kurome art when?

Are these mods on the steam workshop?


Unless you pick the candidates route in the last chapter. In which she becomes a crybaby again but gets some sense immediately slapped into her by a pissed Uni.

Uni spends all the game slapping sense into people.

Vert being Gehaburn'd for corrupting pure neps when?

If you're like me (I loved Nepgear in R;B2), V starts off funny, and rapidly goes into the repetitive and annoying with the Nepgear bashing. At the risk of sounding like that other guy, V's treatment of Nepgear was legitimately meanspirited. Constantly saying she's trash, no one like her, she's useless, Neptune barely cares for her at all, making her act like the ultimate doormat. It's funny once or twice, but the entire game is like that, the only person who's wholeheartedly nice to her is Uni in their phonecalls.
She's always had issues with giving into despair, probably lasting trauma from their original fight with CFW Magic in mk.2 prologue. In VII she panics a little when they first get transported to Zero Dimension, and when it looks like Kurome is going to win she needed Uni to pep her back up. But she's still massively improved compared to V's borderline suicidal Nepgear.



So I just bought 7 on sale recently since I've heard good things about the series. Please tell me it becomes more than just weaboo pandering. I can't even the stand the "like a kangaroo" saying the character does every fucking time she jumps.

>i bought 7
You. Fuck off.
You didn't play it, it's fucking obvious. You didn't even saw the title screen.

First, it's not 7, it is Victory-2. It's a direct sequel to neptunia victory.

Second, not sure what you mean by "weaboo pandering". If you don't like her saying like a kangaroo, then change the party leader or don't jump.

>Buys a weaboo pandering waifubait game
>Wants it to be something more than weaboo pandering

>"like a kangaroo"

Don't you mean カンガルーのように

Well that explains why the title screen was different from the game cover, and the ps4 square. I just thought it was supposed to be some meta-game thing I wasn't aware of.

No, fuck off. At this point, I'm sure you're trolling. Anyone who bothered playing the game noticed they're saying V two instead of seven.


Ignoring how vague "weaboo pandering" is, the characters have a lot of interactions with each other that doesn't just boil down to stereotypical anime troupes, either you'll enjoy the characters, or you won't. The gameplay is alright but nothing amazing or revolutionary for the industry as a whole. While there are plenty of cute moments I think the story overall is still good. Also
>Buy anime-style game.
>Is there any anime in this game?

>Noire trying not to be seen in the background.
Heh. I wonder if Vert's also trying to be "disguised" with those glasses, or if she's just wearing them to wear them.

Anyone who says weaboo unironically as a complaint about a game is an insecure, close minded, retarded individual who is potentially missing out on shit they might enjoy because of their own idiotic bias. Js

Yeah, those are Uzume's models on L4D2's workshop.

I'm not trolling, you're just being upset. And it fucking looks like a 7. All my other jrpgs do the VII=7, and this one clearly does it too.

Now that's a decent response. I'm going to keep playing and hope the first hour is just the worst hour.

No shit I'm upset, you fucking retard. You jump in a game, skip the title screen, and then whine like a bitch that the game isn't like you expected. You're the kind of idiot that skips all tutorials and cutscenes in a game and then cries that the game is too hard and doesn't make sense.
And if that's not enough, you also embarass yourself by showing that you have no clue about what kind of game you picked. Of course people are bound to get upset than a giant moron like you comes to whine.

But I'm still sure you're just trying to troll. The "VII = 7" is a giveaway, the eltard uses the same trick to annoy everyone.

Airisunon's trolls are becoming really shitty recently.

And everyone keeps taking the bait. You'll see that someone will take his shitposting seriously one day and tell him why he can't have his overgrown mold in a Neptunia game.

I didn't even whine, I just wanted to know if the game became less moe and more rpg-like. I'm only like an hour~two hours in, and wanted to know if it was worth investing more time into it. I love jrpgs, but I just can't really stand moe, can't even watch K-On because it's so irritating. And I didn't skip anything, I understand the story and the gameplay is simple enough so far. No difficulties in either of those areas. I tend to beat all the bonus bosses in the SMT games and those are renowned for their difficulty.

You should really relax though. I wasn't threatening your game or judging you on what you jerk it too. Just wanted to know more about the game. The VII totally looks like a 7. Look at the fucking box art. Someone that doesn't know the series will think it's a 7 immediately.

Cool blogging. Where do I subscribe for more made-up stories?

>or judging you on what you jerk it too
Not him, but fuck off and die.

Speaking of which, where is that dood?

He's here right now, pretending he's playing VII, when in fact he's probably just watching a LP on youtube, while pretending he's a l33t player at RPGs.

Fuck guys, I bet you even get mad when someone says your waifu is shit.

Go back to neppit.

The jig is up, shitposter. Only ghostroach and the eltard get that mad when called out on your stupidity. Any normal person would go away, only you two stay here to argue that it's not your faults you're retarded. I don't know which one you are, but I suspect you're the eltard, as you use the same shitty excuse than him when it comes to mistaking VII and 7.

Now you're just making the rest of us look bad.

Nice concern troll. Move along, kiddo

>"I-I'm not mad, you are"
Fuck off. You are no longer welcome here.

>Not being willing to kill for your waifu's honor.


First time posting in this general. Honestly had no idea 7 thing was a trigger here. I legitimately thought that's what it was. I had zero knowledge of what the series was the about when I picked it up. I just wanted to play an rpg.

I fucking hate name-fags or avatarfags, or whatver the fuck that roach and el guy are.

Sorry for getting you guys upset about my ignorance of the game.

>"I-I'm sorry I triggered you guys"
>"okay, I called your serie weeaboo pandering and I mispronounced it, b-but it's not my fault, and I'm new, so I'm allowed to insult everyone here"
No, fuck off. Scum like you that comes to a general to taunt people and then play dumb when they're pissed off at you doesn't deserve to browse Veeky Forums. We already have enough retards around, we don't need ANOTHER blogger here.

Your next line will be "why are you so upset?", because that's all shitposters like you can do, provoke people, and then play the victim.
Fuck off.

i bet on "I was only pretending to be retarded", actually

I had no intention of provoking people. I just wanted to know if the game fleshed out more. One guy answered my question, three others didn't like that I mistook VII for 7. That's all this is.

And you're still around, trying to get attention, instead of fucking off like we nicely asked you to.

I'm going to post this every thread until they added Rena to next Neptunia game.

I want to raise cute little Neppy!

Nah, I'm just going to keep responding to you because you're an insult to the fan base you represent.

Of course, why would I expect anything else from ghostroach?

Nice job proving your identity, by the way.

Still have no idea who that is. But I'll pretend to be him to keep you at it.

Baby neppy a cute

>"I was only pretending"

You owe me 20$.

No one was pretending you fucking idiot.

Did you praise your goddess today, /nepgen/?

The hell ia going on here?

Ghostroach finally gave VII a try (by watching a Youtube LP), and embarassed himself. As usual.

Some kid got upset because someone had a question about the series.

How can I praise my goddess, /nepgen/?

I knew you were still here. Been waiting for you to post. Did you know roaches can fly? Makes them terrifying, almost as terrifying as the number 7 oooOOOOoooOOooooOOOoooo.

I see you, Palutena.

>ghostroach get spotted
>starts shitposting in a fit of pique
Like clockwork.


I'm just going to keep replying to you even if you don't reply to me. Hell, this may be the wrong guy, but you type you and act like him. Did you know the roman numeral VII means 7?

Dammit my wife Iffy is extremely cute, I want to smell her leaf hairpin!


By playing her games.
I bet nobody here beat all of Playstation's games.

Where are the other posters, why is this gen so dead, why is arguing the only thing that keeps this shit alive?

Fuck off, ghostroach.

Oh nice, I'm ghostroach now

+1 sin

iirc, the Nepgear bashing was actually considered fanservice at the time because Japan despised Nepgear for a while due to the Conquest Ending. She was basically the most loathed anime character of 2011 and 2012.

You are just so resentful. Nobody can question your waifu-simulator without you throwing a tantrum. No reason to be embarrassed of it. I love Nocturne because of that sexy motherfucker demifiend and I'm not ashamed to admit it.