[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

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>Previously on /dbt/
Pick final destination and time frame.


first for starting on a literbike is an okay idea

Who /rideinrain/ regularly? Lessons learned? Dos and don'ts? It's literally the worst weather I have to deal with. Everyone I know is horrified I ride in tge wet but it doesn't seem so bad.

What is /dbt/'s opinion on KTM bikes? Not the motocross ones.

just go slower, it's that simple.

Riding in the rain is easy it's just fucking boring. I don't like it at all.

Don't lean.
Brake earlier.
Get a pinlock visor, and don't open it while it's raining.

super duke looks gr8, regular duke is meh, and the rest I've seen are sumo's which are good for city riding and hooning.

I'm not interested in sporty nakeds so I don't really care for them. I'm sure they're probably alright.

Everyone I know who had an RC8 had mega big issues and I'd just rather an EBR 1190RX in the sportbike realm.


Anybody want to go to vietnam with me in january-february and ride shitbikes? All my friends are jobless and poor or already have vacations planned

Post bike before I answer

no bully

they are cool

Would love to tear some chink boipucci but i have to work. Cant vacation until july.

That's monsoon season. I want to go soon otherwise I'll have to wait until like october again.

>sketch custom bike
>realise I will never build it
>sigh wistfully


Like those crazy ass storms?

Show sketch!

>single sided swingarm

literally what is the point

it's heavier and less rigid

to tuck the muffler closer to the body

yeah, it rains a bunch during the summer but not much during the winter. Looks like optimum time is february-march

Easy rear wheel access for track use becausr "gotta change the rear fast for the 24hr race"

Thats a pretty shit country if you have that shit.

yeah, that's the idea

easy rear wheel removal/adjusting the chain is also a breeze

I didn't say it was a good sketch.

They should bomb the shit out of them again because its pretty shit and whipe that shithole out of the earth.

He should show boipucci
Is it good boipucci?

so I take it you don't want to go

Yeah no i definitely would not want to ride with you

>0-4 go out and be social
>5-9 stay in play vidya and watch animu

I'd be into it

fuck off normie

the flights there are actually pretty cheap, probably because the planes have sub-par maintenance and you're taking your life into your own hands, but meh

Planes are fine

ok how come?

0 don't shitpost
1-9 shitpost

DRZ > WR450

well you can get flights from the west coast of canada for !$700 round trip which is like $500 USD

Usually people fly into the north or south city and buy a motorcycle, drive it the the opposite city, and sell it.

Why dont you spam gs500 anymore?

>drive it
ride it*

before some autist corrects me

What bike?

Ive pushed through really fucking heavy rainfall on a vepsa once, would not reccomend. Especially considering i didnt have a jacket and an open face helmet. It started raining halfway and i didnt have anywhere to stop.
I still do it if it rains just a little .

Fucking nobikd cukold detected. Just kys rasputin

They're like little 125's and shit. I think most people ride scooters but I don't want a scoot.

>edge lord teen just finished watching a top gear episode

>Open face
>No jacket

Hows it like being a sissy trap hipster beta fagget cuckboi?

You should get a Honda Cub

Yeah fucking rasputin


but nowadays i have a raincoat in the cargo hold just incase. CAN YOU SAY THE SAME FUCKBOY

Hell yeah dude sounds fun

>owns/tolerates scootsies
>calling other ppl names

Dont you judge me :'c

I owm a ninja tho but i use the scooter for city commuting considering the shit traffic

Sounds like youre really soar after tyrones visit.


which one are you?

Because you care what some random faggot on the internet things kys

none of them. nobody in that webm is from here.

also it looks more like track practice in a kart park than an actual race, so the tiny wheelbase scooters are at an advantage that does not excuse how closely the bike is following them

not really, I just wanted to hear your lame excuse so thanks for that.

none of them, I just like reminding people that a bike does nothing without a rider and there are people on scooters having more fun than you. I don't even own a scooter.

/dbt/ cares entirely too much about bikes and not enough about riding.

Funnily enough every time somebody brings up riding they get shit on for their bike, where they live, what they wear, etc.

DBT is strictly for benchracing shitbikes because that's all these poor niggers can afford.

Yeah I've been slowly researching it for about 6 months now and working out my route. Was going to go with a friend but he broke his leg riding, had to put his europe trip on hold, and can only take so many days off from work a year. He has to use the europe tickets in the next 6 months or so before they expire.

Nice saying, but it's not true.

Some bikes can't do much even with a good rider.
Some bikes perform the same as others but get uncomfortable fast, or aren't practical even for beer runs
Some bikes might not even be worth riding outside of a kart track that's 90% turns, or riding outside their "class"

>Some bikes might not even be worth riding outside of a kart track that's 90% turns, or riding outside their "class"

not seeing the problem that sounds like a blast.

>Nobike: the post

Thanks for proving my point, faggot.

It's a problem here because we're all so poor we can only afford one bike at a time plus a dirtbike

They look hideous, don't understand how people can like the design.

>doesn't know beauty is subjective
wew lad

Fuck off cuckboi i bet you want to suck my dick right now fagget

>autism the post

Looks way better than a ninja 250 or a cruiser senpai

dumb nigger faggot kys

>he thinks beauty is subjective
Should have studied the Classics m8.
>KTM fanboys on the rampage
So they're better than complete trash, uh? Good to know.

Ever looked at a bike and thought "goddamn, this looks like shit, there's a big crouched-over human shaped void in the contours"?

That's because they're designed to be ridden. If you put a rider on the bike all the ugly melts away and it's just a regular bike, only with a bigger tank and more "cradling" seat than it would have if it were a little more 'aesthetic' and car-like in appearance.

I don't and would never own a ktm because I think they're shit but just hating on the design is autistic.

post your bike

>KTM fanboys on the rampage
No, but not understanding why people have different opinions is autistic.


the bike is literally designed to be ridden

nekkid bike headlight assemblies do look like shit though

Kucktm a shit

reminder that honda a shit

>excuses: the post
Who said you can't have both?
>post your bike
Yeah, right, how about you post yours first? I'm not that retarded.
The design of the duke is horrid. It looks like an abort of a bike.
But I understand that just fine: they have shit taste.

I'm not the one shitting on other bikes. Post yours so we know what the god himself thinks a good bike is.

>inb4 sv650

Are you aware of the fact people don't just go and buy the bike they like the most, right?

Nobody buys a bike the hate though

Not usually.

I would buy (and have) a bike I find visually ugly though.

I'm not a fan of the 1290 visually at all but I'd consider it if I was after a sport naked and if it rode the best it would be what I bought.

Fuck off you fat mexican piece of shit

Unless they're retarded which wouldn't surprise me at this point.

people buy bikes they end up hating

do you think people really "outgrow" a ninja 250, even though it has a 0-60 time on par with entry level sportscars and handling that equals or exceeds bigger bikes?

i don't. i think they already outgrew the bike when they reached their adult height and didn't start noticing it until that one long trip where they spent a little more time planted firmly on the seat than usual.

When you start riding you might consider getting a bike you don't like because it's better than the others you can afford.

Of course, that's not what I said though you dumb nigger.

or because the internet told you it was a good bike to start on

My dad really doesn't like his 1200GSA, still he bought it.

You cant outgrow being a cuck

Sorry to break it to you user, your dad is retarded

Just look at your dad.

meant for

He wasnt born a retard tho, idiot. Go prep some bulls

Just get it all out user, let that pent up homosexuality fly out

Do it with me. And a one, and a two

"Cuck twink tyrone cuckboi fuccboi hipster beta numale bear sissy hipster faget cuck holy fuck i love dicks"