If you weren't required to wear a seat belt would you still wear one?

If you weren't required to wear a seat belt would you still wear one?

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Yes goddammit I'd rather not die

And I know like first response to this is going to be some variant of
>lol cuck
or some shitposting graphic about how NOT wearing seatbelts is somehow safer, because high octane contrarianism is what this place is fueled by

Yeah, it's not the 50s anymore, and the science behind them is solid. Why would I not?

>not installing a racing harness and roll cage
its like you dont even want to go fast.


its a stupid ass law just like helmet laws

lol cuck

yes because im not a god damn retard

i feel naked without a seatbelt on

give me an invite to your soon to be funeral so I can laugh at your mangle corpse.

Yes in speeds over 60kph, wouldn't bother in anything under

Squid detected

except I wear them since I dont want some bullshit ticket

everything is just a cash grab and your stupid for supporting it

Yeah me too



Seriously FUCK seatbelts, if you get in a crash where your gonna be ejected, your gonna die anyways

god damn you are dumb

I dont my tax dollars to go to some poor paramedic to scrape your brains off the god damn highway

good think our policy makers arent fucking retarded and just make up random crap like you just did, and instead defer to actual statistically sound data


Can we let these fucking retards kill themselves already? Natural selection n such?

Yes, because I'll fall the fuck out the seat if I take a sharp right without it. Or have to brace myself against the wheel and pedals under heavy braking.

>just like helmet laws
And here you confirm yourself as someone who's never fallen off a motorbike. Or ridden one.
My helmet has a scuff mark on one side where I fell off at 30MPH. Same with my jacket, boots, gloves, and trousers. I came out of the accident with a nasty bruise and a dislocated finger, due to safety gear. Without it? The scuff on the helmet would have been my head. I'd have lost that finger, maybe two more. Broken my arm for sure, maybe torn it off, along with my leg and foot.

Feels naked w/o a seat belt.

I dont give a fuck let them earn their pay

>And here you confirm yourself as someone who's never fallen off a motorbike. Or ridden one.

I got neck problems from wrecking them

I still dont give a fuck about helmet laws

it should be MY choice not the government to say what I can do with my body

its the same bullshit ass reason drugs are illegal

so they can fine your ass for money

I wear a seatbelt especially when i drive like a spastic because ive had them save my life a couple of times

Same here. I've always worn a seatbelt whenever I'm in a car so it would feel weird not wearing one.

The law is there to protect people too stupid to wear the appropriate safety gear on their own, ie you.

Hey! Uncle Cleetus is out of jail!

Even though helmet laws make more sense they're in less states than mandatory seat belt laws. I never understood it especially considering modern cars have so many airbags.

only in the backseat because you can't die back there

They saved my life in a rollover, so yes.

stupid law
not stupid people

enjoy getting fucked by the government you fucking drone

I enjoy living so yes, airbags on the other hand can go fuck right off

Die in a crash fucktard

Exactly how do you know that? I've been in rollovers without seatbelts and very much not dead. Also been in a rollover with 5 people in the car, only one wearing a seatbelt and she fractured her neck, everyone else got away with minor bruises and cuts

hope someone you know dies in a crash while wearing a seatbelt

maybe youll realize the bullshittery of it

From personal experience I can say they're very useful.
I would still wear one.

But I also think it shouldn't be law. Same with helmet laws, and you would be profoundly dumb not to wear one.
I dislike nanny laws. Especially ones where the only danger it to yourself.
It could be argued it's not just for yourself, but I have yet to see someone hurt someone else by breaking these laws.

Now with the seat belt, there should be a caveat, requiring people who can't quite think for themselves, such as children or the mentally handicapped, to wear them.
And on that note, all of Veeky Forums would be required to wear a seat belt (and possibly a helmet inside a car) at all times.


Yes cause I have been tboned and the seatbelts did indeed hold me in The seat.

Yes, because I understand simple fucking physics. There's a reason you've never heard a mathematician, physicist, or engineer argue against wearing the things.

I agree that helmet laws are fucking g stupid. If you wanna ride with no helmet you should be able to so if you wreck you die.

That said I always wear my helmet on my bike even when I go to the next state over that doesn't have helmet laws. I would rather not catch a rock straight to the face.

I don't wear it because I have to I often don't for in-town drives

Yeah, I'm not retarded.

Faceplanting the windscreen at 70mph doesn't seem particularly appealing.

I don't even feel comfortable not wearing one for even a moment.

Seatbelts are for fucking cucks,
Compulsory seat belt users and seat belt nannys are just cucks who never grew up.
The majority of my friends don't wear them, and none of my friends care if I'm wearing one.

idk, I, for one, still enjoy that whole, y'know, living thing

I'm glad you don't wear one desu.

I don't see why anyone would ever not wear a seatbelt. I really don't want to die because Stacy was texting instead of paying attention to the road in her Range Rover. Furthermore, it might just be indoctrination from childhood but I feel much more comfy in a car with the gentle pressure of a seatbelt on than without it. It's like being in bed with a comforter on instead of laying there awkwardly on top of the sheets.

Hey man. If you don't wanna wear one and I'm driving I don't give a shit. I have had one keep my from faceplanting into the windshield. I've also towed a few accident calls where the passage side had a head sized Crack coming out from the inside. So that person prolly lived but fuck if that didn't hurt alot.

Seatbelts and helmet laws are really just to generate revenue. The only person getting fucked by not using them is the person not using them.

With the way healthcare works in this country, I wouldnt be surprised if having seatbelt/helmet laws saves us all hundreds of dollars a year in insurance costs. Takes a lot of money to keep a vegetable alive in a hospital.

I died 10 years ago and am cursed to the hell of haunting Veeky Forums threads.
Damn seat belts

What about vegetables who would be dead if they weren't wearing set belts?

I'm not required to wear a seatbelt in my truck, and I don't
>Checkmate, atheists

I don't car if you wear a seatbelt unless you're seated in the rear seat and I'm in the front. Fuck if I'm being killed by your fat ass flying through the cabin in a crash.

That's only because it didn't come with any
>not embracing technological advances

It has them, but they're rolled up behind the seat

Did it originally come with them, or did certain models not have them

It was an option but they were added by the previous owner who never used them

Chuck 'em in the fucking bin.
Post pics.

Do you have "Do Not Revive" on your drivers license? If not, put on the fucking helmet.


>so they can fine your ass for money

It's to prevent you from doing things that may impact your ability to work and provide tax revenue.

If you're dead, you're not paying any taxes.
If you're on drugs, you probably have no/low paying job and aren't paying as much income tax, sales tax, property tax as you would if you were clean, and you're giving all that tax money to drug dealers. Can't have that..

get thrown out the windshield or get squished by a truck?
seatbelts are death traps.

to be honest, if there were no seatbelt or helmet laws i probably wouldn't wear them. Id try and use it but i know i could get away with it so why try


Yes, I would..

Though at times I think about just driving off a cliff. Probably wouldn't wear one of I did that.

>because high octane contrarianism is what this place is fueled by

Yeah, they're pretty useful unlike airbags.

You would literally have to script the collision yourself like a Hollywood director in order to make it out alive without a seatbelt. There is no such thing as "car magically launching you through the windshield and into a soft meadow in order to save your life".

Yes I would.


Yes, I don't see a drawback to wearing one.



I don't use one because my driving skills ars those of transporter tier only cuck shitty drivers who doubt their instincts wesr them


>If you weren't required to wear a seat belt would you still wear one?

>t. poor man in dire need of organs

This. Can't back down the driveway without it.

Airbags don't work without seatbelt.

You're seatbelt actually pulls you back before the airbag does in your face

Same senpai

>Can't back down the driveway without it.

This is actually legal to do in Ontario and I still can't do it without feeling like I'm gonna die

shouldn't you be off fucking fat girls you degenerate?