/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General

Pond Grabbers edition
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>Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.43.05

>Official forums:

>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.

>Have a question? Check the wiki first:

>Fireden archived threads:
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/Dwarf Fortress/

>Dwarf Therapist (Out of Date):

>DFHack (Out of date. Alpha version available, expect issues if you use it.):
Alpha: github.com/DFHack/dfhack/releases/tag/0.43.05-alpha1

>Starter Pack (Out of Date):

>More DF stuff:

>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: webchat.freenode.net #dwarffortress)

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!

Other urls found in this thread:


First for HonestAnon a cutie

Elves did nothing wrong.

>food shortage
>no fish supply
>winter, no fruit yet
>shit the bed with farming, only enough stuff for brewing
>got some animals but not enough, can only slaughter 5 or 6
>why not make some cheese
>I have managed, in my fortress of 150+, to have 0 Cheese Makers

Smash dat v p l.

It's not like because you don't have any cheese makers, you cannot make cheese.

I know, I made some suturer or something who was sitting on his ass do it, I was just annoyed because Cheese Makers are usually so abundant.

post shitty DF OC

only the absolute WORST. unsalvageable stuff.

kyaaaaaa >////

Question for you guys.

How do you manage your magma forges and whatnot? I usually build my fort relatively close to surface level for convenience purposes, re: trading, wood gathering, fishing, etc.

Do you just move the core of your fort down closer to the magma and abandon the surface altogether, or do some sort of split fort system with industry way down below near the magma and other shit closer to the surface? I've never really gotten a solution to this that I was comfortable with, and would like some input. I'd prefer not to do an 80 Z-Level tall pump stack because of FPS death.

I usually have obscenely vertical forts but pistons are an ez fix and minecarts are a hard one.

This is funny in an post-meta-neo-ironic way.

I sometimes make sub-areas like, have a few farmers and brewers and cooks, etc. with bedrooms and a dining area and food stockpiles and such down lower in the earth near the forges to sustain the operation without needing lengthy trips up and down.


>Like to quickly gen a number of worlds to fit my adventure preferences and because playing on shitty laptop that takes ages to do anything bigger than a smaller/pocket world with a thousand or two inhabitants
>Decide to try a small world with high civs and locations for once
>Rev it up and tab out
>Tab back in about 200 years later
>Mountain chain has almost entirely been replaced by mountainhomes and fortresses, Historical figures number nearly 15000 living and continues to steadily grow

I was not prepared.

more in the oven

That's not how gorlaks look.

Haven't played since 42.06.
What's been fixed?
What's been broken?

How do i see how much food i actually have? the food number has a question mark next to it which makes me nervous

Appoint a bookkeeper, give him an office and set his accuracy to the max. This is a must in every fort.

>tfw 120 dorfs
>nobody with the appraisal skill

RNG fucks me deep in the anus once again

Appraisal ain't got shit to do with bookkeeping. Anyone can keep book.

Appraisal is used by brokers to determine the value of goods, and for the most part, just sending a broker to the depot when a caravan is there is enough to have them learn the skill.

Thanks that worked. But sadly a weremonkey turned up and ive neglected the army

All my dwarves have >no relevant skill< next to them when I want to apoint a bookkeeper. Or broker maybe? I'll check on it when I get home.

means you got no dorfs with record keeping abilities. don't worry, they'll figure it out.

brokers have appraisal, judge of intent and social skills. joi is the one you want the most.

Bookkeeper uses the bookkeeping skill, but they'll learn it from doing the bookkeeping.

For how appraisal works, I gave a pretty good explanation in my last post. Don't worry about the skill, just pick someone. They'll learn when they go to the depot to trade.

Thanks for the info

>3 times a charm.

Any drawing requests? Beasts? Game descriptions of stuff?

Fun Fact: You can parry and block with enemy weapons if you grab them, even if the enemy is still holding them.

I haven't played since the big trees update

What's changed in fortress mode. Looked on the site and it seems like most of the changes were adv mode.

TJD vs Entrails

but I love "shitty" OC

it's got that charm to it that you can't ever get with a drawfag

Is df deader than usual? .05 was released in July, still no DT

How exactly should i be building my military As in what type of weapons should they have and what ratio? and is it best to have mixed squads or equip each squad member with the same weapon

Fuck you faggot. That's the best thing I ever made.

The cheesemaking skill does nothing. Any amount of skill is as good as a legendary one.

Maybe they're waiting for the magic and artifacts update to come out?


I'm not sure exactly sure what I did to cause it, but I'm at war with the elves and the dwarves. Does hostility ever die down or is it Us vs the World for all eternity?

Who or what are you?

Dwarves. I was testing my magma trap and I think it might have accidentally killed someone (though the only thing that shows up in the deceased tab is a human bard).

I also have like dwarven 60 merchants chilling in my fortress right now, they aren't leaving for whatever reason. I think one of them has been at the fort for a full year now. I also got an elven caravan just now. This is all a bit weird since the civilizations screen shows that I'm at war with everyone and I'm not getting any migrants.

Doesn't a higher skill in cheesemaking makes the dwarf make cheese faster, and more likely to make a higher quality cheese?

Reads as though it's Ser Gregor Clegane.

I don't know about the war, but are the merchants stuck because they can't path out of the depot?

Also, have you reached the population cap in your fort?


As I remembered it there was no difference in speed, though the wiki doesn't mention it.
Not really worth the time investment to find out though.

The new fruits/plants really made fort mode more comfy and fun. It's fun to harvest different fruit and make all sorts of alcohol from it.

Entirely possible. There was a dwarf discussed on B12 forums who was a bit over 140 000. A DWARF!

samefag here,
instead of feeling like/running an industrious militaristic society as i used to, i tend to make chill partially aboveground forts or have a lot of stuff going out outside like fruit harvesting and farming in combination with shallow (but still stone) layer fort activity. anyone else know this feel?

I wish it was possible to deliberately trample saplings or move them.

Stop playing humans.

Honestly it does feel like human village, or maybe hobbit since they mostly live underground. Like I want metals and stuff but like with the lack of goblins in this version it doesn't feel all that necessary. Of course there are still megabeasts even if you don't breach the caverns. But, wooden crossbows and bone bolts are also an option, lol.

Yeah the depot is accessible.

Actually I think I found the problem: quite a few of the horses and soldiers seem to be distracted. The first merchant group got attacked by a troglodyte, I assume they got stuck in that mode for whatever reason.

As for the pop cap, I had it set to a lower value in d_init at first but I raised it since the game was running smoother than expected. Each season I just get a "fortress has attracted no migrants" message, I assumed that was due to me being at war with the dwarves.

Anyway, I think I'll close down the depot room and give it a good magma scrubbing to get rid of the excess merchants. Maybe I'll use human visitors as labour if no new migrants show up.

Being at war with your own civ doesn't cause a loyalty cascade now?

How do you kill and loot from goblins/zombies/whatever in your cages?

They have to be outside of the cage unless you like drown them. So either assign them to a chain or a pit. Then kill them. But you can loot them without killing them while they're caged if you claim all their worn items either by the claim cursor, or by the stocks screen. Assuming you have free stockpile space your dwarves will run up and forcibly strip them, dozens of dirty hands pulling their clothes off from between the cage bars. You can also use garbage dump/a garbage zone on their items but you still need to claim them as well, at least I think.

That's a nice tileset, what's the name user?

But I know that user

b O
Removes saplings anywhere except muddied stone.

You can't be at war with your own civ.

actually cool 9dots

Honestly, no idea. I don't even know how this war started or if it is a war in the first place. But apart from the merchants being stuck and a lack of migrants everything seems normal.

Taffer with diagonal solid walls.

my only request would be that they had more uses or felt more different
One use for this would be different foods having diferent nutrition, stuff like that

Paved road, right?
Don't you have to build it though?


before 2017
I can believe

probably somewhere in january. we might get a 2016 release, but even then, the release arc will likely carry on into february, at least

I'm on it. Will take a day or two.

No, dirt road. It'll just turn the ground into furrowed soil and remove any vegetation. And yes, someone will have to come along and build it, but it doesn't take any material.


The appointed chief medical dwarf will still tend to patients, correct?


If his health-related jobs are enabled, yes.
Although, I guess he's more of a health-related manager

It's true senpai, you're a cute.

Go grab the pack from the thread, Taffer has a fuckton of cool little tilesets and the pixel-perfect insanity that it takes to please the worst kind of autists.


begnoe page 10

That's Steve from down the road, nice guy, always getting confused for Jesus.


I'm not the messiah I'm not!!! leave me alone!!

>Not really worth the time investment to find out though.
What investment? As long as you're making cheese in your fortress just do things normally and check on your cheesemaker(s) every year or so. When one of them has a high skill, enable cheesemaking on a random dwarf, queue up a bunch of cheesemaking jobs in two workshops, one with a profile set to only allow the skilled dwarf and the other set to only allow the unskilled dwarf, and see if the skilled one finishes faster.

>wooden crossbows and bone bolts are also an option, lol.
Lol indeed. I tried having a hunter use bone bolts recently and he pumped three quivers worth of them into the same kangaroo before the poor thing hobbled off the map. Back in 40d it was a relatively viable strategy, but not anymore.

It might just be that since the dwarven merchants are stuck, they can't go tell the potential dwarven migrants how nice a place you've got.

it's not disgusting! it's flavorful!

Child went berserk and before militia could arrive, the citizens got their hands on her gouging her eyes and snaping bones ...

Fucking brutal.

Big trees update? 0.40.01?

Taverns, temples, libraries are in fort mode too, which is kind of a big deal. Dwarves have significantly changed emotions now, though it's not a huge big deal. There's wear and tear on armor and weapons now. Zombies got nerfed. You can specify images when making statues etc. The manager allows a lot of automation if you can figure out the interface. Dwarves can pick fruit.
I think there's some other stuff, but I can't remember at the moment.

That map is ridiculous. You could do exactly the same thing with Europe instead of Africa and it'd be just as accurate. Or with Asia instead and it'd be slightly more accurate.

I'm still new to the game, I don't know how churches and worshiping work, but I am sure not building an altar to this kind of deity, no sir.

Update :
She got strangled by a builder who then promptly fucked off to seek her infant that she lost while beating the shit out of a 5 yo child ...

Those dorfs dont fuck around ..


Well apparently Sodel dueled with a fucking dragon earlier in her life ...

That is one bad ass mother right there.

i'm trying to encrust my masterwork steel armor with gems, but every time i try, the gem setter grabs something else. is it possible, or am i missing something?

Can't encrust armor with gems.

create custom stockpiles for your armor via quality/metal type, one for your masterwork steel shit, another for the rest. forbid everything in the non-steel pile.

Just make a meeting zone somewhere and assign it to a temple dedicated to no particular deity.

I don't remember whether encrusting armor is possible (weapons aren't, but ammo is for some strange reason) but if it is, linked stockpiles are your friend. Just make sure to remember how you set them up and/or dismantle them right afterwards so that you don't start wondering why your jeweler's shop won't do anything later on.

that's what I was afraid of :(

tried that already. good advice for any new player tho

Are there any "essential" mods I should be getting?

not really
Its a personal decision anyway

LNP for Tileset support, Therapist and DF hack for that quicksave option.

You can stud with metal or decorate with bone, though.

the rapist is the only one I would consider anything close to "essential", but imo it's more worth to just play the 64bit latest version.

DF hack can be used instead of therapist with the Manipulator module.
Just get that and pick a tileset you like on Bay12, the installation is pretty easy.

I just drowned the entire dwarven caravan from my parent civ ... Will there be any penalty or repercussion for that ?

>DF hack can be used instead of therapist with the Manipulator module.
Maybe but its easier just to use Therapist..

>killing your fellow dwarves


*B I S M U T H B R O N a E S P E A R*

Therapist is a lot more polished, but I like that you don't have to keep another window open. Plus, since you're probably getting DF hack anyway, you don't need to wait for Therapist to update as well.

So I forgot that the sabertooths I made (giant lion sized, big canine teeth, grasping back teeth so I can carry stuff/choke prey) to screw around with and then added as semi-megabeasts were still in when I made a new world, but since they were based on the giant lion I left in certain things like the wild population part...

They're surprisingly fast.