/svg/ Shadowverse General

I love Olivia Edition

Shadowverse is a class-based collectible card game akin to Hearthstone /hsg/.
The next expansion, Rise of Bahamut, will be released on December 29th.

Official reveal site:

Compilation of all cards revealed, including leaks:

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database/Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Get your cheat sheets here: imgur.com/a/Dpbmh

Some user made an all-in-one Steam undub and uncensor for the lazy or mentally handicapped. Open wide and enjoy responsibly:

Decryption key: !tsu910nR6lT_xTQAx9QUNI_96DLJ0mvgIwwThp5lPS4

Artwork of all the cards, ripped from the game:

A growing collection of animated golds/legendaries:

Come here if you want to search for card artworks:

Search by artists:

You can listen and download both EN/JP voices for cards at this place:

Get your iDOLM@STER Emblems and Sleeves with this guide:


Other urls found in this thread:


why she tries to commit sepuku?

Reminder to remove elf


>mfw i still havent gotten oliva yet

Stop giving me odin FUCK

I want to be that sword.



Discard dragon will dominate the world!

Is this the official art?

Reminder that almost all the cards are now up on the website with a few new ones: shadowverse.com/cardpack/riseofbahamut/

Havencraft's premade deck revealed with Jeanne D'Arc having the alternate artwork. See the decklist here



Post moar.

Ara Ara


>jeanne and not moon bunny
Fuck that shit.

>mfw i thought it gave 2 alternative alt for both legendary
>its only one

Fucking jews

Or refer to this list.

Premade decks will cost 750 crystals each (500 cyrstals first purchase). Each craft will have a premade deck and each can can be bought up to 3 times to get 3 copies of the alt art legendary.

Buying 3 copies of a craft's deck will cost 2000 crystals (~$40)
Buying 1 copy of each craft's deck will cost 5000 crystals ($80)
Buying 3 copies for all craft's decks will cost 15,500 crystals (~$250)

Assuming we don't have a premade Neutral deck with an alt neutral leggo.

concede please


3 face dmg on turn 8


I need a concede please!

and kills any minion it hits
thank you

What was it?
Pls repost

And a removal with body that stays and needs to be removed asap.
He's a good card.

So, what is the Elana of RoB?
Is it still Elana?

Evolved alt Jeanne

Nude edit of charon.


Should have used the evil version from the anime

The Haven deck does confirm that the decks won't necessarily include DE legends and iconic cards will be prioritized over good ones for art.

No idea what that means for sword but it'll be easy to work out other cards with this.

dumb frogposter

They'll sell alt version later.

what the fuck was the deleted post, got here too late

Thanks Vampire-loli chan

>back off creep
Block my way and I'll slap you down

Anyone have a control Shadow list?

Alt Art Ancient Elf

She'll probably be her own card down the line. Wonder if she'd be Haven or Shadow though.

Now this is a hag.

>Beast Dominator for Vampire

At least it'll be more official fap fodder. It probably means Aurelia for Royal too.

>play card
>as long as he doesn't have that exact card, I can't be punished
>he has exactly that card
Every time.

>implying not Queen Vampire

>tfw you want Tsubaki alt art but you know it sure will be Otomeme or Aurelia.

Evolved Alt Art Ancient Elf

New cards are out on the website


Neutralcraft will be tier 1

Sky Castle memes on 29th, lads

They are doing it wrong desu.
They should make alt art for the most popular cards, doesn't matter if they are legendary or not.
Ancient Elf is understandable but who the fuck plays Jeanne.
Also for blood they should put in an alt Vampy, but they are going to ignore it and probably do something stupid like Soul Dealer/Beast Dominator alt art.

Already posted it

Its amazing how this card goes from good looking to ugly after evolving.

Why cant it just get lewder like every other card?

I'm expecting Beast too, but I think Otohime will get the art slot for sword.

but which craft plays Neutralcraft the best

lol forest is getting storm eagles now too

>Sahaquiel into Lucius
>Have him kill Otomeme
>then play him next turn to wipe the board

Gonna craft this and Dirtrune for maximum fun

Dragon I guess because you can ramp.

Jeanne is extremely popular in RoB and GBF, that's why she got the art. Beast Dominator not as much as Vampy but enough to justify it.









but Lucius only does 2 damage to them

Christmas Arisa

I mean popular in Shadowverse.
Why would you buy a card that never sees play. You won't even be able to show it off which is the main reason why people would buy it.

Am I the only one who doesn't really like the alt art? I mean it isn't really any better than the original, just different, so I guess it'll be for collectors or people desperate for the leggos.

thicc elf

Doesn't trigger fanfare.

Moon and Seraph are the most viable Haven legendaries.
But Jeanne is one of the most popular characters. Most people who'll buy the pack for the alt is in it for the Jeanne waifu collectible

For this reason, Shadow is practically guaranteed to have alt Cerberus

Why are you so upset that alt art exists? Why do you need the approval of strangers from the internet?

Alt art is typically aimed at collectors in card games and the CyGames spillover in Japan is more significant than the people playing over here.

I like the Elf but hate the Jeanne. Don't like it enough to buy it when I already have 3, but I would buy 3x alt Seraph immediately

at least Cerb is good

its super possible ive done it

I'm not upset though, just saying I'm not excited for it. Maybe I worded it wrongly but I meant no spite. Don't get so worked up so easily.

Sahaquiel doesn't trigger Fanfares
and Bodyguards are 1pp, so Lucius can kill him on his own.

Could I get a concede? Stick around if you need one too.

Read his post again.

I just opened an animated Pluto, what are the chances that this card will ever see any use?

I compared it to my Odin and even her vanilla stats are worse fuck, I really wanted to put this card in a deck she's so pretty ;_;

>think to myself "I guess I win unless he happened to draft olivia and topdecks it"
>he topdecks olivia
What the fuck?

>Am I the only one bla bla bla


You need to take account whether there's actually any alternate art to reuse in the first place when speculating about them.

Not only is she a dead card, she's even dead now that she's practically replaced by Shadow's new gold card.

Just keep her around. Never liquefy animated cards. Especially leggos.

>all of your class's cards have been revealed
>nothing good enough to get them to T1, let alone enough to keep them T2 in the meta.
T-thanks cygames.

Thanks Vampy!

>Never liquefy animated cards. Especially leggos.



Otohime. Merlin. Forte. Cerberus. Beast Dominator.

Shame all the iconic men legends are neutrals.

>enemy sword cuck makes a game out of trading with every single one of my bats
>still loses

>play dirtrune
>it's t3
>the new 2pp will be a real help for not bricking your hand but it'll probably still be stuck in t3
Stop complaining at least you're in t2.

>she's even dead now that she's practically replaced by Shadow's new gold card.
She's not though, shadow's new card is a different niche since it's limited by maximum hp.
It wont save you from any of the big guys like fafnir which is what pluto supposed to solve.

The amount of dust you get isn't worth how rare they are desu

>Literal bitch
I'll stick to my Deathly Atomemes, thanks.


>Not thinking of the long term when you quit playing Shadowverse and decide to sell your account full of animated collectibles for big profits.

I think the elf art is entirely new.

But yeah, Jeanne makes it likely that the other art will be reused. Surprised they didn't go with Rose Queen thinking of it.

Yeah, its real fun going first and having to fight through 6 fucking EP.

Feels pretty nice when you still win though.

Albert would actually be a good choice for alt art but I highly doubt they'd be willing to put a brand new card into a premade deck.


why do they give sword a better andras for one pp less?

What's the point of animated card you will never use?

dumb Dork, this is discard Rowen time, HEAR THE DRAGON'S ROAR

or ramp satan memes