PlayStation 4 General #395 - /ps4g/ /ps4gen/ /momgen/

Old Thread: Soft legal butts Edition


>Injustice 2 ‘Supergirl’ gameplay walkthrough

>Super Robot Wars V launches in English on February 23 in Asia

>Hikaru Utada working on Kingdom Hearts III music

>The King of Fighters XIV version 1.10 update launches January 11

>Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 screenshots introduce 0.2 systems and new Dream Drop Distance features

>Eight minutes of Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune gameplay

>YU-NO remake event CG screenshots

>Musou Stars details Opoona, Marie Rose, Honoka, Rio, and Zhou Cang

>Valkyria Revolution ‘The Four Commanders’ character trailer

>NieR: Automata live stream set for December 27



>PS+ Current Offerings

>PS Store Updates

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ps4g doesn't deserve a butt that good

Nice ass OP

Alright, which one(s) senpaitachi? Remember, I'm yuropoor so I wanna stay in the 20-30€ range

Yeah but my Pro only cost half the price of the GPU alone of the PC that could run the game at those specs (assuming it's not going to be a hamstrung port).

Post a cute Playstation girl or PS4 will never get exclusives again

First for trophies, meme magic and Haikyuu, Isaya killed my OTP Edition

Good night ps4gen sleep tight

Get Valkyria Chronicles and Darkest Dungeon.

Can I cross dress in any PS4 games?


I vote top and bottom


Buy my game, or else!

I bought Uncharted 4 from the PSN store because it had a discount

It took the money out of my wallet but I can't download the game anywhere and the store page for Uncharted now says ''Not available at this moment''

Any ideas

How is Nights of Azure anyway?
It keeps dropping and dropping on amazon and with 2 day shipping i'm considering picking it up.
But I don't really know anything about it.

Go to your library on the far right of the home screen, go to the "Purchased" tab, and see if you can download UC4 from there.

It's coming to PC in feburary. Pirate it.

Fuck off, PVZ is a shit game.

okay then

Check library tab and see if it's there

Or the website and go to your download list. If UC4 is there you can make it download instantly by clicking the button

I personally enjoy it but it's not for everyone. The combat is simple and the challenge is more in finding and upgrading the "servans" (basically your combat buddies) and using their abilities at the right time. The story is odd by normal standards but pretty typical for a JRPG, it makes more sense the more you play though. No English dub. Also lots of fanservice.

Basically it feels more like a PS3 JRPG that was forgotten but still has redeeming qualities. If you like that then you'll enjoy it.

I'll buy it when it's $15 or less. First game was fun

looks like has some purest form of love innuendos

Thanks family

It's $20 on PSN and $15 on origin


I like the artstyle. In recent years animu games on consoles started to look really good imho

It's pretty blatant

Looking forward to the automata nude mods when the pc version comes out.

Not the most detailed game but definitely a nice art style and the music is great.

Is Watch Dogs 2 any good?

eh, it's not bad or anything, but I don't think the color palette works and I feel like animu games work better with celshading

speaking of which, has anyone here watched the movie The Handmaiden? I normally don't shill movies, but this one really makes me do it. I cried at the end of the movie because of joy.
>tfw you will never experience love this pure and unadultered

No thanks

worth playing for arnice being a carefully constructed fetish machine

>haven't played a game since summer because of school
>looking at the sales realized how many game releases I've missed
>read that they were all shit anyway
>didn't even know ps4 pro released
Well fuck. At least I haven't missed Persona 5 and Nier.

Wanna be my gf?

I may be drunk, /ps4g/, but I know for sure that I love all of you. Merry Christmas.

No thank you, I'm a pretty hairy and muscular guy so I don't think I can be your gf. However if you happen to be a girl that's some sort of White/asian mix you can be my gf.

Look at the last posts of the previous thread

y-you too.

I can bet I'm more muscular than you and I'm pretty hairy, since you're smaller and less hairy you can still tehnically be my gf


Well you might be right but I'll still have to decline on the grounds that I'm not gay. And even if I happened to have homosexual tendencies (which I don't) I would only fuck smooth skin twink boys. Sorry

How rude.

*********MUST READ*********
*********MUST READ*********

How about the two of us just spitroast yna

I'm gonna buy it day 1 to play on my PS4 Pro

Done and done

but the robot lady has a nice butt and thick thighs



I like your style user

Retard Taro is porting it for cucks

But I can play it and spoil it for the people who are going to buy it on PC.

>buy on pc


So we're all in agreement to boycott Automata? Seriously fuck those cucks

Stop posting.

Good idea. JP release is earlier.

Pretty much
The only people planning on buying it are dumb PCuck sympathizers






What games release around automata's launch anyway?

it's a good time for butts


Don't get nights of azure, overpriced shit soon to be ported to pc, fuck gust and pirate them

Your mother is samefag



Played like 2 hours of dragon quest builders and I'm enjoying it so far. I get the feeling it's gonna be good but not great. Like, the combat feels a bit weird, menus are a bit annoying. But I'm still having a lot of fun, already enjoying it a shitload more than minecraft, so that's something.

Maybe it will be a lot better in a few hours, who knows, I feel like I haven't seen anything yet. Still kinda feels like I'm playing the tutorial.

M-muh being a cuck!!!

Hello, Reddit

Hello pcuck

If anyone is from Reddit here then it's you.

Reddit pls

Screw you cuckold

Epic win, upvoted


>Your purchase may not be complete

>not using 2booty's ass
op pls.

Hey /ps4g/, I got a $50 amazon card and I wanted to spend it on a multiplayer game, but don't know which.

I'm not getting Overwatch because of reasons, so anything else is fair game

What do you rec?

Titanfall 2 is $29.99 on PSN.

Heard there's like 15k people playing on the ps4 though

That's like the same population of mw3 on ps3 right now

Are you sure it's a good option?

Yes, I've bought it for that price on Black Friday and I've been having fun with it since.

>you will never stick your dick between those

No issues in finding matches at any given time?

I can get matches fairly quick outside of Angel City 24/7.

I am no good at all at these faster paced FPS games. Did somewhat okay with UT2003/4 way back when, but I just can't seem to keep up with things anymore.

I'm not struggling to find matches, but I'm getting lag in them. idk how to check but I am guessing I'm not playing on any local servers since my local ones are probably dead.

Get titanfall and diablo 3 - there will be seasons on consoles soon

Yo wake up or smug homu here will do something unpleasant.

Is atelier sophie a good pickup if i havent played an atelier since ps2? Should i wait for gusts year later enhanced edition before i bother?

The later enhanced edition comes out in february on PC.


Guess ill wait on that. I want to buy something on the flash sale but i also dont want to spend money


Jak 2 is shit IMO but perfectly understandable to get it to complete the trilogy