/wfg/ - Warframe General

Previous >Read the pastebins before asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/14PT5m4.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: gist.github.com/JustEndMyLife/8d7d68d5ebdffe5995a53c42edf43663

CURRENT UPDATE: The Glast Gambit
> forums.warframe.com/topic/738152-the-glast-gambit-update-195/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/723544-the-war-within-1907-valkyr-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


I have claimed the beginning.


First for Nidus is going to get nerfed and we're in a cycle where shit like this happens over and over again and nobody's the wiser because while the community is large nobody really fucking cares about anything but money

Fuck the youtubers, the community and the devs.

as long as i can grind to be able to be T H I C C im all for it

What frame looks the closest to Anubis or Jehuty?

youre too pessimistic, have this picture

Ay, I ain't actually have no job and subsist on them relay gibmedats.

Might as well put it here too.

/wfg/ I'm putting out a 2k+ plat bounty on a Tigris Riven with +Punch Through and +Status Chance. Status chance must be at least +53.34%. The only negatives I'll accept are -Zoom, -Ammo Maximum, or -Flight Speed. I'll also entertain +Damage or +Multishot instead of Punch Through but that Status Chance is a must. If you can point me to someone that has this mod and it results in successful trade then I'll pay a finder's fee of 200 plat.

IGN: Mormodes

Also I don't even know if you can reach that much status with a faint disposition but might as well see.

Nidus is a nigger

How dare you ask for shit when I said it is over.
Holy fuck, greedy ass people.
Reconsider your life.

What's with blacks and weebs? Blade, Afro Samurai, Bones, you name it

Name a better Mesa build. Go on, I'm waiting.


he is an evangelion fag afterall

Literally fucking Inaros?


Never watched it

What's a good melee to bring on Atlas and what mods should I have on it? I want to punch things really hard.


I was just skimming through the thread after grinding for hours and relying to random posts, sorry.

looks like edgy batman to me



From last thread, why is >growing power
a meme? Would WoF not cause near 100% uptime?

I named my mesa build henry.

venka prime

Holy fuck I'm retarded.

How did I miss that on the wiki page. I'm using a Simulor anyway so it doesn't really matter, but holy fucking shit this is a new level of autism.

Enjoy Grineer Pride if you're into that.

I thought I was supposed to use something with really high impact damage?

Volt got some strong Jehuty going on

can almost pass as an orbital frame with this head goy

yeah, grineer's my favorite faction so I really appreciate it man.

then mod it for impact if you want. it's not like you're actually going to attack things with the venka, it's just a stat stick.

I'm not going to get shit for most of these am I.
I'll never get those extra slots ;_;

Does the added combo multiplier apply to the Atlas punches too?

also this one's pretty blatant copy off of unmanned frames

I haven't used the trading sites in long enough that I don't know which are outdated as shit, can I actually feasibly get 250 plat for a Mag Prime Set or is this page lying to me



Fluctus or grattler goes through, and I think powers do as well

>new and shitty
>too much spaghett to public queue, friends dragging their feet on playing this
How long is it possible to solo or will I hit a wall fast?

So my job as trin is what? Keep energy up?


no one cares that you fuck up in pub games. most of them won't even remember you once they extract.

Infinite heals and energy are what I do.

Quick question about Zenurik, can I unlock Energy Overflow without unlocking/maximizing the Void Pulse?

>rifle amp


no. you start with it unlocked, though. You don't have to fill any of the pips.

you are a special kind of stupid arent you?

My main was Naramon and thanks for the reply.

Found a chill guy on Akkad. I hope all games on Akkad are like this.

Not them but does ping and shit matter much in pubs? I'm an ausfag with a shitty computer.

Just take a Bo Prime or Ankyros Prime with Primed Heavy Impact on it and the rest of the build centred around crit or status set up the way you would have before Acolyte mods were available.

>Would WoF not cause near 100% uptime?

It would, but at the same time you'd need to trigger it before casting WoF to get the benefit applied to WoF. Channeled abilities only check at the start of the power for modifiers like Energy Conversion and Growing Power, not per tick.

The better candidate here would be Saryn or Reckoning spam Broberon.

>why is it a meme

Because of enemy scaling. It will beat the damage boost for low-level content provided by Corrosive Projection but high-level content against armoured enemies will outstrip that.

And for low-level content you're probably one-shotting shit any way so it's overkill any way and arguably not as good for power spamming as Energy Siphon regardless.

It's not bad against Infested but high-level Corpus missions are *crawling* with Nullifiers so you may or may not get much value from it there.

kinda. they'll really, really hate you if you're the one hosting. generally anything less than 300 ms is playable but i set it at 150 anyway because there's BRs that still get through with their fluctuating speeds if i set it too high. there's a fucking south american region you fucks, stop going to NA.

What's your favourite weapon?

What, we can't enjoy things?

marelok and nikana + their variants, but I can't actually make myself use the nikana since the telos boltace is a thing

Primary: Zarr
Secondary: Vaykor Marelok
Melee: Nikana Prime/Venka Prime

Whiteys keeping brothers down like always.

>dont have enough potato for everything
>most weapons feel gimped without them
>dont use them
>bored using same weapons over and over

How do you deal with this?

Panthera, Lato and Machete Wraith

Should I even bother worrying about my roar's stats as rhino or should I just prioritize maximizing stomp range?

Anyone happen to have a decent and or shit Hema riven they'd wanna trade for a shitty soma/simulor one?

farm shit to sell for plat to buy potatoes
buying taters from the market is acceptable

Rotate through weapons and frames every time I come on so they don't get easily stale.
That's what I do.
Today I felt like Valkyr P.

Getting on in an hour(1) or three(3) who gives a fuck
Got five(5) potatoes with (You)r name on it. Post IGN and specify which potato
and DawnMachine I wasn't sure if you were serious or not but I'll send that catalyst anyway

use different frames then. if you have more than 10% on your most used frame, then you'll likely just burn out faster.


you upset friend?

you're allowed to have multiple builds



blue tator please

Reactor please


gold potato please


there are multiple builds for each of Rhino's skills

pls respond
Willing to get jewed to get some plat.


Isn't Growing Power just bad in general on most/all builds?

I'm sure I sent you one last time, who gives a fuck

and that's that, expect it in probably just over an hour

It's the caster's Steel Charge so yes.

Who's actually more useful at higher level stuff, Wukong or Nezha?

>Steel Charge alert is nearly the last node to unlock
maybe next time.

I just joined, what do i do?


Give up.

Wait, that's on now? Fuck I'm literally in bed ;_;

Play and dont worry about min/max until later.

play game


I can do it, and if you give ign, I can pm you or one day if you announce yourself I will get to you then I'll trade it to ya.

a very ez resource exists for this kind of question


Well Wukong can afk during the orbital bombardment in level150 Kela and still be alive
there is also a niche use for his cloud and bleed/gas weapons

Nezha can ( or used too , not sure if fixed) be used to sleek Equinox clone augment and make it so they dont die when the time runs out
also gives status immunity that is cool vs Vayhek magnetic lasor

Buy plat

>fashion frame's ruined because DE decided to be edgy and put a purple mark on your shit

Oy vey

you could get a little bit more duration for the same drain and efficiency running 1 from the top fleeting and maxed streamline

Which should have the honor of being bestowed with a potato?

Thanks for the offer man. But it's a 10p MOD at the end of the day, I wont lose sleep over it.

>Wukong can afk during the orbital bombardment in level150 Kela and still be alive
post build plz

