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2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/
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Installation: wiki.anime-sharing.com/hgames/index.php/VH/Setup
FAQ: pastebin.com/ZtDHt64k

Updated ghostbin:

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MPSM seemed a bit meh to me. Lots of dungeons that were thankfully not too long, not a lot of scenes.

But after the first playthrough, it looks like I'm less than a quarter through in terms of porn, so maybe it picks up on later routes. The cucking was pretty lame, the only scene that interested me was the one where you marry your brother and wind up fucking the other prince in your marital bed after the credits. Maybe the bandit route will be a bit more interesting than all that curse junk, it didn't do much for me.


An updated version with better game support (properly extracts games with thousands of files inside RPG Maker archives, Gears Freak for example).

what rpgmaker game was it that has 3 girls that can choose classes and the higher the rank of their class the less clothes they had?

Same here, dropped it for those reasons.


that was it. thanks.


>/hgg2d/ Game Archive
>Updated ghostbin:
Why would you put two of them?
Just replace it.

And is this one legit?
It might be better to change it next OP, if it's really legit.

>And is this one → legit?
How about you check it yourself then? I've given a test subject for example. Don't forget to check it with virustotal while you're at it btw.

I guess I'll ask again.
In RJ136535 Justice Company, I can't seem to get that last scene no matter what I do.

After searching the archive, it seems like this user posted a fix, but the link is dead.
Anyone have the fix, or maybe a clue on how to unlock that scene?

good exhibition games?
i just played exposure playing game 1 & 2 and pettanko park 1 & 2

It's legit.
I guess zippyshare kinda discourages people from downloading, but it's only 90KB.

Updates it next OP, etc.

What's wrong with zippyshare?
A popunder which appears only for those who don't block popups? At least it works for everyone unlike mega with its stupid traffic limits.

Naked Order and its sequel? Former is TL'd

Is there a download out there for dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ184315.html ?

Anyone got this yet?


Yeah, I'm a time traveller. It's good.

>updated late november
>all links ded already

Does someone have a torrent for this?
Already checked nyaa, there's only the old 1.03 version, need 1.06.

anyone got a link to RJ146843?

It's on nyaa

Yeah, but it's ultra slow

ded thred

I tried the demo. It's not really worth playing unless you're super into NTR, it's only really the first scene, and even then it's only half of it. The artwork is fantastic though, the cum after the blowjob scene was really impressive.

I wish it was going to be a longer game. From what I've seen of it, it feels like it's going to be short but sweet. Something like this but with a greater variety in routes or methods to pimp out your wife would be a solid GOTY. Maybe it'll sell well and Monoeye will put out a spiritual sequel.

>the cuck husband has to clean up the mess after each scene

Truly a masterpice.
Also is there any way to suppress the gold popup spam for machine translation?

can someone link me Legend of Queen Opala 2- Golden Edition- ? all the links are dead any i cant seem to find a (working) torrent.

Is it some sort of sexual arousal for being ousted as an inferior male?

>he's STILL not past the self-insert phase

Go to the /aco/ games thread and read their pastebin

ntr is trash

Why would you aroused by seeing someone irrelevant treated as an inferior male?


Reminder that it's only acceptable to respond to an NTRfag if the thread is on page 10, and even then, only to ridicule him.

The anti-NTR troll brigade is out in full force I see.

I don't even self insert but watching someone in that kind of relationship is depressing

>hurr look at this NTRFAG!!

>some tentacle monster nonsense or some women (?) with penises thick as a leg now thats the stuff

NTR fags are just a loud outspoken minority that everyone looks down at.

look at me mom I like ntr! woohoo!

>some tentacle monster nonsense
That reminds me.
Anyone have translation patch for Bitch Tamashi Rio 3 (RJ150007)?
ULMF say that someone already finished tl-ing it, but they can't post it because private stuff or something.

Some people enjoy others suffer, is this your first day here?

>Anyone have translation patch for Bitch Tamashi Rio 3 (RJ150007)?
Yes, in russian.

How politically correct of you to call a cuck an NTRfag. What's next, consider it human?

It's my 2367th first day here.

No, but i'm still trying to understand the appeal. There's so many games now with NTR and I feel like i'm kinda missing out because I really can't get into it.

The appeal is humiliation.
Just about the same like seeing a proud knight lady become the slum meat toilet.

I like from the chick's point of view more then anything.
NTR feeds my corruption fetish

Is there one in english?

Cheating seems to fit your palate more since it doesn't have useless male hogging the screen time.

No clue. I just downloaded the whole series off of pornolab and it was in russian.

If this circle would make one big games instead of these 5 100MB ones that would be great.

With NTRfags you're actually hurting them when you treat them like people.

So where can i find an english minako download? nyaa torrent is broken

Right here on the pastebins up there my senpai.

Anyone have a link for RJ146843?
Torrent is dead and so are any other links Ive come across.

I downloaded the 1.10 torrent from nyaa just fine after your last post.

Oh ye, that one has seeds. The other is dead. Thanks




Devil Ray Mry?

>can't enter a site

What are the best /ss/, ntr and best of all, /ss/ ntr games?

Why are so many circles shifting to this shit?


Did this game get an english translation?

never ever user.

Where's the problem?

Must be Windows 10 users.
Anyway, lucky me.

Why VX ACE instead of MV?

Grandpas who can't go with the times

Are tools out for MV for decryption/translation?

Why should a developer care about that?

And tools do exist.

You can edit the jsons directly in order to translate. There's also a decrypter avaiable and a text hook.

RJ180002 is the best NTR /ss/ game. (and i've played them all)

Give me a good game with exploration based h-events.

most NTR games where you have to find the NTR scene by exploring the map and finding the girl cheating.


This one has a lot of dynamic h-events that you have to explore to find at just the right times.

>male protagonist
Thanks, but no thanks.

MV has memory issues. The worst I've played was Blood Rush. It would lag badly often in addition to crashing every 30-40 minutes or so. Other MV games I've played haven't been quite that bad, but I still have issues. Can really make it hard to enjoy the game.

I'm interested in this too.

That sounds like a huge turn-off.
Why would anyone play that kind of garbage?

>Why would anyone play that kind of garbage?
Cucks will play anything that caters to their tastes.

I was expecting a slow corruption/NTR thing, like Ane Kasegi(which in my opnion nailed that down pretty well) but it seems like it is just straight whoring her out from the first scene.

From what I got, their inn is in trouble or whatever, and the red haired guy suggests whoring the wife, which the husband considers and tells the wife later, she seems to get mad at first, but before that same scene ends she already agrees to it, so meh

Once it comes out I will play it, but it could be better.

When they aren't too hidden away, it's really great to stumble into a peeping scene. The problem is when you have to go explore the town for weeks to find them, which that game does.

The PC used in that screenshot is a Core i5 with 8GB RAM
20% CPU used for 32x32 mapchip, 18% CPU for light source plugin

Memory tests on circle's blog

Did anything got translated after Rune´s Pharmacy?

You think MV is the only tool shitty developers can use to make their games run like shit?

Is there any chance that the full game will be different or these samples are usually literally parts of the main game?

Not as far as I know.

M1zuki is still working on Amor Magic Academy. Main story translation has been complete for a while, but 90% of the game is postgame.

And someone on ulmf started a full translation of the new Black Panda game. Rough estimate for the translation is a month.

I really hope this game gets more scenes with updates.
But considering he updated lolique2 several times with massive content updates, it probably will be.

It's not really all that different from XP-VX Ace, which could also slowdown on potent CPUs and were also single-threaded.

Usually though there's only some part of their code which sucks and all Devs have to do is avoid it like the plague and their game will be light. Considering I've played some MV games which ran really well, I think most devs just don't know what to avoid yet.

For XP-VX Ace, for instance, it was about the amount of events on a map. Since most devs don't really care about this until it's too late, they'd just make maps of the whole town at the same time and stick hundreds and hundreds of events everywhere and then even modern CPUs would slow down while playing their game.

>And someone on ulmf started a full translation of the new Black Panda game. Rough estimate for the translation is a month.

That sounds like it's gonna be machine translated

>Amor Magic Academy

I wish m1zuki would finish that already, the art looks like shit so I really don't care about it, please move on to work on something better.

I am not sure, most demos/samples I played were the beginning of the game, up to like the first scene or first two scenes, and this one also looked like it was the beginning of the game unfortunately

You sound like an entitled asshole.

>Black Panda game
In that game what do you have to do after the bridge is fixed? Is it just waiting and corrupting her more until day 30 or is there something else?

He's right though.

>I want to work on a long game
>Should I do something like Vampire Sister or Nanaha?
>No Ill do a game that is literal garbage

Not really, he still has the right to decide how long it will take him to translate and what to translate. Beside there is not any guaranty he will translate something else afterwords.

If someone actually speaks the language, these games would take very little time to get translated, particularly with tools like RPGMaker Trans. The sentences are usually simple and short, plus they get repeated a lot (which RPGMaker Trans will help you with).

Machine Translators are the ones who actually take a lot of time. Rather than just looking at the sentence and knowing what it says, they have to copy it, paste on their machine translator, ponder about what it could mean, copy and paste certain parts of the text to see if it rings a bell and, ultimately, they just need to make something up using parts of the machine translated sentence. Lots of extra work.

Should've specified: He's right though, the art looks incredibly unappealing which (for me at least) is pretty big deal.
I'm not expecting cucks to have good taste but you he could've at least picked a NTR game with decent art. It's not like there's a shortage of them.

>he still has the right to decide
And we have the right to call him a faggot with shit taste.

> insulting cucks
> wants more cuck games to be translated so that he can... read the cuck.... (?)
Yeah, totally not a cuck yourself... if it was about the art being good, you'd just sadpanda it, but you actually want to read the shit.

Why not just learn Japanese yourselves then instead of whining and complaining?