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>How do I setup Battlefront II?

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Dead game.
Dead thread.

There's like no active SW games out there.

We need some new gems, dammit.

sion no that's not how you wear a santa hat

shit's almost perfect

also, Kotor remakes WHEN

>tfw still waiting for another Jedi Knight game
>even if/when it does come it'll be nothing compared to how you remember Outcast and Academy

It would play like a Souls game.

You know I'm right.

This sounds like bullshit. He had very obvious crush on Leia in IV.
How are they going to sjwsplain that away? That he was so traumatized by kissing his sister that it made him gay?

>downloading EAfront with slow speed

I fucked up tremendously

They've made him completely gay. You know it to be true.
There is absolutely no other reason not to bang bitches all over the galaxy as Hero of the Rebellion.

It would be made from the same cloth as Battlefront EA, looks pretty and that's it

But Mara is a strong, independent woman who don't need no jedi, don't they like that?

Ahsoka's perky nipples

Just to remind you that Battlefront 2 is on sale on steam.


any mods one should get?

Actually it would be anti-sjw, because if you can catch the gay from isolation or from psychological trauma then that also implies you can be cured from it.

Is TOR a singleplayer game yet? I got the urge to replay IA storyline and maybe go for smuggler after watching Rogue One.



For more information on emulators go to the site with the robot that rhymes with plebbit /r/swgemu/ -

Here are a few you can look at.




If you liked the NGE and everything that came with it then this one is for you. forums.stellabellum.net/

>tfw I like sith assassin but don't like inq story

>not liking inq story

do you even mad bro

It doesn't make sense because it offers very little in return if you go assassin. The animations imply you have force lightning and a single blade lightsaber.

I don't even have force lightning as an assassin anymore.

I never got to try that game. It looked awesome. I was playing WoW at the time (when it was good) so I had no reason to look at other games. I feel I missed out on something awesome.

Do I really need to find an old copy of the game to play the emulators?

>gameplay/engine limitations

this game is shit


NIce playstation 1 graphics. how can anyone play that?

Playing forces of corruption right now, is there anything more kino?

>Cutscenes with Mara/Sent
>Your other saber is never used

>Cutscenes with Gunslinger/Merc
>Your other blaster is never used

>Fucking Trooper cutscenes

>>Fucking Trooper cutscenes
Agent too for that matter

Yes you do. Check Amazon for that.

Graphics are all that matter to you? Really?

>You will never slap Ahsoka's ass

Being lorefag is suffering. Sorc was gutted so bad that they can't do pve




I'd like to add: JTL (space part of the game, basically a completely different game inside the main game but linked together) doesn't work as of yet on any of the "emulators" and it won't for a long time, it only does on Stella Bellum, which uses "official server code" leaked.

>Devs are so out of touch with their own game that they gave sorcerers and consular a new melee attack

I'm just waiting for assassins to lose Phantom Stride to sorcs.

>Phase Walk was originally sin exclusive
>Then it as given to both ACs
>Now it is sorc exclusive

Their reasoning was "sins were too mobile"


When did they remove the in game choice to choose your class?

>Feel that Guard/Jugs aren't mobile enough so they make Blade Dance have no channel
>They nerf the damage so hard while saying that it hits for the exact same damage as OG channel Blade Dance
>It also fucks up the rotation because it revolved around the fucking channel
>It's so bad people are now rolling Mara/Sents instead of Guard/Jugg
>Fucking Tanks do more damage than DPS' because of everything above


I loved that. That was my favorite part of SWG. You really felt like you were in the star wars universe.

BTW does stella have atmospheric flying?

>"sins were too mobile"

Meanwhile mercs sit in their terminator suits two continents away doing top dps with their cat running on the keyboard.

So what's the best class these days?

And the best story line?

I think I'm burned out again after only two days.

Completed Inquisitor story but I still have some main story quests to do. I'm hesitant to continue because I haven't done any of the previous planets main story quests. I want to reroll and do all the story quests to make sure I'm not missing anything, but honestly the game is so boring.

Roll a stealth class and bypass all mobs.

I mean there's not even any challenge. The leveling goes so fast all the mobs can be killed in my sleep.

I was there when the game died. While I loved SWG pre-cu and pre-NGE I also loved SWG at the end.

It was like the devs fixed the mistakes they made and the game was so awesome. I really miss that game.

I think if Stella is like SWG when it went offline I am going to drop TOR like finding out you can choose between dating a supermodel and a fat smelly retard.

Nope, seems like the version they're running is a couple patches before atmos flight was implemented, which was in that last GCW update they did if my memory is right.
Ord Mantell/Nova Orion is in though, that means chassis are re-balanced and shipwright crafted components are pretty damn good.

>Play Tank DPS
>Guildmaster wants to kill a WB
>Come with
>They ask what my spec is
>Tell them I'm Tank but play as a DPS
>Guoldmaster says they're Tank so re-spec
>Tell them I DPS
>Go re-spec
>Buffering period to learn the class
>This babby's first DPS
Good lord. I knew it was bad but this is

>Play Vigil
>All moves are pretty acrobatic and the animations are nice
>Got to play the mirror Jugg Veng
>Expect it to be more grounded because supposed to be Vader
>All the animations are clunky and slow
>Ravage's animation is garbage
>All the flips look the same and are garbage
>Seriously, what the fuck is Ravage?
Going from Jugg to Guard makes you realise how good the animations are for Guard
Going from Guard to Jugg makes you realize how bad the animations are for Jugg

What if I'm going from sin to jugg?

Well, more buttons to press
Plus no stealth
The animations are better for Sin than Jugg too
Less DPS
And no lightening

On the other hand, no worries about positioning
Your gap closer you get extremely early

>Stella is like SWG when it went offline
After a bit of research it seems they're going to start off by running Game Update 16.4:
Apparently the intention is, after they go live, patch the game up to the state it was right before SOE shut it down, or GU22.
Atmospheric flight was implemented in GU21, but devs/admins don't seem to be okay with it for some reason.

This is the second time I've been asked to use droid slice during a flashpoint.

They get angry and don't believe me when I say it's been removed. Fucking hell.

>Atmospheric flight was implemented in GU21, but devs/admins don't seem to be okay with it for some reason.

it wasn't a great update, people griefed a lot using their ships and it fucked up pvp


Carrie Fisher is kill guys.


>Carrie Fisher confirmed dead


To streamline it

Yea, but that backfist tho

RIP Carrie

Will Ford or Hamill be next?

2016 is going out with a bang, eh?
3 celebs in 3 days.

Well shit.

I guess the coke caught up


What did she mean by this?



The coke strikes back.

>in the hospital for Christmas
>her last meal (if she had one) was probably some shitty, processed ham

"People have aged so much you can't even get them to do motion capture" -as though these folks are disobedient. Auditions are held. Gary didn't get cast.

I'm guessing she's complaining about something some producers said.



"Hey, commander. You need something?"
>Have you heard of a rebel princess by the name of Leia?
"Ah yes. The last Alderaanian they called her. Unfortunately she learned too many secrets from her Toydarian slavers and they had her killed. I'm sorry commander, but you're waifu a shit and ded."

People really shouldn't play with Meme Magic like this.


Fucking /pol/ mang


fuck you for making me laugh at a time like this

F, there is no death, there if Force.

I guess they'll have to kill off her character in 8 too now, won't they.

Wut. Part 8 takes place before 4.
I don't know what 9 will be, but it'll either be too far ahead or behind the timeline of the original trilogy to have her in it to begin with.

>Wut. Part 8 takes place before 4.

Nigger, Rogue One is a stand-alone film, it's not part of the main saga.

It's ok, we have CG Leia

fuck 2016

good job in translating that. we need you for future translations

Looks like meme magick is spreading everywhere.

Well, all she gonna motion capture now is a fucking plank of wood if anything

they have become quite scary with their dark magick skills. From ebola chan to meming Trump into office.

/x/ must be jelly

I laughed. Fucking hell kek.

I guess they are going to add her name to the list of people who messed with Trump and Kek and ended up dead or destroyed.


they already have it


>literally got Battlefront yesterday
>dowloading 23gb of updates overnight, gone to work
>hyped as hell to play
>this happens

my will to play today is literally gone

>playing the Hero game mode
>on Imps
>avoid killing Princess Leia at all costs

call me a faggot, i dont even care

This is out of date as others have been added to the list but it is quite scary what they are memeing into existence.

Rogue Squadron 3D is like 4 bucks on steam and a lot of fun if you played the N64 version. Plays best with a joystick.
Battlefront isn't all that bad with the DLC and there is a decent amount of people playing it.

Holy fuck this is amazing

carrie fisher wasn't even all that brutal to trump

fucking /pol/niggers

I think he has the death note

Trump: making anime real even before being enthroned.

What a faggot.

damn, his armor in SWTOR looks much worse.

We're all getting our waifus, boys. Best timeline.

bioware took mine away

Who will make Bioware great again?

no one

BWA is utterly fucked and won't exist in five years time

I want Darth Icky to be canon

I don't know about Darth Icky, but I hear you can get some of the Sticky Icky on Hutta.