/gowg/ - Gears of War General

Please Stop Dying Edition
December 6th Update: gearsofwar.com/en-us/forums/e9b54fc61eb74ad783d533ca502b0132/threads/gears-of-war-4-title-update-2-december-6th-2016/366859c8-f9ca-4475-90b3-0976acff9676/posts

Available December 6th for Season Pass holders as part of the early access Developer Playlist*, Glory and Speyer will also be introduced into free public playlists on December 13 and Gridlock and Relic will be removed.
Read more at news.xbox.com/2016/12/01/gears-war-4-december-update/

>Information regarding Gears of War 4
pastebin.com/kEd89b2n (embed) (embed) (dev blog links)
gearsofwar.com/en-us/developerblog (blog pages include art and videos)
pastebin.com/r75cDpuS (embed) (embed) (all exclusive pre-order, rewards and promotional content info)

>Gamertag List (you can request being put on the list from this page)

>Gears of War General Xbox Club
Download the Xbox App BETA from the store if on PC. Both Xbox and PC search for gowg on Xbox Clubs.

>Join the /gowg/ discord to chat or play with us

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After you

No thanks

I want a UIR character so bad but i can't be arsed to work from 0-4400 creds again just to get jewed on. Please send help.

Razielmgs, add me for pc or xbox play, digging horde now that I can aim with a mouse, level 3 on all classes but I don't really have trouble, just shitty teammates and mexicans

i love how it's always the euros that fail to keep something alive
man you guys are fucking lazy

truth be told we should probably just let the general die, keep the discord and whatnot, but there was no way in hell this general had a chance of surviving on Veeky Forums

Got a UIR pack the other week when they were only 24hrs and ended up with 3 snub skins and some other bullshit. Got another pack this time and it had some fugly epic snub skin again. 3rd pack had 2 UIR char skins, green female and blue male. I think I'm done with UIR now.

Basically just need a 50 wave insane horde clear per pack. Ends up taking like 2.5 hours and requires teamwork.

shitty devs

They really need to make it so horde on larger maps the enemies dont spawn clear across from you on the other side. On higher difficulties where people need to chill at boss on their turrets you're just waiting there the whole time for them to get to you.

They're competent, just super jewish.

Yeah, it takes forever to earn a single UIR pack, if they're going to be this much credits then they should buff the amount you get from things.

I just want the elite guys.


Foundation speedruns on Insane take 60-65 minutes without glitches/exploits, if you are somewhat efficent. Granted you need a lvl 4 hammer (at least), but with the setup I'm using I manage to do it with a team of absolute shitters.

>without glitches

>get game yesterday
>play multiplayer for the first time (horde)
>get to wave 50 insane
>use my credits to buy a 'UIR' pack
>get an elite uir guy legendary

Is that good it looks pretty cool, would have preferred a green one tho

This, it was a good run, but we won't survive unless we succumb to autists keeping the thread alive with off topic posting

fuck you tc shill

but why play the game when you can just use money goy

Use dropshot's headshot on bosses. it's more effective than turrets especially when you're a heavy or a sniper. it works with any boss except Kestrel I believe.

Anyone need a zombie JD code? Also is it just me that I can't find anymore rockstar cans? Went to my local walmart shit wasn't in stock anymore

It's hard to tell if i'm head shotting them or not since i mostly target the body, or their heads are in weird positions.

I'd like that code famalam
email: [email protected]

Is the foundation speedrun strat some super secret thing cause it seems like not many people know about it. I still havent seen a video or anything no it.

it's super easy to dropshot headshot swarmaks and it makes the headshot noise

also i hit a triple headshot with the embar

cool right

Sweet dreams gowg

Go quietly in the night

Breakfast user here, it's been awhile gowg

>TC will never take ideas into account on how to make the game better and fix certain game modes
>They will keep creating time limited super expensive RNG packs once or twice every month
>Gear of War 5 will have very little sales and no player base because of what they've done in 4
>They will jew that game up too

RIP Gears of War. You were fun.

Gears 5 will be a MOBA. Also I don't think it's all TC behind the packs, it's just Xbox Microsoft. Look at Halo 5 for example.

I thought after judgement it'd be over, but no, these big companies always got to fuck up a good thing.

Actually my biggest complain about GoW4 is the lack of the interesting new main enemy.
Why does the main enemy have to be locust again?
Shouldn't they try to come up with something more refreshing other than locust 2.0 and boring robots?

THE community asked for it

Asked for Locust?

I mean i like the Locust and all but why even kill them all and act like they're gone when the new guys are basically just locust. Only without the awesome leader and unique soldiers like Therons and Kantus?

I know your feel bro. Took me four packs to finally get a single fucking character.

Locust will return as skins for Multiplayer "Soon" in packs that cost 5000 credits and all the characters are Legendary meanwhile the rest are Rare and Epic locust themed weapon skins. They will also return in Horde to vary up Horde but only if you buy the $40 Locust Horde dlc that's not a part of the Season Pass because the Season Pass doesn't include it in the notes.

This just reminded me, you know what else isn't included in the Season Pass? New Horde classes. We're bound to get at least another because the achievements state reaching level 10 in "Launch" horde classes. Those sneaky jews, always know how to wrap up things in a neat tidy bow to get more money out of you then their mouth breathing forum regulars will say "tc needs to make money somehow."

add me on xbox my gamertag is "CSPG Lofty" i need to farm so e sweet credits

I trust Euro friends will keep us alive.

Ran into a squad on public horde, i guess just looking for one pick up person. All of them had a mic and it looked like they've done it before. Was actually really fun, even though i didnt have a mic to speak back i just used the group chat. I wish all horde games could go so swimmingly.

I tried it on a carrier and snatcher as a sniper, not sure if I noticed it doing all that much damage. I don't think I was doing it right though, never heard the head shot sound effect.

>he doesn't know
>he thinks you either need to sit your ass on a turret for 2 hours or use a glitch, when the foundation speedrun method was posted over a month ago.

Have fun playing turret simulator / shitposting on TC forums about UIR packs I guess.


>inb4 reddit

Not surprising most people missed it, considering anything that isn't a complain about RNG packs gets buried.

This is the most consistent Gears, but instead of the few needed gameplay fixes all the talk on the forums is about cosmetics. Really shows what kind of casual shitters most "le dedicated gearshead" are

>Used to enjoy playing horde with you red necks and le soysauce man
>Live in England so could only play at weekends because timezones
>One weekend just can''t get a game anymore
>Haven't been on gowg for 5 or 6 weeks now.

What maps came out in December? Does anyone from Veeky Forums actually still play?

Wait. Gridlock got removed?

They are actually removing maps to make way for new ones?

I paid for a season pass to have 48 maps, but I will only ever have 12 or so because they will be cycling old ones out for new ones?

What in the actual fuck even is this game.


My NAT is open andI have 4MB connection, almost 3.5 from download.

But upload is like 0.60 MB is that enought to play?

Why in October, November and Decebmer until christmas I could play. But from a week to now it even more lag than before.

I really hate IDLE kick.

It's like TC doesn't want me to play. Any advices about this problem?

Does anyone in Europe suffer from these issues too?

how to fis the game:

-add bots to core and competetive
-no penalties
-remove idle kick
-join in progress option to every mode

>-remove idle kick

>Remove idle kick
If anything it should kick those shitters out faster.

>2 hours running horde
>Still not even enough for a single UIR pack

Time to shut the general down, sorry to say but microcuckactions alone makes this game boycottable. Stop supporting this shit, it prey on the mentally ill.

Who died and named you vaguely ethnic, bookish president?

30% of the time the discussion in the general is bout shit microtranasctions. Is this the future you want? Send a msg, every little bit counts.

Better than nothing i guess. At least it's justified shit talking.

Won't bother wasting my time, the general can barely survive on a Friday, no use beating a dying horse, I'll enjoy the generals that are bout uncucked games.

>The biggest topic bout this general will always be bout getting cucked

Meme on

I'm about to drop 20$ on UIR packs. Wish me luck goyims


Wow 20$, that's enough for two whole entire packs.

So i ended up wasting that money now i'm going to sell this game on eBay. I'm done with Microtransactions of War 4.


>i'm an idiot that wasted 20$ on two packs
>i'm going to sell the game because i'm a fucking idiot that can't handle money

Was on the bottom row till bump, face it, this focus tested by the numbers garbage pile game can't survive on a site with standards, take this mediocore exploitative shit pile off Veeky Forums, it's on its deathbed, nothing to fucking discuss.

serves you right

>Veeky Forums
go look at half the games that have generals kept alive by pure autism and come back and say that with a straight face

Litterly all you guys fucking discuss is getting ass reamed by RNG pay hooks. There is no meaningful discussion any more it's just flagrant desperation to keep this game relevant on Veeky Forums now. It's exploitive cuckery untop of mediocrity

>keeping a general alive means we want to keep the game relevant on Veeky Forums
man you are beyond fucking retarded

by the way it's obvious you've never even played the games before, so shut the fuck up.

>not a true scotsman REEEEE

Sorry I was smart enough to sidestep this series as the cuckery slcame in, there is a reason why microtranasctions are not a fucking bullet point on the store page or back of box.

Shameless, the tribals defend this.

>Sorry I was smart enough to sidestep this series as the cuckery came in
oh yeah i'm sure you've played the series, 100% believable right here.
also please do point to the posts where people defend the micro-transactions?
The game itself sans the MT's is fun, the MT's are jew shit, but if you are actually dumb enough to buy them with money then you deserve no sympathy.

>litterly no thoughtful discussion on the game

>posts that get most replies are bout MTS
> webms of microtranasctions
>"I bet he hasn't even played it" "it's amazing "

Thanks for the bump

>thoughtful discussion on the game
>thoughtful discussion on a shooter
wew lad

>posts that get the most replies are bout MTS
because that's everyone's largest fucking gripe with this game
>webms of microtransactions
not every opening was paid with real money you dumbass, but it is stupid
No I don't think you have played the game, let alone the series as a whole. If you did you wouldn't be stupid enough to call it focus tested. Nor say that Veeky Forums has standards
>KS general has over 2000 threads counted by a single autist, and he lost count at some point
>GSG is autism incarnate and hasn't talked about GSG proper in fucking forever
>KSPG is worthless and no one talks about anything there
>DOTA and League

if we had any standards the generals for those games would never have existed, I know I'm leaving several out. And this comes from someone that visits more than one general.

I mean I must thank you for the free bumps though.

>Spend money on stupid shit I know full well is stupid
>End up disappointed
>Wow, this is everyone's fault except my own

microtransactions exist because of dipshits like him

>Veeky Forums
Apex kek

I laugh when people act like Veeky Forums is some monolithic entity that has one set of standards

truth be told I don't know what there is to talk about this game in a general
like most shooters there's nothing to really talk about. What are we supposed to do, just post end game stats or some shit?
The only reason why generals like Overwatch are alive is because of Blizzard autism and waifuposting, (mostly) the same with TF2, but with loadout posting and jewing idiots.
Gears has none of that, it doesn't have the custom games like Halo has, nor mods like DOOM.

What about the steady stream of developer feedback and support?

I kek'd user

To try and set up games together, but most people have left this general so even that doesn't happen anymore.

>try and set up games
with 5-10 max people, that's not exactly alot.

What caused everyone to leave, you know? I wasn't here for the launch of the game but I'm assuming there was quite a bit more back then. Was it the hyper jewishness of the microtransactions?

not alot to talk about in general due to it's nature
people moving on to other games because the support is fucking lacking
xbox not being popular let alone even acceptable on Veeky Forums
the general was pitifully small from the get-go

Plus the threads constantly dying, I would imagine some people wouldn't go out of their way to try and make one themselves or even bother looking to see if a new one was made and this

yeah, it's a damn shame, i met some cool guys here, but xbox exclusives are doomed on Veeky Forums, regardless of their quality

kek reddit for you

Only retards use that run now, the speedrun method we use now finishes a game in 58 mins instead of 75 like the one you linked.

And is MUCH less work, I mean you can buy nothing and still hit Insane 50 no downs if you have non retards.

omg how??

He'll show up again. Just wait.

what do you mean?

u lul

bots in competetive and core.... are u retarded? they are both ranked playlists how the fuck bots will be explained and have set difficulty? dont talk about parts of the game u clearly havent even bother to play.

core and comp needs, unfortunately, rolling lobbies to stay alive.It will fuck the idea of accurate rank system (less than a fucking bots for sure) but at least will fix matches that are left with 3vs5 and worse on escalation for example. The option to join an ongoing match should be optional and enticed by no loss counted if it happens, it would be retarded to join escalation that is 1 round from being lost and needs 6 victories.

>2h horde run
brah, i dont know what reup u are or if u even have any but i would cry playing horde for 2h, its just an useless grind as it is now, foundation its at least less painful

how are ppl like u able to survive out there in the world?seriously? tell me where u live and if u have any friends/family that has as low iq as yours so i can prey on their stupidity for money

ps. 10% will go for charity in eugenics field

What does reup have to do with it? I got no one to play with so i just do public hordes.

its not but anonymity allows ppl to express their true fellings and opinions, more often than not it ends in creating general ideas/notions that are VERY simple but uniformly ture (like rage at microtransactions and rng, even tho some dished money for it, yet they would still prefer them gone). I remember when this anonymous internet 'engine' was creating some original content back in the days like memes that were catching up like wildfire and normies didnt know where this stuff was coming from, its gone now unfortunatley

reup is the closest thing for measure purposes of how long have u been around, if u are no reup it just shows most of the time someone didnt even do insane run, if u are re up 3+ u should know your shit and have at least scout lvl 10, so foundation strat would be familiar to u same as horde runs of

I don't care what rank anyone is when I speedrun Foundation, that's if we have a 5 Hammer and Engineer in the lobby, then the other 2 players can be whatever class, people from /gowg/ know what to do or at least listen, compared to faggots in the Xbox LFG thing.

well durr