One Piece Games General - /opgg/

The Happy New Year edition

Last chapter: General guide, read before posting

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>One Piece: Treasure Cruise Friend Code List
Add people from here if you're new or need more friend captains.
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>Drops/XP and XP/PLVL/Stam spreadsheets

- Special Events -
>Dec 28 - Jan 15: Colo Batch- Apoo, Dorry, Rebecca
>2 day returning fortnights coming soon:
>21st-23rd Afro Luffy
>23rd-25th Brook
>25th-27th Okama
>27th-29th Franky
>29th-31st Wedding Nami
>CYO Turtle Times
>2x skill up on Jan 2nd, lasts for a week
- Fortnights -
>Dec 27-Jan 4: CobiMepppo and Tsuru
>Jan 4 - Jan 10: Prison Croc and Kraken
>Jan 4 - Jan 17: Whitebeard Pirates

- Raids -
>Dec 30 : Duval
>Jan 1 - Jan 5: Clash of Clashes!
>Monster Chopper

>Dec 28 - Jan 16: Colo Batch- Gladuis, Ace, Kinemon, Lao G
>Rotation Batch- Vista, Marco, Brownbeard
>6*+ Whitebeard material can drop in the invasion raids will be in Ray shop soon
>Buggy Ship event ends Jan 4
>Dec 12 - Jan 4 Free evolvers for 5*+ Zoro and Nami
>Dec 29-31 2x skillup
>Dec 27- Jan 10: Shambles Tashigi & Smoker fortnight
>Dec 23 - Jan 5 Clash of Clashes!
>Dec 30 - Kizaru
>Dec 31 - Aokiji

Other urls found in this thread:

Please God let this thread by relatively retard-free

>log luffy will forever be shit unless you pull legendoffy and inthawk

Level 3 orbs croc master race

DR plebiscites on suicide watch.

Yo, what team did you use to beat the forest? I don't have a chance, I'm just making notes of what works.

>tfw no doffy

I did it first with ace+legend marco

I did it with fuji +fuji+legend doffy+legend marco + colo coby + shiki also

Neat, but why twice? Shits and giggles? It eats up a lot of time.

Was waiting on stamina cause I was a run away from level up

Fucking Bellamy in the Apoo Colo.

>tfw no doffy
>tfw no inthawk
>tfw no legendarco
>tfw no barto
>tfw no kizaru

anyone else feel like they got a ton of (you)s last thread but your eyes arent trained to see the little gay dotted lines yet and you missed em?

Get Greasemonkey, Veeky Forums X and Oneechan and you'll see them.

>Dynasty Warriors 9 is an open world game
>therefore PW4 will be an open world OP game
I know open world is frequently an annoying modern gaming meme but being able to explore the OP world in a large, open game will be amazing.

How did you guys beat Robin stage of Apoo's colo?

Is it true they're going to give us 2017 gems for new years?

Strike that, was able to beat it with double Rayray accompanied by Doffy, raid Momonga, and some orb RNG

maybe one if we're lucky

>leave for one day
>orbs vs DR goes full apeshit
Can you guys find something else that I'd rather see to shitpost about?

please remind me, does damage from specials pass through resilience barriers?


>one day
dude they've been going at it since Tesoro showed up

thanks, m8

A happy Carrot is a cute Carrot


fuck off mabel

I hope Pirate Warriors 4, if it's a thing, comes out at a time we can have Big Mom and Kaido as playable characters.

Then we can have all the Yonko.

We could always go back to people complaining about how orbs are shit, or we could go back even further and complain how AH is shit, or we could stay ahead of the trends and complain how CDR is shit

Is Dorry worth skilling-up?

There was that lovely debate of CRD on nits like Enel.

Hey, how do you guys socket your GPU?
I was thinking Bind/Despair since he's used for everything, but then I started thinking Bind/AH since he's used for staling. Plus if I use him with Doffy, I won't be able to hit lvl 5 autohealing if I socket him Bind/Despair

Not really, he's got the same boost as Gasparde by default, and the same boost as Sanji if you use him with Broggy, but it takes up 2 slots on your team with sub-par stats (not bad, just not great)

Make your first one bind/despair. Then your second bind/ah or cdr/ah.

didn't think CDR/AH, not a bad thought.

I went Bind/AH for the first and Ill go Despair/CD for when I want to rush but need a 10 cd 3 turn delay.

>2 GPU
>I've had such shit luck socketing my first that after all this time he's still 3/1
>Still have to socket Strong World

For the user who requested it here

Two usopps and two doffys

One with Bind/Despair
The other with Bind/AH

anything else is unnecessary. CDR will be for forests, but you dont need cdr in forests.

totally baller

I got so many Usopps during Halloween and Afro Luffy when I was trying to socket Luffy and Franky that I managed to fully socket my second GPU, Impact and still have about 25 copies for when/if I pull SW Usopp.

>Farming Apoo with whitebeard
>Orbs can fuck your entire run on the first stage
6+ whitebeard can't come soon enough
one year from now

What if you start with a different ship?

thanks user

On a scale of 1-10 how important is socketing RR Apoo?
He falls off in use pretty hard right?

Falls off? No, he's only going to get better as the game goes on. Right now he's not that important. After Raid Sabo he's fantastic.

Go on, explain

He's a 3x boost captain.
Just don't get hit faggot, same as Shanks.


I shouldn't fucking have to keep doing this.
He's a freedom booster.
1. He's the best except legend sabo, who you can't use with raid sabo, and you ALWAYS use raid sabo
2. Raid Sabo is a Freedom captain, so a lot of future content is beat using a Freedom team with a Raid Sabo captain with a friend Log Luffy since they both do the Good > Great > Perfect method of boosting attack, and you'll want Apoo as the freedom booster there.

RR stands for rare recruit user.

You're right. You shouldn't keep fucking doing that.

>RR apoo
>the freedom booster

>On a scale of 1-10 how important is socketing RR Apoo?
>RR Apoo

Why does everyone in this general seem to really hate Danganronpa?

Because they socketed orbs and are in despair

I'm sorry, it's been a long day.
Socketing RR apoo isn't a high priority, but it doens't hurt, he only falls off since Kuma does a similar thing, making Tandem and meat match, but Apoo will have his uses

Is this some new form of shitposting or did you post int he wrong thread?
No one has said anything positive or negative about Dangan Ronpa

Well all they have to do is bring some Despair Reducers then, there are plenty to go around!

>DR = Dangan Ronpa = Damage Resistance

If you have to explain it, it's a shitty joke.

This. Pretty much the whole general loves Dangan Ronpa, it's just a couple shitters who had their waifus killed who're constantly bad mouthing it non-stop.
We can all agree Dangan Ronpa is patrician tier, no doubt about that.

If you are too autistic to get it, you should go outside more

That was fucking terrible and you know it
Hell the despair reduction response was funnier, as in actually funny

If you randomly post something autistic that has nothing to do with the thread and assume people will get it, you don't have much experience making jokes.

I agree with you, Danganronpa is patrician tier. But do you know what else is patrician tier? Bullying Saiyonji.

That's why I want to bully Saionji so much. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.

And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.

I want a Blackbeard so I can become fat and not care about any type of shield ever

>Only 4 matching orbs
Bet you didn't get matching orbs socket faget.

This is why Lucci is a shit lead

I love this pasta

That's with level 2 orbs

I can't wait for the BB batch.
For the record, can anyone negate Shiryu or Sugar's specials?

But seriously cooldown reduction on Enel is the most retarded thing there is. The mentality behind it is fast Princess turtle clearing.

1. If you actually gem for for Princess turtles you're a shitter sub 100.

2. There are other units with a lower cooldown like Tilestone you can use.

3. You will use Enel as captain to stall 90% of the time and cooldown will be redundant.

Only revivals.

Which will just protct the revive as if taken to 0% hp, right?

Yep, exactly.

Can I use SW Ace global dream team on Apoo colo?

What sockets does RR apoo need?

With Kuma

What's wrong with lock/despair/charge/autoheal?

He doubles damage received, so if you get Damage Reduction on him he reduces TWICE as much damage, it's multiplicatively so it goes from 10% normal to 20%.
Trust me I'm a doctor.

I don't even know where to start...

I really, really, really hope we get BB before the 2nd anniversary sugo. I don't even want that faggotron Akainu, I just want to be able to splurge all my gems and not worry about having to save for Shiryu

RR Apoo doesn't double damage received, that's colo Apoo, you colossal DR faggot

>tfw you get Lao G under 50%

>tfw can't do any of the latest Colo that have been coming out for the past 3 months

post box?

JPN player here. It's a small account and I don't have any special levels on my G2 luffy. Can I just evolve him into TS luffy and be okay?

And be outed as an absolute shitter? No thanks. I'll just keep to the easy fortnight farming and easy raids.

fuck yeah? do it now he's amazing for low levels, future players will have to grind hard for the skull and long after they really need it and you got it for free

What are the best sockets for TS Luffy? I have 70 Luffies that I kept collecting for Nightmare Luffy, but I'd rather use them on g2 for when we can evolve him.

Bind, despair, heal.

Apoo run with level 3 orbs.

Man I was sweating I almost died the last 30 runs stage 1

Do I need a fake location for GPS on JPN? I have nobody coming up for friends/helpers.

Jesus just fuck off. No one cares about your fucking orb autism.

It has 3 slots? put bind/despair/autoheal on it

newfag here again, could I get some more friends? Still don't got any good captains yet, but maybe next sugofest I will.

currently trying to farm helmeppo, can clear the stage about half the time but would be a lot easier if I got some more /v/irgins in my friends list

what's your crew name?

well we are getting aokiji on the 8th so blackbeard will be during anni more than likely

364 048 531

I named it 'dank meme pirates'

im 12 btw

how the fuck can you survive like that without DR?
i was told by various obese posters ITT that it wasnt possible