/CKP/ Car Keys Porn. Year end edition!!

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weeb keys reporting


that fucking lanyard

I just jizzed all over my pistons!! So fucking sexy!!

all that's missing is a vape. maybe some day when real cigs become to expencive



>that sex rug?

that front entrance
nice house user
yours or your parents

Parents, that's just where I keep the bike cause I'm to poor for a house. The car and bike are both mine bought with my own money. One day I will have a house with garage.




You are fucking autistic.

>hide the cut

user if someone can make a dup of your key from a picture he deserves to steal your car

why not just crop it out you silly goose?

>being this new


cheers m8, i'd rather cut the house key too.
can take everything else, including the car keys then

i bet you cover your license plate when you drive around town too, huh?


>carrying a key fob


Oh nice I have one of those... for my Sprinter lol


you have an amg sprinter?

lol what is this real?


Yes. Mazda RX-8 key.

porshuhhh isn't mine but i get to use it


Are you a king? Is that a key to your castle?




Cringe as well

Always carry a little bit of cheese too, for the kids.


Op said sexy, not autistic.


Kek that's some tryhard shit. My friend who always has old BMW's bought a fake BMW keyfob that is a lighter.

>more then 1 phone

dindu nuffin


>they still in the plastic?

Actually two iPhones but I need one to take a pic of the other.

Too mainstream and not hipster enough, I know.


Here's mine

Here's mine

Those are dank. I wonder if they make blanks like that to fit more modern cars

>I wouldn't drive a Hellcat because of autism

Kys, bus rider.

And then there's this guy.


i fucking hated having a key for the door and the ignition
67' Ranger

Bongos. You really dindu nuffin.

i had that exact same butterfly knife when i was a teen. its complete garbage.

Yeah, it's a pain in the ass sometimes. A lot of times I try putting the ignition key in the door locks, and it gets stuck. I drive a '92 Mustang.

broke two keys doing the same thing
i was retarded at 16

No shit. Why would you buy anything beyond a gas station butterfly knife?

Jesus dude even when Im' at work I don't have that much shit on me.

>Garlic powder
Lotta vampires where you live?

your wallet makes my left asshole hurt



>that's what she said
It really isn't too bad. Not quite George Costanza size unless there is a lot of cash in there. But I normally take it out of my pocket on longer drives.

Kek I've got that reciprocating saw in my car too

but that one makes sense. you bout to go camping somewhere.

>backup lighters
>bb gun for funzies
>fishing pole

That pic at least makes sense to me

Ferd keys cost a buck to get a replacement. Acura is a lot more than that


Does your truck have separate keys for the ignition and lock or no?