/lidg/ Let It Die General

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Search - LET IT DIE General -lidg-


These seemed pretty relevant information to have near OP.

Starting this thread off right.

Nice meltdown.

Not only near op. Maybe in the pastebin as well

>someone's typing words I don't like to me on the Internet
>nobody ever has a legitimate reason to criticize me
>they must be overwhelmed with emotions and unable to control their actions

No. You're just a fucking moron.

Somewhere in floor 31 - 35. I sent the expedition like 5 hours ago then I got my results and went to raiding. I checked the contents after so I'll never know, too.

Good projecting.

Please, respond.


Keep up the good work, hall monitor. I'm sure all of your pussy passive aggressive posts are going to make me change my behavior.

Great meme.

Thank you!

I find upgrading weapons better to help progress, as guardshrooms are so abundant that you can use them to beat the game with and have plenty to spare afterwards.

>mfw 2 redditors fight each other in this here very thread

>TDM bonus is now 2k each
When did this happen?

Check your TDM rank, bucky o'hare.

TDM rank increases bonus?
If I knew that I would of been trying harder to increase it!


If everyone received the same bonus regardless of what they did, it wouldn't really be a bonus and wouldn't require a distinction.

Turns out I got 3 golden birds. I really wish I knew where I sent them. I sent like 8 or 9 to 31 - 35 (no higher because I remember I couldn't find anyone past 35).

>have like 4k coins but like 40k sp
>high sp usually doesn't get me raided anyhow
>come back like two hours later and I've been raided like 15 time
Fucking hell. Only worse feeling is being raided by diamond ranks and having no money or sp. Just dickish

first for best grill

People are slowly hitting higher upgrade levels, when you need 20-30k SP per upgrade level. It'll only get worse as more players break 30.

Justin stop

Just for curiosities sake could someone tell me how much the Tier 5 Sniper costs in the shop?

Base model +4 being 11k has me morbidly curious

I just raid devs. Marginal amount of work, fantastic payoff. Mostly it's about time saved. I don't mind dropping a few shrooms just to save myself the headache of 20 more loading screens.

Yogashroom quickly went from being worse healing shroom to bestfriend shroom when I got T5 Fighters.

>rank 5 pork chopper doesn't do poison damage

In fact I'm pretty sure its worse than the rank 4 in every way

Except Devs are slowly going away for everyone, commiefornia included, and if you rely purely on them you're gonna end up being fucked once they're completely gone.

Should've gone to Ross

100% slashing means it does more damage as it isn't being mitigated by 2 different defenses, but the lack of utility makes it less appealing especially if you've gotten used to making haters puke their guts off.

Okay which one of you fucks is "God_of_Lolis" from Oregon?

>you're gonna end up being fucked
I'm running out of upgrades to purchase with SPLithium. Very soon it won't matter if I have 200,000 or 0.

Alright this thing is never fucking happening, and this is coming from a guy who grinds for 12 hours a day

Was messing around with some theories and found something interesting about Poison Eater. While on its own a standard poison snail seems to give about 14hp per tick of poison, but the less poison resistance you have, the more healing return you'll get. I managed to get up to 20hp/tick with Vitamin XXX and Special Forces gear (-9% per piece).

Not sure exactly how practical this is - especially once you get up to T5 fighters, or if it's been discussed already but it could help for a more potent free heal via snails in some situations.

Maybe you should test it out with the healing increased recovery decal?

Also as far as I know there's 2 types of poison, lethal and deadly. I believe lethal heals more.

What are you talking about? You're almost 10% there.

> one more day tester pass January 1st and another trypt soon after

>stopped using passes once I got into the 30s

Feels good. $0 and counting.

Dude come on, I get you want (You)s, but I literally covered that shit in the post you originally replied to here Once you hit 4-star shit starts being 30k+ for upgrade levels, what do you think 5-star and 6-star F40+ shit is going to be like?

If crafting the sword taught me anything is the weapons just arn't worth the effort

Apologies for the redundant post, realized there was a new thread after I had posted.

Vitamin XXX is the 20% increased healing recovery decal though, I imagine it could probably scale to much higher levels once higher levels of poison are inflicted, such as Lethal. The primary problem with that would simply be finding a consistent source of Lethal poison damage. I don't think kiting around a claw screamer is exactly feasible, unfortunately.

You're bonkers if you think you're telling me shit I didn't know 2 weeks ago.

get back in the kitchen

Is the only way to get Aluminum Alloy is by praying a random Pure Aluminum is actually AA?

Gold snails.

>tfw we (the "tower" clearboys) are gearing up for new content
>Suda is gonna fucking shut us the fuck down when the mythology stuff gets added
I can't wait to round the wrong corner and run into a fucking medusa tuber or some shit

So far, yes

Gold snails emit lethal poison? I'm going to have to test this more tomorrow. I wonder if you can stack both lethal and deadly poison for double healing?

But the 30s is when the passes are most valuable, because the elevator fees are high as fuck, and the extra inventory space means more weapons, mushrooms, and materials.

Using premium before floor 30 is kind of a waste.

Yeh I run around with a gold snail. Becareful where you drop it as it can glitch through walls or simply be unpickupable.

Gold snails don't emit lethal poison. Just tested.

This is my one concern with the game. Less than 1% of players have even beaten the final boss, and hell, less than 10% have even beaten the 3rd boss. All of the content they're making will only be accessible to 1% of the playerbase, which from a business perspective, or hell, any perspective, seems wacky as fuck.

I must be doing something right, because I'm constantly swimming in kill coins and I don't feel the need to pick up everything. My stash and mules are already packed.

the devs rely on that 1% being whales

key strategy

use a 4 star and a 5 star at the same time

Which is why content updates should take a back seat to game-wide bug fixes and progression balance in addition to some serious quality of life improvements to how the game itself functions. The action is fine; it's the other 50% of the time you spend waiting on a hundred different kinds of delays that add up and turn off players.

Even games that rely on whales need to bring in more players to attract more whales.

Well you sure as hell act like you don't know it. Stop being such a fucking obnoxious prick when I'm trying to help you, you little turd, no wonder nobody likes you.

I've been holding a racehorse piss since 60,000 SPL and I'm 2000 away from my final fridge upgrade


how did you guys get yourselves prepared for the floor 26 bosses? i feel like farming the gold chest in f22 kawabe is not what i should be doing

Hey, once the invisibility and slingshroom strat becomes more known more people will do it. However Grasshopper will probably nerf the shit out of it then since this game's bosses are quarter eaters otherwise. They will lose so much money from death shekles

>Well you sure as hell act like you don't know it.
How do you figure? I just told you that if they took away dev raids for good it wouldn't affect me very much at all. You're acting like I don't know what the fucking cost of upgrading gear is. Do I need to spell it out for you? I've already upgraded the shit I want to use, and anything I might want to upgrade in the future wouldn't rely on dev raids because those would be infrequent.

I swear to shit this general is fit to bursting with ego defensive brats who bleat like a toddler with a skinned knee any time anyone says a negative word in their direction. Go back to the fucking hugbox you came from or stop getting so bent out of shape from shit that isn't even an insult or disrespectful.

Honestly I spammed slow shrooms/sting shrooms to get through those bosses. The 3* stuff you find off of screamers and haters in the area does respectable damage too, enough usually to burst down the 26F bosses.

> just spent 20 minutes drop kicking floor twenty-three to death because I wanted to mess around with the grade 3 nail gun and farm wolf black metal
Holy fuckinh shit kill me. He did like no damage but he's so fucking annoying to even punch with his faggot hitbox

spend a couple days getting slowshrooms from expeditions, get enough and you can beat the game without any more grinding.

GOTO-9 23 took over 45 fucking DMs from me. Be happy you are not me

( before I learned the invisibility and sling strat)

>GOTO-9 23 took over 45 fucking DMs from me

The hell man. How and why did you spend that much on him? I'm on the final boss and I don't think I've spent any dms on any boss except one on U10.

How much is the final upgrade?

He's only ever taken one, when I blew myself up with a firework rage from the 3 star version

I was so fucking pissed I almost broke the ps4.

I'm at F25 and all I want is a MILK black metal for crafting my first cleaver saber. Am i wasting time or there's a method for farming MilkBlack without going up?


how could you guys be so bad?

did you literally walk into it unprepared DISPITE there being an elevator nearby?

I ran out of weapons and thought dying meant a lot more than it really does- I thought the permadeath meant I lost everything- bank,upgrades, and storage chest

Man go fuck yourself you pretentious asswipe, like you are so fucking superior you have to drag "this general" in every time you decide to trolls someone? What the last four meltdowns you had weren't enough you gotta have another one?

Seriously, go fuck yourself, you literal floor 9 faggot.

I'm done giving you (You)s, maybe the garbage at reddit will take you back.

The 'playerbase' is everyone who has downloaded the game, which is possibly huge given the fact it's completely free. The trophy percentages can't really be used as an indicator of how many people are playing or how many have gotten as far as the current build allows. I've also noticed a progression in the majority of posts in these threads, where at the start everyone was all over the place but gradually we've had large swathes of people talking about similar areas at once and that's been moving up. There was a dip over Christmas but now a lot of people are in and discussing 21-30, and quickly moving to/through Crowley, on top of a fair amount going at Taro in every thread. Update's supposedly coming in February and by then it's looking like the majority of those who are actively playing (rather than those who tried it, maybe beat Max, then stopped playing) will have easily caught up.

tl;dr the percentage doesn't really matter because there's no way of knowing what it's a percentage of

>diamond fag and I keep raiding each other back
>douche with full power stomper iron and rapier
>just brainshroom his tryhard defense.
>kidnapped his 5 star waifu

Imma gonna do it lads. Im gonna idle for 48 hours to teach this faggot a lesson.

Is rubber band the only viable way?

At that point you're beyond anger. You're reaching "just fucking end it" levels of despair.

>fuck it
>fuck all these death metals
>take another one fuck you
>here, I'll intentionally let you have this one, fucking take it
>that's how much they mean to me, I'm making it rain toniiight
>fuck you
>fuck it


Since it's the fridge upgrade I can't dev raid yet either

F22 kawabe

Ye pretty much

He can pay a ransom to get his fighter back though, regardless if you're in your waiting room or not.

Pretty much exactly that. You know the scene from Raingun where Mikoto Misaka ends up spending a whole day at the prize machine? That was me.

I thought so, golden chest?

Listen. It's easy to assume everyone has as much difficulty with playing the game as you do. You only have yourself as a frame of reference.

Not everyone is at your skill level. You need to reconcile with that fact, and acknowledge that no one is obligated to behave modestly explicitly to spare your meaningless insecurities.

Fug. I forgot about that. Lets hope he is too proud to give in.

Nice meltdown.

I was confused but then realized you meant to say Railgun. I remember that scene.

I want to climb Uncle Death's tower

>917 successful raids

>good number of those against leafs

>regret not naming my psn account THE RAKE

I didn't want these feels

Fuck off, G-Head

the pickaxe turns into a rake too

Ever since this reddit garbage got ousted for stealing from anons, we've had a massive influx of just the most obnoxious trolls on he planet.

Where the fuck are you now hannahfag? You were saying how Reddit is so much superior? Where the fuck are you now you little piece of shit, you brought these faggots here.

I have clearly been living my life incorrectly

I have a feeling Elevator-chan is falling for me. She's sitting with me on the sofa now. Maybe by the end of my 2 month pass she'll sit next to me instead of on the opposite side of the couch

Oh but no, he didn't even claim it was his.

>upgrading trucker apron to 3 star uses bone metal

>day pass expires and she locks me out