Who else is ready for another year of FOMOCO making history at Lemans?

Who else is ready for another year of FOMOCO making history at Lemans?

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It'll get BTFO by the GTR, just like last year

I am ready for Toyota Gazoo Racing not chocking this time.

>not placing in top 10 is making history

>v8 slayer
>lost to a bunch of nissan v8s

>all of those V8s lost to 4 cylinders
top kek, v8s confirmed shit

absolutely btfo

>V8 fags will defend this

a v8 has the most wins at le mans of any other engine stay btfo

>ford is so shit that fanboys cling to german manufacturers instead



I think you mean the official sanctioned FIA ORECA cup championship.

We IMSA now.

Daytona > Sarthe

Oreca is not even in LMP1 anymore, what the fuck are you talking about.

>Daytona prototypes

absolute disgust


>Oreca is not even in LMP1 anymore

kek... after this season it's likely that nobody will be in LMP1.

LMP1 is dying. Audi and Rebellion bailed out.
The most competitive class is the orec- I mean the LMP2 class.

They offer more chassis and engine options, and they are faster overall, which means the ACO frogs will never invite them, cause the cannot let go of the nissan V8, and they won't bother making their cars better.

Are they going to step up and compete with the bigboys, or are they happy to be scraping the bottom of the top 20 Behind Honda, Audi, Toyota Nissan and Porsche to name a few?

Is anyone actually going to LeMans this year?

Does the area around LeMans have lots of Muslims?

Jokes on you, Dallara seems to be making a killer car

>Is anyone actually going to LeMans this year?

Probably not, got other things to spend my time and money on this year.

>Does the area around LeMans have lots of Muslims?

No idea, never bothered to ask any of the local's what religion they were. That said it's mainly Catholic churches you see around there, at least in the rural areas where I tend to stay.

If you have the chance, do it.

I would also suggest to go there and do some camping with a bunch of friends of you are into that sort of things, that way you can stay right outside the circuit (as opposed to booking hotels miles away) so you can go in and out pretty much as you please, be close to the action and be with thousands of other campers drinking, grilling and partying for 3 weeks straight.

If you are interested in just seeing cars and not the race itself, you can go there 2 weeks before the race when the official tests are happening and see everything with a lot less people around.

The race weekend will be an absolute clusterfuck of people, but there are a lot of parties and things to do besides watching the race.

Keep in mind you have to book everything in advance, the first campers begin to appear almost a month before the race and there are tents and RVs as far as your eyes can see during the race week. Plus most hotels are booked a year in advance for all the teams and whatnot.

It's a thing to do once in your life, that and the Nurburgring 24h, which is even better for spectators IMO


Who's ready for another half year of sandbagging before Le Mans?

there is no evidence of them sandbagging

That's how you know they're good at it.

will they ever recover?

>making history at Le Mans
you mean Porsche?

nope. ford.

But nobody even cares about Ford at Le Mans. GTE is like the paralympics.

They actually do. You're a minority.

T. Cripple


>"I don't watch racing besides Le Mans."


>They offer more chassis and engine options
So exactly like the LMP2 class

>So exactly like the LMP2 class


2017 LMP2 rules is basically a spec class. The ACO outright stated that DPi cars would have to conform to the same Gibson-Nissan engine, standard Cosworth electronics, and uniform bodywork of the 2017 P2 cars in order for DPi cars to race at the LM24. They've basically told the IMSA teams to revert back to P2 spec if they want to compete.

Although they share the same chassis as an LMP2, DPi cars have more freedom of engine choices, electronics package, and bodywork style.

>no evidence

no its just convenient that they went from doing pretty poorly to winning LeMans on their 50th anniversary of the original victory...then losing a few races right afterwards

but this just shows the real issue is with the FIA race-by-race alterations. just let the teams race for fuck's sake.

and if anyone wants to see REAL sandbagging, watch the Monza F1 race from last year. Lewis Hamilton's team was worried he'd get called for a penalty so they told him to open it up and pick up as much time as possible. motherfucker picks up over a full second even after maintaining a super comfy lead

teams sandbag all the time, just some get outright caught for it and some can just shrug and say 'coincidence'

is there someone who can BTFO GT-R?

In Kentucky maybe.

How do you even prove someone is sandbagging unless you catch them saying something compromising?

Like, when racing, you can come up with a million excuses for going slow, from a tired driver to a wrong setup and they can be as valid to justify a sudden increase in performance



>How do you even prove someone is sandbagging unless you catch them saying something compromising?

There are lots of ways.

Going off line, braking early, going off throttle early, short shifting, applying throttle too late, not going full throttle when they should, cutting turns too wide or too early... Review of the telemetry shows if a driver is sandbagging. Last year, after the Roar before the 24 at Daytona, everybody in GTLM and GTD got busted for sandbagging after the IMSA officials looked at the telemetry.

>a v8 has the most wins at le mans of any other engine stay btfo
It's a shame Chevrolet's bandwagon cannot manage the same feat.

I could literally hear the rage under a thousand ruffled fangirl tinfoil hats as I was reading this.

so you're saying that you don't believe in sandbagging?

That's not what I was even remotely implying genius.

It's true though. Here's the article from last year:

>IMSA has rolled out with a new proprietary scrutineering data logger system — mandatory on all GTLM and GTD cars — that measures various things such as RPM, throttle position and airbox pressure.
>Carter said some of their first findings were quite revealing, with IMSA’s data from the Roar Before the 24 showing that every single car, for a lack of a better word — sandbagged — during the three-day test.
>“Ultimately, what we found across the board was an element of underperformance that was pervasive,” Carter said.

I'm not saying it isn't true. I'm agreeing that sandbagging is a measurable tactic. Not some hocus pocus theory that GM fangirls bandy about when it suits them.

>How do you even prove someone is sandbagging

Pretty easily actually.

>car grids mid-field or in back
>race laps are a second faster than every body else
>lap times come back up after the car gets in front

...of course, casuals who don't follow the racing would never notice.

>you will never live in a time where racing is unrestricted for the most part and racing is actually about the racing

Are we implying maintaining a sustainable lead without driving 10/10ths is bad practice?

I wasn't referring to how spectators can tell if someone is sandbagging, I was asking how the proper authority can effectively prove someone is doing that.
tried to answer that, and seems to me the only "scientific" way to prove it, but what you say can always be explained with the "the drive was tired/not concentrated/sad/out of shape" excuse and no-one can tell you are lying

>implying maintaining a sustainable lead without driving 10/10ths is bad practice

kek. Not even close to what I said, Mr Strawman.

What I;m saying is that if there's a pattern weekend after weekend of a car being slow in practice or even qualifying and then suddenly finds speed during the race, it's highly suspect. Especially for when the regulations have an active parity adjustment.

