Strongly considering buying this

> 2017 C63 S AMG Coupe

I am strongly considering buying this car next year (Spring 2018).

> What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on C63's? Specifically these new ones?

I want to keep it forever, so, not really worried about depreciation, maintenance, and all that. I plan on doing some cosmetic mods only.

Why buy a meme car

I like the RWD, the sound, and the looks, plus its small but not too small.

It'll be a daily driver.

If I were you I'd look at the 2008-2012 C63's. More affordable and tons of aftermarket.

Two things he literally just said he does not care about. Did you look at anything past the picture or what

Why when this god machine exist?

pretty sweet car

I wanted one in that exact spec, dark blue with black rims but I think I'll just wait until the C43s depreciate

Do you think the C43 is a good option for a daily? Does it have the same type of sound?

I'm only after the sound, and the fun, if I can get that from the C43 that would be cheaper o.o

The pricing isn't really an issue, my budget is like $1000 a month max on a finance term, so I can afford whichever.

Since it's going to be a daily and forever I want something newer so it'll look fine for the next 7 years or so

Never even realized Alfa sold cars in Canada

Why would you have this over the C63?

it's a better performance car in every way over the c63 and won't look dated in 10 years

the disgusting front end already looks dated.
And I've yet to see it perform in a head to head battle against a competing BMW or Benz

>no coupe version

into the trash it goes

The c43 is a V6 and sounds completely different. Theyre also as expensive as a slightly used c63 (s)

BMW M3/4 is what you really want.

The C63 S AMG Just doesn't appeal to me other than it having a beastly v8.

Wait, this thing is RWD only?

I like them. Compromised practicality (back seats) but otherwise perfect. I'm a BMW fanboi so I'd consider M2/M3/340i before this and maybe even Porsche Cayman.

the C63 sounds like god gargling bowling balls

the C43 sounds like a weak 4 cylinder with a misfire and a fartcannon. literally the gayest sounding modern car. theres one in my town thats always driving around like an ass, it sounds like a wet cumfart with every gear change, with a weak little engine revving between them


I think so, I haven't seen 4MATIC on any of their brochures yet for the C63.

It is utterly sad now that the E63 is 4MATIC in Canada, don't even know how to get an RWD one.

I like the V8 the most about the car. Also the M3/M4 looks like crap on the interior front, it hasn't changed since the 90s?

For the same amount of money, the C63 is in my opinion the better car.

>front hasnt changed
jesus how blind can one be

ignore the other shitposters

The C43 sounds sweet bot not on same tier as C63. If you're only after sound then get a 2012 C63 or something for 40k. If you are after an all around great car that looks new and sounds insane then get a new C63. If you're after an all around great new car but sounds slightly weaker then C43

what's making it so angry?


it has went from concerned to happy to angry

are you retarded? he said the interior hasn't changed

its a bmw

Depends on where you live OP. If you live in "we'll salt you to hell" eastern Canada, stay away from german vehicles. The electronics aren't exactly all-weather and salt resistant.

>It is utterly sad now that the E63 is 4MATIC in Canada, don't even know how to get an RWD one
Well the new one has this drift feature which lets you use the full engine torque on the rear wheels making it a part RWD car when you want it.

yeah apparently i cant read.
but that's even more retarded then
pic related, e36 interior

>no tacky infotainment display
>no iDrive
>as little electronic assist bullshit as possible
>plastic isn't tacky looking or cheap feeling

buy a used c63 with the na v8. it has bigger windows too.