Twingo plush when?

Need to buy

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We Twingo thread now!

fuck yeah, let's do this shit






>tfw no beasty megane engine swap, 5 lug nut twingo


There's a cheap 16v Twingo in my home town.
Couldn't you have imported this like a year and a half ago you worthless faggots?
Also, my friend won't be buying a Twingo because he's too big. Or so he says, without even sitting in one, apart from the passenger seat of mine. Welp

here's a 1996 one with canvas roof, only 20k kilometers on the odo and all that for 650 euroshekels

lmao that twingo low rider I have in my twingo folder for so long is actually for sale now



It has been for over 2 years, I remember that it was 4k€ at a time
Reminds me of this 15500€ mk.3 Golf

>It has been for over 2 years
oh shit, that's kinda sad then, lol

sold by a sandnigger, guaranteed
no wonder, really. Who the hell buys a car without TÜV anyway?

well, in the low price shitbox market it's mostly those who sell them.
and gypsies.

I still wanna try my hand at a D4FT swap.

IF you do, please keep us posted.
I love reading about rl Twingo modification stories.

Oh certainly, I might even try to film the whole thing.

Depending on the effort it takes to achieve this, you could inspire a lot of Twingo owners to do the same and maybe create a new wave of Twingo enthusiasts.

I mean 100 or even more in a 850kg car is shit tons of fun.
Even the 16v original engine isn't too underpowered for that light car.

I hope you will actually get to try it and that it and I also hope you will make it work. Would be fucking awesome.

If the regulations in this country weren't so anal about literally EVERYTHING I'd buy a Twingo and experiment with slapping an e-motor to the rear wheels.

A beefy motor and some dozens of 18650s can be had quite cheaply nowadays. Theoretically you could get those batteries even for almost free if you get tons of used laptop batteries and extract the cells from them. Often it's only a few of them defective while all others are working fine.

Yeah, I got the idea because the D4FT is still being used in lots of modern Renaults, and it's very closely related to the D4F/D7F in the original Twingo. I think it should pretty much bolt right in, I'd just have to figure out where to put the intercooler and probably some other accessories.

People have also gotten them up to about 160-170hp, and they're rumored to be able to hit over 200 with better internals.

>I'd just have to figure out where to put the intercooler

I suppose I could always go full TWORG as a last resort.
I kinda wanna keep it looking completely stock though, because sleeper. No one expects a Twingo to blow their doors off.

well, this one is a turbo swap, too and looks pretty damn stock while pushing 190hp

but then again he used the really compact 1.4turbo from the renault 5 and not some modern renault engine with probably way more stuff around it

same car

Yeah, that one's great. I think we had the guy who built it in one of these threads before.

I think I remember it. Thought it was only one who knew the owner of it though.
Anyways, hope we get to see some Veeky Forums inhouse tuning madness some time again.

>dat airbrush

What did he mean by this


>a car with fucking CLOUDS on the seats

Looks like that military thing where you put one enemy emblem on your vehicle for each one you kill.

lol, you're right.

needs moar tactical twungis itt






proves that twingos are actually RL pokemons

>h-he's fast!

when in casual, non-racing attire

>removes bumper and fenders to fit the fat racing wheels for each race


>dat choice of background music
this is why this whole twingo thing is important

Got a call today, they're in Switzerland now. Time to pay taxes and shit and pick them up asap.

Proper version.

There's an electro-converted Twingo close to here, street legal and all.

K..keep me posted

> No one expects a Twingo to blow their doors off.


What do we think br/o/s, would it work?

It's not gonna happen too soon since I'm still a jobless poorfag, but I'm just doing my research so I at least have some idea of how it'd work.


tell me about Twingo! why does he wear the intercooler?

We post Twingos, not empty parking lots


At least a good news for the begining of this year, keep us update plushie user

I don't know, man.

It was still there when I uploaded it

>rental swifts

i still have nightmares from them. Some are very badly driven, and some of them just fucking defy the laws of physics. I swear that thing can enter certain corners as fast as a cayman



> I swear that thing can enter certain corners as fast as a cayman
well, they're really lightweight and have a relatively powerful engine so it might be possible

Just saw a kenzo twingo for sale, anyone remember this one. That interior is wild.


they are like 1100kg. Engine is not powerful, i think it has 135 hp or something, but the balance and chassis and all that is smack on from what I've heard.




cyka blyat



Keep us update
