/dag/+/bwg/ - Dragon Age & Bioware General #1017

New Year (shitty) New OC edition

Previous: News:
>the BSN now is gone forever (but there's a backup somewhere so it's not really gone)
>Divinity Original Sin 2 is in Early Access (IT WILL HAVE WAIFUS EVENTUALLY)
>Tyranny is out


>We occasionally discuss other, smaller RPGs that don't have their own generals. This does not mean we are /wrpg/

Dragon Age Shit:
>Check THIS before asking questions:
>DA:O Mods

>How do I import my save into DA:I?
You can use this website to create your own DA World History by bringing over your choices from the previous games. You need an Origin account.

>Where is my Warden?
Getting hammered. DEFINITELY not posting in /dag/+/bwg/.

>/dag/ (incomplete) Art Archive

>/dag/ booru

>Help me /dag/+/bwg/, I want to feel the beginning!

Friendly reminder that it's 2017 and still no DA:4.

Not Solas

Meredith did nothing wrong.

Breddy gud, OP

Which DA:I love interest is the moste?

Is that video what tripping on an obscene amount of acid is like?

Ms. Pentaghast


if Iron Bull is not Tal Vashoth, he is objectively the leaste

Not really

It's like 60 Minutes on acid


Cassandra, although she can't sire children so it's a bit degenerate

Disgusting degenerate filth

>she can't sire children

She technically can have kids, they just have a higher chance of coming out with a congenital disease.

Happy New Years, cunts!

Dorian is even moste for a hetero inquisitor. Nothing degenerate about it famalam. Apologies about your shit taste.

Women over 40 in a medieval age would have no chance of getting pregnant and delivering a healthy baby. Even today with medical intervention it is rare and rife with problems and risks.

>Dragon Age

Dorian is a degenerate, even his father agrees.

Getting pregnant isn't necessarily the issue, it's carrying to term without a billion different issues and the fucking mega-ultra Downs.
He's a nice enough guy and all, but moste is a no.

>Gay character
>Backstory revolves around being gay

Bioware writing.


Seriously op? This is all you could think for New Year. Shit thread. I hope it dies so we can make a proper one.

Words can hurt you know

Castrating Solas and feeding his balls to the landwhales

Neutering Solas then muzzling him like a common dog

I have noticed that Solas really hates the Wardens. Does this hint something about Dragon Age 4's plot?

They're killing the old gods. Solas probably wants to succ the old gods' power.

He's a pedo cuck

BW is conditioning the hambeasts to take Solas' side so that they can kill off the warden

>feel bad for not helping Solas do friend mission
>find out he's some old god cunt who ruined everything
>find out he's also going to kill everyone because "Muh old elven lineage"
Yeah, no, fuck that broody cunt.

Only landwhales like him, user, you did well

Liara is so cute

>it's a liarafaggot spergs out about Solas episode
Take your meds, sweetie. Shit OP, by the way.

Not even a Liarafag.

Talifag, reporting

I'm glad there are two of you landwhale enthusiasts now, it really improves the overall quality of /dag/.

>No Leliana post

Confirmed shit thread.

Jack is cutest

so if the human noble warden becomes teyrn of gwaren, and is also heir to the teyrnier of highever

does that mean Kieran could one day rule over both teyrnier's of ferelden?

he'd be more powerful than the king.

That's even worse.

Ferelden elects its King, technically, so no.

I wasn't talking about him being king, although since kieran would be a very powerful noble he'd definitely be a contender for the throne if they do have an elective succession.

but what I meant was, he'd rule over both teyrnier's when the warden and his brother died.

I also forgot to mention Kieran would also rule over most of the arling of ameranthine

That little bitch is set.

I got another question. if the warden marries anora. would the royal family be called Mac tir-Cousland? and would keiran have a claim to the throne?

i mean there are no more therin's on the throne, and it would be the start of a completely new dynasty, at least it should be.

actually I thought of another question

if i raped leliana, would her child be in the line for the running as well

delete this autismo lord.

see now I don't remember asking that at all.

Kieran would be able to make his case to the landsmeet like anyone else. If he was Alistair's kid and Alistair was king he might even have a chance just for the sake of Ferelden traditionally having someone of Calenhad's blood on the throne, but beyond that the landsmeet would choose who they think would serve best.

And probably Mac-Tir, given Anora does most of the ruling and has been on the throne for longer. Might they might go with Cousland, or a mash of the two, just to avoid the connection to Loghain after his actions during the Blight though.

Jesus loves me this i know for the bible tells me so.

I was asleep... I just wanted to claim first

Even Jesus can't help you now



*sigh* delete this right now

The Wardens want to kill all the "Archdemons" sleeping underground, but they are the only thing that keeps the darkspawn at bay for most of the time. If all the dragons in the Deep Roads died, darkspawn would flow on the surface like a mad, unrestrained army to desperately find another "Old God".

>"For all we know, killing the Old Gods might make things even worse!"

He's not wrong and considering that Mythal was so tied to dragons, I'm pretty sure she was the one who put those creatures down there when the other elven gods took the Blight on the surface. She created a bait to save the surface land.

>He's not wrong
>reaching this hard to defend your pedophile husbando

landwhale please

HoF vs Solas at Weisshaupt Fortress when?

Hopefully never.

Not the one you replied to.

I used to fight the greater mistral in The Dales when I was 2-3 levels lower. My party members died except me, a mage and Cass. I managed to win that fight after 30-50 minutes cause barrier just sucked up all the damage and Cassandra kept shielding up :D


No wonder /dag/ is so bad these days. Underage faggots from reddit infesting it 24x7.

They're probably sjw landwhales too, right? That's totally why /dag/ is so shit now.

Origins was the only good DA game

The other two have shit waifus and cancerous fangirls

LOL fedoralord virgin neetfaggot thinks his boring game was good. Inquisition is the only dragon age I managed to beat multiple times. I tried first one and uninstalled it after an hour of boredom. Same with the second game.

You replayed sjw garbage and yet you're still an unlovable onbnixious hambeast


Many such cases!

C'mon now.


Good thread so far guys.

New year, new cancer.

Looks like the same old to me

Why is /dag/ so boring and uncreative compared to /meg/? Is it because women are creatures of inferior intelligence?

Idk maybe because it's only you posting here and you always post the same shit

Rise and shine


eat a dick

only if it's yours

>almost everything about the game is shit
>/dag/ is dead
>still want to play it anyway
Well then, where do I get better gear on low levels? It feels like my mage has kittens for damage and everything I craft/find is shit. Cassandra is the only one doing something to enemies.

Drop it and wait for Andromeda instead

At least it won't be sjw garbage

>At least it won't be sjw garbage

But I haven't seen any SJW garbage so far.

what about the fact that the leaders of the Andromeda expedition are all women. and the highest ranking male(your father) goes crazy?

then theirs the racist paki

>At least it won't be sjw garbage
Made me post.

What about the fact that all the leaders of cisquisition are womyn and there are no good looking waifus

At least Andromeda females have sexy bodies

Would Cass let you marry her? Like, a wedding with her wearing a dr*ss and everything?

You gay or something

In trespasser if you romanced her, you do discuss marriage with her

She doesn't really give a straight answer

I hope so ~~

>expecting the woman to propose

beta faggot

I miss crazy-old-lady-living-in-a-swamp Flemeth, she was too sane and rational in the sequels.

andromeda looks more clunky than standard bioware clunky and like it's been through a mess in development

What if she says no...

yeah, plus all the crazy shit she said added a lot of mystery to her character

they should make a game with no humans in it, theyre really good at making non-humans

Then it's you're obviously not man enough for her, she never said no to me

Enjoy your permavirgin status

Say that to my face not online and see what happens

I never connected the dots before, but the Hero and the Architect are probably working together, aren't they?

>Hero is looking for a way to prevent the Calling
>Architect is looking for a way to cure the Calling
>Architect used to be the high priest of Urthemiel
>Urthemiel's soul could be saved in DA:O
>Hero could have fathered babby Urthemiel with Morrigan

Would be cool to see the Hero and the Architect teaming up against Solas to reclaim Urthemiel's soul

Gonna go with that too.
Oh my.. It's mind has been compromised.
You're one of those weird fucks that are excited about getting the fuck the female alien with an exoskeleton, aren't you?

lol faggot

There's this one paki who works for bioware who posts anti white shit on twitter

to bad I killed that purple faggot

I thought there was an option to side with him in Awakening. His first solution was to give everyone the taint and then awaken everyone, so I hope he came up with something better.
He's Indian, isn't he?

Yes, and Solas went West to destroy every Warden in Weisshaupt Fortress.

>to bad I killed that purple faggot
He was a magister like Corypheus, he probably lowkey reincarnated into the closest host after you killed him

>He's Indian, isn't he?
don't know

>He was a magister like Corypheus
then I'd gladly kill him again