/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Bone Zone Edition

Shadowverse is a free-to-play, class-based collectible card game similar to Hearthstone /hsg/
The expansion, Rise of Bahamut released on Dec. 29th.

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database/Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Get your cheat sheets here: imgur.com/a/oj8uw

Discord: discord.gg/vkQFb33

All-in-one Steam undub and uncensor UPDATED WITH BAHAMUT:


Password Key:

Updated card art package.

-Added RoB art
-Fixed Vampire Queen art which was flipped upside down
-Changed filenames to match the card names (card number is still included)
-1163 images, 1.68 GB


A growing collection of animated golds/legendaries:

Come here if you want to search for card artworks:

Search by artists:

You can listen and download both EN/JP voices for cards at this place:

Get your iDOLM@STER Emblems and Sleeves with this guide:


Other urls found in this thread:


Daria is my waifu



i wonder why the cutest girl has no art whatsoever even though she is sitting right about a christams tree


What should the new class be?

rattle me bones

How worthwhile is the prebuilt sword deck? I want to make a control deck eventually so the legendaries look nice


>release expansion
>the most exciting new card doesn't work for a week

Reposting from last thread.

Let's say my opponent has 2 health and Underworld watchman on his field and I have some random creature on mine. I dance of death his Watchman.
Does he die or does watchman trigger his effect first?

Holy shit, I never realized how lewd her outfit was. She won't be needing any magic to enchant my dick.

The Witcher.


If you are missing most of the golds and legos in it, it is worthwhile.

arisa is best girl and elf craft has the best qt cards

>Jeno and Monika in Control Sword

need for concede


Gimmicks are literally secrets from HS :^)

I feel like Shadowfags spend way more time homebrewing decks than anyone else does. Is it the skeletons? Are all Shadowfags Veeky Forumsfags? What does /hsg/ play then?

Voices of resentment; good or bad?

fite me

Lovecraft with all the creations and cute girls like in the pick

Here's a quizz for you /svg/

Your opponent has a Lurching Corpse that has been out on the board forever and that ended up getting Ward from Rider.
You have an Attendant summoned last turn and nothing else. You boost it with Keen Enchantment and ram it in.

Does the Lich get to live or not ?

Both leggos are used in midrange/control, alwida is used in all sword decks.

I play ramp dragon and just end up dropping a forte on curve, evolving and hitting their face 3 times
it feels like im just playing aggro

Good card that doesn't fit into any good decks. The enhance is borderline OP in T2

Any real difference between AA2 and AA3? Hoping so because AA2 was kinda of the worst.

why is this allowed

It Veeky Forums fags mainly because tombkeks were squatted. Sasuga geedubs.

It lives, right?

They still need to fix bloodcraft's and shadowcraft's gimmicks to be good.

Manletcraft obviously, give dumb dorfs some representation

They make a cute couple

Shadow is actually okay. Blood is meh because 10 hp is where you die next turn.

Depends if you want to have less Aurelia or Albert.

I never expect swordfags to run her until she evolves and kills my Urd and Lich on turn 5.

I like Monika more than Fencer in this meta, but don't run too many of her. 4 slot is Amelia's now.

So havencraft? It had the girls and weird stuff, also birds.

>Jeno in anything

implying she didn't improve her looks with magic

because elves have +10 to cute and are for being cute

It gets worse. I've been stuck at AA3 for weeks even though I've been playing even more than usual. Only 2000 points away from Master now so hopefully I'll make it before the end of the month. Losing just two matches in a row feels like losing a bunch of progress.

It actually doesn't.

Seems like since this is your turn, your Last Word triggers first. So unlike HS, the order in which the card were played doesn't matter.


Monika is actually gets pretty solid worth as a one-of in my deck
t. shitter

Done now is not overstatted in terms of sword,haven and forest.

It just need one of defense

>Depends if you want to have less Aurelia or Albert.

it's high time Aurelia was trimmed down a bit tbqh

>3 months later
>Nephthys still in maintenance with no more words from cygames
>previews from next expansion starting to trickle in
>new shadow lego is kinda meh by itself, but is perfect for Nepthys decks
>bunch of new powerful last words cards that fit on the Nephthys curve and help out with the stall game
>people get excited thinking they're finally ready to release Nepthys for real
>Lunas everywhere dreaming of dominating the new meta
>expansion is finally released
>still in maintenance

> me playing aggro-anything deck
>swordcrafts with ward infested cards left and right

Is it a thing now?


>Dies to DoD
Shit card

Otohime lost value, I don't think it's a good card in a control deck. The real value is Aurelia and the gold cards. Alwida and Frontguard are must. Charlotte is underwhelming, and I personally don't like White Paladin.

Here is my list if you want to take ideas. I'm an A0 shitter, but I win almost all my games.

Go buy alt art Forte already!

stop putting captchas on polls you dumb nigger no one is going to bot them


Why was there a sudden spike of steam reviews in late november?

>Create: 43,250

not lewd enough

steps have been taken to defend against the cancer

Sorry, my mistake. Will remember for next time.

Metal/machinecraft to represent artifact deck variations from mtg. The gimmick is activated abilities on creatures/amulets.

I like the card and I'd like to run him but I have a feeling that Amelia x3 Fencer x3 is the way to go. I have him in x1 to test the waters in my deck.

duck memes

>playing agaisnt shadow as dragon
>they summon mordecai
>ok no big deal i can still forte rush the match
>next turn he urds morde and duplicates him
>proceeds to tear me apart

what the fuck

Not everything had to be lewd

Give the code i can create the entire deck and why you don't use amelie?

Okay forest bros. Are we going to replace sylvan justice with this card since sword starting to tech those ninja shuriken just for balanced yurius faggot.

Coz free packs.

When vamp queen is available.

yeah right

Anyone know if the elana/seraph hybrid is the same as an elana deck but instead of like odin and olivia in the deck, you replace them with seraph?

Does anyone also have a deck list for the elana/seraph hybrid?

>no Rowen option
We all know that he's the kind of guy who spends Friday night masturbating furiously with a dangerously tight rope around his neck.

Why not both?

lmao 2 morde
2 morde!!1!



Cygames doesn't deserve too much money due to Neph still being down

I already vialed 2 forte's and bought the forte leader user!
Are the premade decks even viable? I suppose investing 500 crystals rather than bajillion ruppees just to get a card with 0.0000017% chance to get is better.

Only have so many crystals my man, tell Cygames to give more crystal deals and im in

Teching blitz lancer make more sense since you still left with a 3/1 body.


>43000 to create
I hate how expensive sword decks are, but its a long term goal at least. Thanks for sharing the deck

its a very good start/finisher to decks for the price

but I am her friend

I'd love a mech archetype actually

I want to hug Crystalia Lily to warm her up

Is almost the same but there actually some different cards really cheap thing
Would recomend you to trade it for something more early because Elana decks don't really need that much power with all the buffs
My personal deck you need to remove temple and dark offerin because these are my personal changes for the deck

So who is going to be the hero and upload the Isabelle doujin that came out yesterday?

>Prebuilt decks are crystal only

Who thought of this?

here you go

I use Amelia x2, I don't want to craft a third one until I have formed an opinion on the card. I feel like she's there to have a T4 when you're first, but she's a T4 evo bait more than anything, and I'm not sure I like that. It's a good card against bat aggro I think, so I guess it's worth running her.
I don't really understand the card, I think I miss something, besides muh value 6/6 stat for 4 when you're swarmed.



Is the Bannermeme over? I cant get it to work


To be fair, the 3 crystal deals IS enough. But I get what you mean. Crystal to dollar ratio is pretty shit outside of deals (and even then they're meh).

what fuck you Atomy is fun especially on turn 2.

What if she gets flustered and turns you into a snowman?

>Trying to find levelling/pack grinding guides
>Find some shit on leddit
>TIER LIST READ (ONLY JAPAN) translate to discover what good card
>DO NOT go past the d03, reset to 3 card pack open

Is there some tl;dr checklist of things to do when starting out not written in translated moon runes?

Where's the kripp effect? I'm not seeing it.

>want to buy vamp queen
>only play aggro bats
>she isn't really useful in it
Kill me now.

Have not seen a real/traditional banner deck in awhile now. I have seen some midrange sword though.

nah its fine unless you brick

I think it is bannerfriend, I'm having no luck with it either.