Do you own a car Veeky Forums?

Do you own a car Veeky Forums?
I will start, I do not.

I own two cars.

I don`t own a car

I own a shitbox.

I own one car.


I own an autotragic, and kinda wish i had looked a bit more before buying.

I own a motorcycle

I have a bus pass. Sometimes I think of it like I own a very small portion of the bus and that makes me happy.

I own a car and 4 projects own me.

yes and i'm rebuilding a bike with my dad


why do people keep using this meme. Isn't it kinda old by now?

>P-please stop!!!
Assmad GM fangirl detected


It's funny to watch them sperg on command :^)



Who needs a car when you have a flock of trained pigeons?

Better than a Corvette

>ruining that face with a nose ring
Too much degeneracy in this day's society.

I own three and two motorcycles.