Who else here /remove snow/

who else here /remove snow/

finished snowblowing the driveway earlier this morning.
Connecticutfag reporting in.

What did he mean by this?

Too busy shitposting.

godspeed to u ameriga friends!
may trump make ameriga great again


>car cover

enjoy your scratched up rust pile

Got just over 15" last night so I took my Jeep out and messed around for a couple hours. Shout out to my neighbor for snow blowing like 80% of my driveway while I slept in.

>mfw no snow in 2016 at all
I think since I have my car we never ever had snow here in my part of germany.

Fuck Trump. I voted for Jill Stein. I would've voted for Bernie but the DNC are whores for money and supported Hilary instead.

Entitled, little communist

I like having no snow or LOTS of snow

Give me dry roads or give me fresh powder, I just hate driving on salty slush that makes me car look like shit.

>properly fitting & secured fibre tarp that is not exposed to wind

Probably a bit healthier than the bristles of the brush twice a day, 4-5 days a week, for six months every year

>mad America isn't in the top 10 happiest countries on earth
>America barely in top 20
Just because we're trying to institute the same programs and idea that put them there doesn't make us communist. Last I checked, they still had capitalist societies.

>Jill Stein
holy shit this must be bait, there's no way someone would actually vote for her in a serious manner. She's literally delusional; this must be some advanced form of irony

bristles of the brush?


What Part of Germany are you from?
Bavaria here, had some little bits of snow in december

better than trying to decide which is a lesser evil, a career politician or a corporate shill who is a known pathological lier.

any of you guys have one of these?

they're good right?


Sure, if you dont have heavy snowfalls, strong winds or some homeowners bullshit rule against it

Got about 9 inches here in NC, thankfully its melting pretty quickly, only had to do a little bit of shoveling on Friday.

If you have a driveway that leads to a big backyard and don't want to build a proper carport, sure.

Could have just stayed home and whacked off.

>literally no snow on anything behind you
fake and gay

Ha that is the exact brush I have in my car right now. Don't use the brush on the paint though. Who does that?

>clean winows
>drive around and snow falls off car for me

Holy Crap. This must be bait. No one can be this retarded, even on this sad excuse of a website

I really hate road salt

How's the car, user? I've been thinking of getting a mk3 swift as a first car. Would you recommend it? Any problems?


That's a nice Swift

I really need to remove the crap faded stickers that are still on

Ayy fellow CTfag. It's cold as shit right now

CTfag again.
while the Northern US states have no problem with snow, the Southern states just flat out panic. I'm laughing. This pic was taken yesterday in Raleigh, North Carolina where they only got 2.5 inches. Pic found via twitter. #snowpocalypse


How can people not have a basic understanding of car control?

I've personally never driven in snow, but I've dicked around in mud before and I assume that's worse, but it's so fucking easy. All those people must just be retarded.

Funny because in my area of NC we git 9 inches and haven't had any accidents so far.

>phony pic

>real pic is best pic

It's not the snow, it all just melts and then freezes into goddamn ice immediately. Unless you've got serious studded winter tires, which nobody would ever buy down here because they would dry rot before you ever got to use them, you aren't getting anywhere, regardless of winter driving skills.

Good studless tires can do perfectly fine on ice. Sure, you're not beating good studded tires on that surface but you'll get where you want to go unless it gets seriously steep

Unless, ofcourse, you're talking about the type of ice thats basically as slippery as glass with water ontop of it that you'll get with pure frozen water

First snow of the year. Turning on the wipers never felt better.

Don't remove the original stickers, user. The stickers are vital in keeping the car's originality.

Hello fellow CTfag

Notice how the dumbocrat commie lover doesn't have a car to post a picture of.

Don't you dare use those bristles raw, cover them up with a microfiber cloth

NYC here. I cant wait for it to warm up a bit. I need to get the underside washed. WAYYYYY to much salt.


1 hes under a bridge. look into the distance there's snow. 2 maybe he was out while it was still snowing so we're not seeing the full amount here

Starlet! You better be on the forum also

i mean these white craps.
they crumble when i try to peel them off.
