/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Tharja a best

Azura a shit

Camilla a best!

>Complains about early threads all the time
>First to post in one

I just want to make her happy

That's very kind of you user

Who's been doing these OPs?


The one no-life loser who still thinks cuckposting is funny

Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute, what's all this about cuckposting? /feg/ is better than that. We'd never do that shit. There's nothing like that in these threads, just cute Fire Emblem pairing artwork. Nothing more to it my guy.

Please stop trying to make yourself look innocent.

Watch where you're throwing those implications, buddy. My record is squeaky clean. Pure as the driven snow. Why would I lie to my fellow /feg/gots?

>nothing more to it my guy

Name five significant things Awakening did right.

It wasn't as bad as Fates
It produced a lot of great porn

that's all I got

And one of them is wrong

I like Hana

But neither of them are wrong?

Fates just doubled down on everything wrong with Awakening, and I have busted so many nuts to Awakening porn.

Guys could I have the pic of Hinoka's retainers being stoned? I lost it and I can't find it anymore...

I love Hana very much!

Hinata loves her too. Her sweat and stink gets him in h e a t.

you might have to narrow it down

Do you seriously have art for every waifu with other men?

Setsuna isn't a stoner, she's just retarded.

yes we know you make that same complaint any time someone makes a stoner joke about her

Pretty sure that's the only time I've ever seen fit to comment on this but it doesn't surprise me that it's apparently a common enough sentiment.

i can't believe more than one person would give a shit

It's been a while since I played any FE


>can't believe more than one person would get annoyed by waifufag headcanons

Really though?







God damn it the more I see this the more I'm tempted to install it. Also those tits are too big for Setsuna.


>tits are too big

Well if they were trying to go for on-model, I wasn't really saying they were bad.





Is Severa the gayest FE character ever


Good night /feg/

Technically Tharja or Rhajat, or Niles.



I'm gonna have to say no


reposting sample live2d test for Android smartphones from last thread

instructions are in the previous thread

Nah is the only second gen Awakening character who didn't get shipped with Severa

All this means is that Severa is a loose slut that almost everyone has had a turn with.


>not having your waifu dance for you on your phone
get on my level


So does anyone here ever talk actually about gameplay or do you just spam yurishit?

What's the difference?


Gameplay has been discussed to death, now shut up and post yuris

I don't have any gay stuff left

Then this general has no more value. We're meant to discuss the games here, not your favprote shitty pairings of the latest games' shitty characters.

>Then this general has no more value
That's been /feg/ for a long time

Who are you to judge a general's value? Feel free to start your own gameplay discussion if that's what you want, no need for this petty whining.

>They told me Fire Emblem was a waifu game
>All the girls get shipped with all the other guys in the game

what the HECK


>thought yuri was shit
>then I played Fire Emblem

What the FUCK

Everyone gets shipped with everyone, straight or gay

that ain't a waifu game then my boy

Yuri still is shit.

t. Nina

1. Took out support limits
2. Pair Up

That's all I got


Well Niles and Rajatabla (and therefore Tharja) are both literal fags, Soleil was gay converted into a Lesbian by Treehouse, Ike is very possibly plowing Soren's boycunt and Kjelle was the one who was lesbic over Severa.

Post these.


God this chapter is being such a pain

>Virion gets Assasin class on #FE.

Im pretty sure that this class could be more useful on my damn Awakening lunatic runs.

>Blow gently
What the fuck, who decided to make Fates an actual waifu sim?

You are quite late there. It gets boring later.


>waifu sim

Don't worry, there's a good chance your waifu will say stuff around the base or during the endgame that completely disregards or sometimes contradicts your relationship. Or. possibly in addition to that, their post-game blurb might do the same. Because the relationships are never really given any meaningful validation outside of those couple of minigames and might as well not even exist.

[insert character here] a best!

>still cuckposting

In a scale from 1 to 11 how much people will be upset if he gets add to smash?

He worth like 2 Marth.


All the butthurt would be almost worth having him in. Corrin's reveal was hilarious.


I think Smash has enough Fe chars. He would also be another sword wielder. I wouldn't mind, but the Sm4sh community would be pretty mad, i guess


Marth and Chrom on same character is smashfag worst nightmare.


But why?
I wouldn't mind more Skins/Costumes.

Nina is the most underrated for lewd



I think you meant Niime

You're the one who mentioned how much you missed Bradyposting and directly caused the resurgence of cuck memes.