/gowg/ gears of war general


Available December 6th for Season Pass holders as part of the early access Developer Playlist*, Glory and Speyer will also be introduced into free public playlists on December 13 and Gridlock and Relic will be removed.
Read more at news.xbox.com/2016/12/01/gears-war-4-december-update/

>Information regarding Gears of War 4
pastebin.com/kEd89b2n (embed) (dev blog links)
gearsofwar.com/en-us/developerblog (blog pages include art and videos)
pastebin.com/r75cDpuS (embed) (all exclusive pre-order, rewards and promotional content info)

>Gamertag List (you can request being put on the list from this page)

>Gears of War General Xbox Club
Download the Xbox App BETA from the store if on PC. Both Xbox and PC search for gowg on Xbox Clubs.

>Join the /gowg/ discord to chat or play with us


New maps soon!

>86181 ▶
>New maps soon!
any news?

Need more credits


So what's the betting lads. Will the card customization content 'in the hundreds' actually be a whoooole bunch of new characters and skins, or will it be

>MAYBE 5 characters if we're really lucky
>About 10-20 weapon skins
>80+ emblems, many of them flags for literally who countries.

Not yet, guess we'll find out early next week.
I'd love to see Mansion back.

heh tricked u!

Totally forgot about the Emblems. Now i can them just giving us at least like 50+ new emblems to pad shit out.

The thing turning me off from hoping on the game more is just knowing how hard it will be to get a decent horde group. Just that part can take upwards of 30 minutes. Then on social versus it's nothing but Dodgeball and Arms Race.

Christmas absolutely destroyed public horde, I spend more time backing out of matches than actually playing. Even if you end up getting a group that works people still leave anyways and it's just you and one other person by wave 20.

Yeah the sheer influx of shitters on there means you'll spend like half an hour at least just exiting out of games because others left or because you keep wiping on waves 1-10 because they suck, or leaving because they're retarded and picking up power when they arent the scout or building shit when they arent the engineer. The process of finding a viable group alone takes forever and then you add that on top of the time it takes to finish the horde once you do find a competent group.

im gonna kill msyself

I'm gonna intoxicate myself.

Dont let horde do this to you

Updated Mansion would be sick. Need more maps with rain too.

wow this thread is dead

anyone understand the rankings?

i do team deathmatch and im silver 2 and i can kind of hang

but then i do competitive mode executions and im bronze 2 and just get wrecked. maybe the system is confused or something . i know i suck

Only rankings i know of are the levels, never done core or competitive so i wasnt even aware there were other ones.

Gears worth investing the time and money in to start a pro mlg team? Assuming I could find others.

Gowg is fucking dead


just play games and sign up on the tournaments and shit with people

New map info when

The skill gap to large between pros and new teams?

New gears game when?

Will they have learned anything from Judgement?

the established pros (optic is all i am really familiar with) are pretty well-endowed

>get a win as kait bounty
>been playing about three hours now
>every single game I'm on Swarm
>finnaly get in one as Cog
>go 15-7 on dodge ball
>teamate goes 3-14
>we lose

Make it stop

there are enormous skill gaps between levels and especially pros

just not sure if there is the volume of interest as in other shooters

Anyone know where I can get a cheap copy of gears? I played the game at a friend's and I'm in love but I'm I bit of a poor fag so if you guys could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it :)

Isnt it like 45% of in the Bone's online store?

Outside of that there's always gamestop, flea markets, second hand places like thrift stores etc.

I played for four hours
I won about 90% of the games I played
I was MVP almost every time
I didn't get my Kait win bounty done

Nah the bones store stopped that sale the day after I played it for the first time. Ty for the tips


I think the scout and the soldier are underpowered. The scout has close combat skills but they become irrelevant on hardcore and insane due to the high risk of approaching the enemy.
The soldier has good assault rifle skills but you can't kill the enemy in the distance instantly like the heavy and the sniper.

Yeah, and the engineer should be able to one shot people too.

Scout and engineer arent really supposed to fight at all, scout gets tons of points for depositing all the power, they're usually at the top of the list on that alone. Engineer gets their kills at the higher levels with laser wire and stronger sentries. Only classes i think need to be stronger are sniper and soldier. Snipers cant kill shit as fast as heavies but still require more time and skill to pull of their shots and soldiers are basically only useful for the Hammer of Dawn on insane.

Sniper is fine. it already has explosive headshot and headshot damage skills. it's just below heavy but above all others in terms of fighting.
Soldier seriously needs buff not only they are underpowered compared to heavy and sniper but also they don't have an actual role in the bunch besides the hammer of dawn yet many engineers you encounter on public barely save money for fabricator options so you have to stack bonus money for yourself most of the time.

>Diamond in nearly every mode
>Onyx 3 on KOTH and Arms Race
>Onyx 2 in Execution

The fucking grind to get me from Gold 1 to Onyx 3 again in KOTH has taken me like 150 wins, no joke

Jesus Christ. I get bored of versus after a while. Couldn't imagine putting in that much time for that shit

Title update when?

There isnt much point in picking any class for damage besides Heavy considering how fast they kill things and so easily too. The problem is the sheer damage enemies do on insane, especially with the double damage bonus they get after 30. Sniper's can barely keep up against enemies too when they get their double health. Only the weak little drones can be killed with one headshot, which is due in part to what crazy damage sponges they become.

Overrun was kind of the same with the class imbalance. It was still crazy fun though, i loved being either the Cog or the Locust.

What is the best and worst region to play horde with random?

you're welcome bazz c: