/dfog/ - Dungeon Fighter Online General #1

Cute witchy edition

>Pandemonium Prequel: Chronicles of Luke


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>Liberation weapon FAQ:
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Fatigue Points(FP) resets at 9AM UTC

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アラド戦記 – Arad Senki
던파 – Deonpa

>JP Priest voice

>DnF Original Soundtrack Symphony World
>Touhou Music Pack

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Make more saders. Don't be so naive to think one is enough.

>haven't made one

I will stay strong. Fpriest soon.


can someone here become my ele gf?

we need more saders to pray the gay away

How does the loot level system work?
>open up the lv. 70~80 Epic Weapon Box I bought with hell coins
>only level 76 so I cant equip level 80 weapons yet
>looking at my options
>At the bottom of the list there are weapons that are shown as Lv 70(80-10)
How do you make them level 80 weapons? Why are 10 levels being subtracted from the total level?

I want my pexos to rub exos
I want my exos to rub pexos
I want my pexos to rub pexos
I want my exos to rub exos
I want inquisitor and p exo to rub axes together

Contracts, ya' dink. They're still level 80, you can just equip them 10 levels lower.

Ten levels are being subtracted from the total level because of whatever contract you have that lets you use equipment that's up to 10 levels higher than what your character is. When the contract runs out, if you're not level 80, you won't be able to equip that Epic anymore. Hit cap and you don't have to worry about this, animeposter.

Thanks anons. So Once I get to level 80 the stats will change from the 70 version up to the original level 80 version?


only thing contract does is let you equip it early

No, you dumb animeposter. The only thing that changes it what level you can equip the item at. Read your active contracts.

Oh alright I see.

You really think an anime poster would actually bother reading anything?

>accidentally join a shitter guild while doing menu stuff
>want to leave
>click self in the guild pane
>menu opens and closes instantly

this is my life now i guess

I don't. But I really wish they would.
That happens periodically with all menus like that, restart the client and it'll be gone.

Should I have excel link toggled on or off? I'm not sure how useful skill cancelling is.

>Just now got petite eugene and eye if eugene.
>Thought all this time if you chose mind of eugeen it would deduct eugene crystals so would have to grind more crystals for pet eugene
>just found it it doesn't deduct
>could have been having fun with eugene all this time
Why am i so baka? Did anyone else know about this?

What did we just say about you reading things?

On, it's very helpful.

I knew about it, but I didnt use any of the eyes I just hoard them

But user thats not me

So making a sader right now, getting that cross from the epic road box and building that OV set for raid is viable for fucking shitters like me?
I'd end myself if I get my BiS savior on that sader tho, but I want DI

You don't need much skill to be a support sader.

f sader confirmed better overall sader than male
you can do anton with whites on f sader and deal 5 million swinging cross damage

my dad works at neople

i want a cute witch gf or cute witch trap bf...
pic related, is me at the beach :3

What class do I play if I only want to mash/rotate between 4~6 buttons for my BnB and then the rest are just long CDs I press once per room, instead of having to remember 12~18 cooldowns all at once for my main combos?

Which epic should I get on my sword master with the box?

translate it koreaboos

Eyes are useless anyway. Can't use them anywhere important, and it just makes grandine take longer.

bone red dragon


lol at virgin priest thinking 2 inch dick is big

Can you level a second pair of alts after you get 85 on both 1+1 characters?


>Make level event
>Can only level 1 or 2 characters
Do they do this specifically as an excuse to make more level events instead of ones for max levels?

How about so you don't end up with 25 max lvls after like 2 weeks?

No one knows why they do things because they're Asian.

There's literally not enough time in the day to level up 25 characters in two weeks. Fuck off with your hyper boles.

My point was that they make a new leveling event every round instead of just making one every now and again. I can't even remember the last time I leveled a character and actually had to manually awaken.

well with the 1 + 1 event it would be 13 since that's what I thought you were talking about,
But a large portion of dfo players never touch end game content, and just have fun leveling alts and such. So these events are largely to keep them interested in the game as an excuse to lvl a new character.

I'm pretty sure that's false. Personally I have fun leveling alts because I do that in literally every MMO and is basically the main reason I ever play any. But I'm sure more people level alts because the end game is kind of shitty due to the epic system requiring you to waste your life away getting nothing. The ancient grinding isn't much better as they made it to take 20 days per piece and you really can't grind it out since gabe is RNG as well so you have no real feeling of progression. I don't think there's a person who thinks that is fun.

>fast forward in the future
>become the most top geared f.sader in the server
>5000 spirit and everything
>dressed up super cute above the rest
>be so in demand both anton and luke raids
>everyone wants you to be their waifu


>tfw no one respects male mages compared to superior f.mages

Well they are technically less cute than fmages

GM still fun to play

>5000 spirit and everything

>he "mains" F. Crusader and doesn't know

>F Mages
There is literally no one that respects f mages. ERP fags think it's a class for sluts, actual people think it's a class for pedophiles, and I think it's a class for shitposting autists.

Fuck you bug is fun

>mfw I main a miko

I am an actual person who loves F.mage daughter class, witch especially. She's so cute and her nose bandage and messy red hair are so cute :3c I really want to platonically hold hand's with a cute pretty witch girl and protect her from all of the bad things in world !

You're not an actual person. You're fabricated ruse that was convenience specifically to make me cringe.

You're a good man.

>mfw I main fbrawler

>Mfw I main an inquisitor

when and where is the next /dfog/ meetup

>mfw I main a miko


See me in Suisha's tavern's secret room

Under the title book it says that unlocking all the titles gives boosts to the titles or something like that?

Does that mean all the characters I get free boosts on I should go back and do all the title quests?

Not sure if want

Clear the titles in the section and that character gets the stated stat bonuses. It's worth it to do them, but after all stamina consuming dailies.

It's only titles in the general tab that give you stats. Using Feat Clear tickets will unlock every title in the general tab UP TO YOUR LEVEL. So if you use a ticket at level 85 it will unlock all the general tab titles.

Phew thanks

user could I get a source on that please?I tried iqpd,saucenoa, tineye, and google images and nothing came up.

>mom is 85

Time to fun

Please wish her a happy birthday for me!

Not the poster. Artist looks like Fujisaka Lyric.

What did you get your mom for her 85th birthday?


Thanks anons!

F. Crusader's buffs scale off of INT not VIT/SPI. The only limit to her scaling is that it's only INT from her base stats + base item stats. INT gained from item effects, item auras, skill buffs won't count towards her buff scaling (This includes any of these gained from other players so no M. Crusader + F. Crusader stacking). So instead of stacking VIT/SPI amps and enchants you're stacking INT amps and enchants

Its why she's considered strong since she can support while dealing damage unlike M. Crusader who has to pick between the two.

>Leveling alt
>Doing dungeon
>Disconnect right after I kill the boss
>Come back on
>Do another dungeon
>Disconnect AGAIN right BEFORE I kill the boss so the scenario quest doesn't finish
What the fuck is happening? Is something fuckery happening with the server right now?

Doesn't that mean that she has much less potential buff wise than the M Crusader? Also you said no stacking so does that mean its pointless to have both a M and F crusader in the same party?

So, does anybody just play this game to level up characters?


Speaking of F Priests, where is KDnF user who used to show us the test server goodies, like for F Slayers' 2nd, SONS, and male gays?

What does F. Priest look like? How much is known about them?
Are they cute like Grandis?

>What does f preist look like
Did you just
Not even read any of the posts in this general?

base class

whoa, she's kind of flat
i like the short hair and staff though

>this pvp event

>fast forward into the future
>have a max level bis character for each of the f.priest subclasses
>devote my life to god and smite demons
I cant wait

Subs. Maybe after Thief, Knight, and F Slayer, they wanted to appease the flat lovers too.

The problem isn't the event, the problem is the pvp.

At least you don't have to WIN to get shit, you just have to show up five times and get fucked by a chinese berserker.

i like inquisitor
mistress looks worse than f.brawler and that's saying a lot

>Mfw I'm one of those not necessarily Chinese berserkers
*licks blood off sword*
Your blood is almost as delicious as your screams.

>playing meme classes

If you're PVPing as a berserker there's an approximately 80% chance you're Chinese. You may want to get tested.

>didnt watch the chronicles of luke stuff until now
>Lorianne is alive

I knew this one guy, 100% red blooded america as you can get. He played berserker in PVP ONCE and the next day he was eating ten pounds of rice a meal and was staring in a kung-fu movie.

Wait is that supposed to be lorianne? I thought it was just some random blonde chick.

You didn't notice people in this thread talking about Lorianne being alive since Metro Center was revealed in Korea? Sure it wasn't confirmed at first, but it's not like they tried to hide her identity.

Pls respond. I'm still disconnecting constantly

I'll pm you the fix.


>You fucking rigged the PvP Event makes alot of players look bad and being a favoritism towards pro players.

looks like he has a favoritism towards hamburgers lol

Oh look the average Tessa and f.mage poster.

Unlike minigame-kid, tessa and fmage posters have nothing to complain about (:

Both have nothing to complain about because they both have nothing in the first place. At least the minigame kid has a minigame


So much lag. What the fuck

>Tfw I fell for the "i'm almost level 45 and having a blast" meme
Soul bender IS boring holy shit