/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, January 7th:
871 – Battle of Ashdown: Ethelred of Wessex and his brother Alfred (the Great) beat invading Danish army
1297 – Monaco gains its independence.
1214 – Earl Ferrand of Flanders drops ties with France
1598 – Jews are expelled from Genoa, Italy established only to be replaced two years later by "SOS".
CK2 DD35: Who ordered these monks?

EU4 - 13/12

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI4] - Après Moi, Le Déluge

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V9

Old thread:

top kek

2nd for GR is best prussians and traps are straight

traps are not gay

Remember to report & ignore shitposting


lioquoria is a shit game


>it's a "r&i breaks down because he didn't get the first post" episode

>play Russia in Vic2
>Send armies to east
>lose shitloads from attrition and have to manually direct them there because the dumbasses want to go through uncolonized land
>finally get there
>get in a war with gooks and beat them
>infantry brigades die off
>have to make new brigades to replace said brigades
>meanwhile chechen brigades are revolting and so will polish ones soon

Russia is suffering

long boy


Aight, after playing some hundred hours of HOI3 and EU3 I finally bought EU4 in a steam sale to play with some other guys.

First of all: jesus it is easy.
Where I struggled to reach even small goals before I easily fuck everyone over in Eu4.

However, something odd occured in my first singleplayer game as france

>Unite the french nation, annexing smaller countries, driving off the english scum back to their island
>going to war with basically everyone around me, annexing everything
>get a really good general, let him lead an army of 45k men.
>while I got some allies, everyone east of me, including the HRE, nearly all of italy and a lot of other states around join in a coalition against me
>while they start a war with nearly 350k troops against my alliances ~150k I fuck them over one by one with my OP general till they lost over half of their armies.
>as an ally of spain I enter in a war with Marocco
>suddenly, an army of about 20k maroccan peeps appears in the south of france
>I send my OP general and his army of ~35k men left into battle
>despite being on my home turf, with full offensive layout and full morale the army that killed about 100k enemies gets buttfucked by maroccans
>coalition starts assault again
>England joins in, I get excommunicated
>Spain peaces with Marocco and breaks alliance

So I loaded an older save ( about 10 years before) and started all over.

>I see my chance when the english army is in Ireland, declare on them and manage to barely beat their navy
>while their army is trapped in Ireland I conquer the entire english isle
>I peace and get London + Wessex
>Expect the coalition to declare war
>instead, one by one, the coalition members leave Burgundy alone, claiming that they see I no longer pose a thread.
>even when I annex large parts of Burgundy, suffer from overexpansion and 2 huge rebellions the coalition doesnt form again

Can anyone explain this?

People in Europe largely don't give a fuck what happens in England.

ye, but why does a coalition that formes because of the threat I pose and my aggressive expansion disband as soon as I capture the capital of another big player, especially considering the overextension and rebellions caused by it?

I just dont get it, they would go to war with me when I declared against a 1-province-state noone had any relations with but not when I take goddamn London?

Again, they don't get anything from it, it's kinda weird.

How the fuck do you do anything as Greece with the HPM mod? Fucking Russia at 200 relations and an alliance still won't back me trying to liberate Greek cores on Turkroachia, the only war I tried was for Moroccan al Rif just to do fucking something and the French, who were neither allied nor had Morocco sphered intervened just before the Moroccans would have surrendered and made me lost the war.

Fuck, Greece is tough but goddamn Megali Idea! I want it so bad!

GPs can intervene in wars if they're friendly with the country, they don't need to be sphered


r8 this piece of shit

what the fuck did you guys do after I left

Turn crises on at the beginning and use that system to get your land back.
Boost relations with GPs so that they're more likely to back you.

why is /gsg/ so dead

we living

>be reed james
>parents gave you a shit name
>farmington hills in michigan is boring as fuck
>dad is down at the welfare office
>mischievously steal one of his budweisers while he's out
>recoil after one sip and pour it down the sink
>bitter taste hangs around for several minutes after
>this must be what being drunk is like!
>tell your fellow underage friends on discord how you got "totally smashed on alcohol"
>post an epic meme you made in your bedroom while "drunk"
>"wow reed, you're such a party animal"

Good one Cobrah.

