
stinky girl edition

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Life is pain. So is death

Jamison Fawkes!

What benefit do people gain from "practicing" Sombra?

She does everything worse than every character in the game besides shutting down Reinhardt's shield.

There is literally 0 to gain from picking a useless fucking hero because she sucks.

Jeff "Autism incarnate" Kaplan can go fuck himself for saying "The community hasn't figured out how to utilize her yet"

Yeah because she's hot garbage and her right click hack is fucking shit.

is it possible to carry in comp as a solo queue? Im a shit tier division, im 2700, but im finding it hard to overcome teams with premades?

I love Hana

>"THE RECKONING DRAWS NEAR..." Reaper submissively whimpered upon Lena's return to Watchpoint: Gibralatar
>"Just in time! Let's get to it already!" Lena screamed, slamming Reaper's face into the counter
>"Cheers, love! The cavalry's here! Wait for it..." *Lena starts throwing pots and pans around*
>"Time's up! Let's get to it already! Here ya go," Lena screamed.
>Grabbing Reaper by the throat, he began to choke while screaming obscenities.
>"This time stay down. *Death comes!*" Lena slams Reaper's face into the still piping hot casserole. He screams, and collapses on the floor in agony.
>"Let's get this thing moving! They're taking the point! The objective is mine! Sorry, big guy!"
>Lena slams the door
>Reaper trembles in a stew of blood and charred casserole on the floor.
>"IT MUST HAVE BEEN THE COSTUME. I WORK THE GRAVEYARD SHIFT" he thought as he pulled himself up and began cleaning and preparing another meal


Have you not heard of "buffs"? Reworks? Characters can always be improved, people can practice for when they are.

Are you hype for OW's next hero Talon Emily?

Tracer is so pretty

>is it possible to carry in comp as a solo queue?
Only if you're extremely good on a couple damage heroes.
Cant carry as tank or support.

Post new hero ideas here, I'll start
>can pull a fuckton of heals out of her ass at any range on demand but it's totally balanced because you have to aim a large hitbox that can be hitscan or projectile to heal
>can do damage to enemies with the exact same function that heals teammates
>also has a grenade that can heal, buff friendly healing, negate enemy healing, and do damage in a decently sized radius with a minor cooldown and no counters
>can completely deny most ults with the ability above or another stun ability on a similarly minor cooldown
>she will objectively be the best healer in the game but will also be a monster in 1v1s with flankers too for some fucking reason
>ult makes a teammate get all glowy and do more damage and take less
thoughts? critiques? do you think this is balanced?

Nah, some teams are simply uncarriable, despite your efforts.

>25% McCree accuracy
I'm sure this is absolutely normal

She is ugly but not as ugly as hana song.

Very true.

You are talking about your headshot accuracy r-right, user?

You must be one of those shitheads that will bitch if a teammate picks an off-meta hero.

also how the fuck do i get my team to stop just running in solo after a wipe? its like they just will NOT have the patience to regroup and try again?

>What benefit do people gain from "practicing" Sombra?

Unlike Soldier and Reaper who have a 1 star difficulty, Sombra is a 3 star. She takes a lot more skill and focus. You have to hack health packs, know the ins and outs of every map, communicate with your team effectively, and master her spray pattern in order to be a positive contributor on your team.

Nobody is forcing you to play a high skill character though, stick with Soldier if you want to keep playing characters for chowderheads.

I hope she uses a whip so she's a ranged melee character.


You dont.
It's a bad habit that every player needs to get rid of themselves.
Play with friends on voicechat.

Will bow to Islam


If he was then he'd be the best in the world

I play Sombra on some maps on attack, masters. I gather ult faster than any other character so I can just jump in the middle of the enemy team for a quick ult leaving them with no shields/matrix/nade/hook so my team just walks in and mops the floor with them.

>implying Blizzard's "stars" mean anything

Every character in this guy is easy.

Just reached masters again

Best feeling ever shame this isn't the 30 gold points though grand masters is going to be a pain

I swear reaching 65 in the first season was easier even though you lost more points then you gained

Oh dear.

I don't believe in carrying because it's a team effort game. I don't care if you're the #1 player on OW. If your team is not on the same page, you cannot win.

I dont have friends, and im not good enough to carry out of plat on my own. guess ill just quit

성하나씨는 귀업지않아.

>Star difficulty
>meaning anything

Are you a blizzard shill or something?

OW does need more melee characters. Doomfist will be a nice start, though.

Hana gets really angry when she doesn't win

>5 lose streak

What did Blizz mean by this?

>play qp to relieve some stress
>we get some retarded Mercy who was just moving in the base doing nothing
>after first round she decided to leave after making us lose
>second round, we finally get a replace
>casually watch Lucio's cam
>he was just doing nothing sliding around a car
>he did this for the rest of the match
>"it's jsut quickplay Xd"
I really really really hope this kind of people die of brain cancer

Silly user, islam has been destroyed in the OW universe.

I don't believe Sombra should be a 3 star and hoped it would changed when she was in the PTR.

Hon hon hon

I want to befriendTracer!

Are there some signs of christianity in OW?

>mattering in a game with infinite ammo

suppressive fire my man, gotta deny the enemy potential avenues of advance

It's just quickplay, bro.
If you want people to slightly care - play comp.

>we're not going to get more young Ana because First Strike got cancelled

REEE I wanted to know why she punched that manlet.

>tfw no spiderfu

I wanna smell pharahs fart pipe.

It meant thank you for playing on a sunday where shitters are not in school.

No specific ones that I'm aware of, but there are lines that suggest religion in general is still a thing.

I bet she would look adorable.

>It's a 2 people are on the point better give it up episode

i do wish sombras accuracy bloom was more controllable like soldiers.

>Playing on weeekends
Try playing after 1 am

The only reason Sombra is 3 star is because you have to learn the timing on her abilities. If you find yourself waiting around for something to come off cd - you're playing her wrong.

You don't need any reason to punch a manlet.


I wonder if there are people that genuinely think that Sombra is a good character that people haven't figured out because they are shitters.

The bottom line for Sombra is whatever she does other characters can do better and easier. Every argument for why Sombra is a good character revolves around the idea that the person playing her has to be perfect and beyond amazing to make her a functional pick.

The thing is though if you can turn Sombra into a viable pick through your skill alone you could absolutely shut down the enemy team BY YOURSELF as Tracer or 76 or McCree because of the obvious skill difference between your team and theirs. It's doing more work for far less results.

>implying your accuracy stats mean anything in OW

isn't Reinhart part of crusader units during the omnomic crisis? Probably doesn't mean they are trying to reclaim the holy land from the muhammedhans but it's technically a sign of Christianity

Church in Dorado.
Crusaders in Germany (Rein's armor is Crusader armor, his sheld has a cross on it when he brings it up)

The last thing this game needs is even more accurate hitscan characters to counter Pharah.

>I wonder if there are people that genuinely think that Sombra is a good character that people haven't figured out because they are shitters.

Uh see:
You get shamed for getting good with her. She's incredible once you understand how to play her, too bad for most of the plat shitters in this thread, they've only played with crap Sombra's who haven't even figured out how to DPS with her.

>not mastering the spray pattern

Where the fuck did that Winston come from?

It's not a church, it's a corthouse.

>mfw some "GM" in /owg/ tried to convice Sombra is a good character


Omnomnomnics that eats GUNS.
y/n ?



> guy is shitting the bed at DPS in our 3-2-1 comp
> he goes sombra when we stall capping point B
> easily cap when he gets his ult

God damn. 3-2-1 with a sombra is nasty. Especially against another 3-2-1

Truly a cryptid.

>She is incredible once you understand how to play her
>Calling everyone plat shitters
>Sombra is great guys you just don't know how to play her
This is like Bastion mains saying how great they are on attack and that other people just don't know how to play him. The level of delusion is astounding.


The dead soldier swapped character?

>Replace Widow's Infra-sight with Spider Form
>Widow unzips out of her suit and reveals her true form
>700 hp 300 armor from her armored carapace
>Right click shoots sticky webs that cut enemy movement by 50% and increases spider widow's movement by 100%
>left click is a melee swipe
>last hitting causes you to eat the opponent for 100 hp
>Shift is a leap for more mobility

Manlets, when will they ever learn?


Hi guys, Jeff from Overwatch team here. We decided to try new approaches in working with community.
All balance changes you propose in replies to this post will be applied in the next patch without further testing
Maybe in this way we find out what you guys fucking want

There was this team on some competitive matches that managed to pull off really good shit with her. Basically he hacked health packs, safely poked a bit and built ultimate charge really fucking fast. Sombra's ultimate is really great to disrupt defensive lines, have someone ultimate after her and everyone's ded on their team

Widowmaker and Tracer will now kiss during pre-match.

Give Winston more damage per second

Bring back Lucio's old HPS.

Widowmaker's sniper rifle can now fire in automatic mode.
Damage per shot increased to 250.

Winston's magazine size increased to 125.
Charge can now displace Ice Blocks
Sombra now gives Reaper headpats

Symettra's damage increase is now decided by how close her crosshair is to the targetted enemy.
Bastion gets his shield back but holds it up like D.va's defense matrix pre power-meter.
Sombra's hack cannot be interrupted
Hack also applies a slow

>d.va will get nerfed
>every game will be nanovisor as soon as reinhardt loses his shield

Widowmaker is removed from the game
Symmetra is removed from the game
Torbjorn is removed from the game
Genji has ledge boost, triple jump and each shuriken deals 15% of total health instead of 28 damage and does not get reduced by armor.

only people with 10% critical hit accuracy and more than 80 hours of genji are allowed to pick him in competitive

make lucio able to do air tricks and grind surfaces

make roadhog's hitbox the size of genji, as well giving him his double jump.

Hook resets on kill.
Old pre-rework hook is back, but changes to it to make it easier to kill everyone stays.

His heal makes him immune to all damages, while insta-killing everyone in a small radius.

Once an enemy play has been hooked, he will automatically be dragged from spawn to Roadhog to be immediately killed. As well as showing everyone the killcam of said kill.

Give Zennyatta a bit more healing per second

>Symettra's damage increase is now decided by how close her crosshair is to the targetted enemy.
might as well remove her gun since we all know symmetra players are braindead zombies unable to grasp the concept of aim beyond keeping the enemy somewhere on-screen

Lucio's ult takes longer to deplete.
Speed and health amp it ups take effect during Lucio's ult

t. silver genji main

I would say healing increases the longer the orb is on a target up to a reasonable point.

You are talking bad about Overwatch players who are the best in every game! How dare you!

what do you mean by "carry"? can a solo player consistently win more often than lose and thus rise in rank? yes.