Stuff people do that annoy you, I'll start

Stuff people do that annoy you, I'll start.

It annoys me when people put negative camber on their rear wheels when they use it strictly for street use. There's no point. The only use for negative rear camber is for better traction when hauling ass into a corner. Then it reduces traction when accelerating because there's less friction. But then again to each their own right?

I remember my first post on Veeky Forums

Itt people act like op pic is the most dangerous thing ever when in reality it has more contact patch than a stock shit box mx5 on rotten 165s that they worship all day

Literally perfectly fine in op

I remember when I first got into cars and liked stupid things.

I remember when I was underage and thought my opinion wasnt totally fucking worthless

This retarded shit

Second. Also people generally making their vehicles excessively loud. It's just disrespectful to the people around you.

I remember when I was so immature that I got butthurt when people on the internet called me out on my stupidity.

Every mod ever on a street use car since it will never be used as intended with street driving

Yes I called out the retarded anti stance brigade who think cars like in ops pic are no different to that crazy celica with cardboard fenders :^)

Was not this shit outlawed in states?

Other people are not entitled to silence. Stock diesels make more noise that most modded gas exhausts

stance is stupid. And you're stupid if you think stance is cool.

Carboard Celicas or whatever is a red herring. That is stupid too.

People do a lot of really stupid things with cars. Stance is one of them and the other stupid things people do doesn't diminish how utterly fucking stupid stance is.

I have 1.5 degrees on my weekend car because I also use it for the touge and it makes it staunch as fuck. Does it make a noticible handling difference? Probably not but I like to pretend it does

Only in places like Cuckfornia that has inspections and shit. States that actually believe in freedom have no issue with it

>sent from my iPhone

>has no practical purpose (actually has a negative effect on performance, if anything)
>only exists for the sake of aesthetics
They don't seem very different to me.

>negative camber has a negative effect on performance


2 of my cars will set off car alarms. One is by design, the other because i'm too lazy to fix the exhaust.
depending on the age of the car, it's breaking federal laws. The trucks should be seized and crushed... unless of course they are rolling coal on protestors.. that is funny.

I'm pretty sure he was talking about stance in a general sense, but feel free to jump to whatever conclusions you're going to with that superiority complex of yours

Only superiority complex is from the haters who think shouting "your taste is shit stance is gay" makes up for them being a lonely basement dwellers

>implying anyone does camber for the performance
It's ricer stancefag shit

>believe in freedom
Is this kind of topic where next argument is gonna be shooting rolling coal idiot because FREEDOM?

Why none of the car manufacturers make sport cars with stanced wheels if they are so good for handling? At least not to the degree where it is noticeable.

Even 3 degrees is pushing it. You can't seriously try and say that anything more is practical.

No, you can't shoot someone for hurting your feefees.

You bitch about coal rolling but I don't see you funding giant catalytic converters to put on volcanos. They churn out more pollution then our societies cars ever could

Again, people who live in states that believe in freedom don't have police who waste time on federal EPA scam laws

Hopefully in 4 days a lot of these dumbshit environment laws will be scrapped

You're either dumb as a tree or just going all in with this bait.

Explain how any EPA regulations aren't just a scam to extort money out of Americans.

I'll help you, you can't

I never understood why it's called negative camber. Why not just call it concaved?? At least that's how it is in skate terms

>They churn out more pollution then our societies cars ever could
human co2 emissions is measured in tens of billions of tons.
volcanic co2 emissions is measured in hundreds of millions of tons.'

The EPA is a bit heavy handed and foolish at times, but clean air and water is nice.

Rolling coal = publicly intentionally releasing loudest fart you can simultaneously shitting your underwear and being proud about it and calling it FREEDOM

But he's right. Significant negative camber added for no reason has a dimunitive effect on the cars contact patch in pretty much all aspects of its performance envelope unless some actual thought goes into tuning camber for a balance of straight line grip vs outside tire grip when loaded up in a turn.

Guaranteed that these stupid kids are not tuning or factoring in corner grip vs. straight line grip when they put retarded negative camber angles on their moms Honda.

>At least that's how it is in skate terms
underage B& plz go.

>thinking that skating is only for teenagers
>tfw most pool and slalom skaters I know are in their 30's or older

Have fun feeling old m8

>adult doing child things trying to autisticly justify his immature interests.

You're as bad as the cartoon weebs. A lot of them are in their 30's too.

>be 30+
>the only thing you are good at is jumping on the plywood with wheels

I stay physically fit, it's cheap, and it's fun as fuck. Fuck off with your narrowminded, egotistical self.

Back to my original question though, why is the term negative camber used instead of concaved?? Just sounds cooler?

>t. Prius owner

>I stay physically fit
lel at your shirt bursts of one legged cardio.

Lift weights like an adult faggot.

>Back to my original question though
Because people don't use kids toy terms to describe vehicle dynamics and geometry.

Camber is a technical term. Negative or positive describes the direction of the applied or observed camber.

could be that camber is slightly more accurate in this instance. Could be that the used the word camber for carriages before there were cars.

>implying Prius is a bad car
>implying farting loudly is cool and hip

>>implying Prius is a bad car
>implying it isn't

Why are you even here faggot. Prius are shit and so are you.

ouch, edgy

No one cares faggot gtfo.

This is the key word here. Negative rear camber promotes understeer as well as helps the maintain grip during a corner. It doesn't matter on most cars, but if you look closely many sports cars have a visible amount of camber on the rear. I've found BMW's rear camber to be especially noticeable on the newer M cars.

>actually thinks this degree of negative camber is beneficial to the car
we all know who the real busrider is faggot

I don't like anything lowered, I honestly like the Subaru's lifted 2".

Not sure, it may be the term for line rotation on the y axis.

maybe you fat mouthbreathers enjoy your asthma, but I like clean air.

Hopefully when obamacare is repealed, you can't afford your inhaler and will die in a wheezing fit.

Why does the whole front of that look like an explorer sport trac?

Of course not, but creating unnecessary noise is disrespectful. If you live in an apartment, you keep your TV at a moderate volume, you don't play videos on your phone at a restaurant, you don't make your car to be as loud as a Harley for no reason, and you especially don't floor it off of stoplights in residential neighborhoods at 12:00 at night. It's just common courtesy.

Rollin' coal. Like stance fagging but for a different type of retard.

my cars rear is -2.0 from the factory.
Front is -0.2

Because camber is the term derived hundreds of years ago to describe such things in engineering and mathmatics.

Concave is some dumb skater kid lingo that doesn't properly describe what is happening mecanically.

What is it?

>skating past the age of 18
>not getting laughed at

pick one

topkek, trying to justify this with his "fitness."