I want to learn computer programming, but im not sure if i should go to school for it, or learn it on my own

I want to learn computer programming, but im not sure if i should go to school for it, or learn it on my own.

You aren't gonna make it. It's a meme and can only come true if you began coding since you're 8

But a buddy of mine barely atarted back in 2010 and hes really good and makes good money.

you can easily learn it from home, but it takes a lot of dedication and youll most likely get completely sick of it before you get anywhere

Then ask him how he started it.

Why do you want to learn programming? Do you have a startup idea?

Veeky Forums is the worse place on the internet to go to for advice.

don't let the social aspect of this site confuse your primate psychology into thinking there is any useful information here

My Cousin had no prior experience and she's still a fucking retard after Uni, and works at Google now.

Coding itself is easy to learn and will get you a $35-40K. But having social and other meme skills gets you the $100K jobs. It's easier to hire a Liberal Arts student and teach her how to code than it is to teach a computer science graduate how to not be cringe and autistic.


I worked web design for myself for 10 years, and did it commercially for a small firm for 2 years

Pros of self educated:
>MUCH faster
>MUCH more in depth learning if you take it seriously
>Earn while you learn
>Have practical useful shit as a result of your learning
Cons self educated-
>Possibly learn less formal practices/bad habits
Pros of degree/formal education-
>Genuinely can't think of one, possibly big universities have connections with major companies that will get you a foot in the door that you might not have from self taught alone

In short, almost all IT courses are almost exclusively better self taught with one or two small exceptions. As far as coding goes there are no exceptions.

This is why I used to see 200 applicants with Computer Science and Digital Security degrees (what is it about those courses that attracts so many idiots?) thinking they were hot shit and getting laughed at by HR

The quickest way to get hired in almost any IT field is to build useful shit and show them it. Learn on your own and do just that in the process of learning.

learn how to make a button that drops some text on w3 schools then go to codecademy

learn how to "get into" it and enjoy it as you would a video game or will happen

>she... works at Google

ehh not true, but i will agree that it is sort of becoming a "meme". but in a good way, lots of resources are coming out, just steer clear of the "digital nomads" and "gurus" and you should be fine.

this is 100% true. time and time again these CS fags think that just because they learned about the OSI model and written papers on machine learning that they are hotshot developers. in reality, it's far from the truth.

the best advice i could give you is first figure out what you want to build. don't go learning node.js if you want to build iOS apps. on the contrary, don't go learning objective-c or swift if you want to learn backend.

i would say though, if you need a place to start, front-end web dev is crucial and simple to learn. plus every programmer should know html/css/js, this way you can at least make an online portfolio that doesn't look like shit.

don't be too worried about learning languages, it's more important to understand the basic logic of programming languages than the actual syntax itself. there's a specific way (albeit multiple specific ways) to solve problems when programming, it will "click" after time.

best free online courses are freecodecamp, codecemy, udemy, lynda, and "the hard way series" by zed shaw (python is free). but books have stood the test of time, plus pdf's are easy to come by.

if you get into javascript, just learn jquery, and your choice of angular 2 or react. js fatigue is real but don't get discouraged. be glad you have options.

coding bootcamps are still on the edge, don't really know if it's worth it, but i've never been to one so i can't comment on it.

but at the end of the day, stop asking and start doing. it's the only way to know if it's right for you.

i was 12 when i started and it worked out pretty damn well.

>My Cousin had no prior experience and she's still a fucking retard after Uni, and works at Google now.
who fucks her?

seems like something Veeky Forumsnessmen would think of

that is a great idea

as a project manager/lead developer with a high paying job, software development is not easy.

just because you can learn the syntax doesn't mean you know software development. just like how learning the supply/demand curve doesn't mean you know economics at any depth.

How do I learn it myself? I want to learn Java to make Android games, how should I tackle it?

I would recommend going to school for it.

There are a lot of math/algorithm principals that you will not be motivated to learn, but will end up being very helpful once you get to some substantial real world problems.

It's also easier to get an entry level job.

If you have a startup idea though, just learn on your own, and hack some shit together, and then hire a real programmer to come make it scalable and fix your mess once you get funding.

Only if "making it" means becoming the next Bill gates. Will someone who gets into programming at 18 in college become the next Bill gates? No, most people who started it with 8 wont either. But someone getting into programming late can still make a good career out of it. The stuff people learn before college can be learned in 6-12 months.

First of all, why don't you just start? Pick up a book about C or something and read the first few pages, do the tasks. You'll get to know what programming actually is and you'll find out if it's fun. I say this because it seems like you have no image/a wrong image of what it is to program/work in the industry. It's not like in the matrix and chances are high that you wont end up at google, facebook, microsoft... You don't don't go into school to find out if you like it, you find out if you like and then decide wether you go into school to make a living out of it or not.
When you done this, ask yourself these questions: Do you want to learn it for a living or for fun (as a hobby)? If you can imagine doing it all day, go for it. If you only want to code some stuff at home, learn it on your own. If you decide to study CS prepare for a competetive job market because everyones grandma does CS these days, not even mentioning all the Pajeets you'll have to compete against. Also prepare for a not so great salary. Above average? Yes, but you'll never live some kind of lush livestyle. You will always be a wageslave unless you get into more administrative positions (in which you wont programm anymore).

if youre really dedicatedyou can learn it from home but if youre a lazy fuck you should take classes

Just get some digital books and experiment with coding as you read. It may be a good idea to take some entry level coding courses if you are totally clueless.

You go to Google, if you're not comfortable typing text into Google you're not gonna make it.

learning for yourself is always a viable option

but you need to dedicate yourself to the field

i started when i was 15 reverse engineering instant messaging protocols so i could make my own bots, now i write software to interface with custom in-house hardware at the age 24.

but the only reason i made it this far was motivation.

you have to keep working and keep learning.

you need a list of personal projects before someones going to hire you with no formal experience.

also some tips:

>C++ for real software positions
since colleges are teaching nothing but memes having skills in C++ can take you rather far.

If you go this route, get familiar with Nokia's QT as its 100x easier to write software for OSX/Windows/Linux with the same code base than it is using visual studio.

>PHP for muh web dev (plus a database like MySQL)
fuck the memes like NodeJS, ruby will never make a solid comeback and php work will last for decades.

If you get good enough, you could just have a comfy job creating wordpress plugins.

Making a shitty portfolio website for small businesses pulls in an easy $500-$2000 per job.

it wouldn't hurt to have a nice wealth of knowledge on HTML/CSS/JavaScript, as you will need all of this to interface your backend work.

But fuck learning all of that in hopes of a UI/UX position, dealing with backend (php) is a lot, a LOT, eaiser than dealing with clients and the designs they want, even though your code will be 1000x more complex than what the UI guys create.

>website looks nice
>clients want text literally 230% bigger
>site now looks like trash and there is nothing i can do about it

>C# or JAVA for memes and corporations
Title basically says it all, you will rarely do anything "fun" at the workplace in C# or java.

and then 20 years later once you've masterd your language/set of choice.

throw your hands up, say fuck it, stop coding, and become a consultant that works 3 days a week, but still pulls in 80K a year.

are you actually retarded enough to suggest php instead of c# mvc with razor?

i've literally only seen one C# web-dev posistion in florida

i literally dont know anyone that uses C# past their first 6 months of learning how to program.

this could be vasty different out west, but no one wants to pay for MS servers here.

>but no one wants to pay for MS servers here.
what is mvc core
you can literally run it on linux if you are into that stuff