>right click on your desktop > new > autohotkey script
it doesnt show up under new
Christopher Cox
someone who is online, how many are online on the fresh? i'm fucking authenticating authenticating authenticating authenticating authenticating authenticating authenticating authenticating authenticating authenticating i can't even get to the queue
Gabriel Morris
Female Night Elf Holy Priest
Kayden Rodriguez
The login servers are dead you fucking retard.
Luis Parker
Is herbalism viable on elysium pvp or is it like mining?
Josiah James
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
libcuck ledditors need to be gassed. this is why salty cucks is a fucking shithole
Caleb Lewis
but WHY!
Nolan Robinson
Because this server launch was a complete failure and everyone here fell for the vanilla meme.
Julian Bailey
So, as long as the website be offline, the login server is also offline? Is that is?
Jose Mitchell
there's a pol guild? nice, guess I know where I'm going
Grayson Davis
>need to be. this is why salty is a*
there, what you just said without the buzzwords.
not quite sure what you mean friendo? that doesn't look like a sentence to me
maybe get laid then try again
Ethan Wilson
because the queue is ~300 people long which means 13000 people are trying to login at the same time
Jayden Stewart
care to post your guild pop? enjoy your meme echo chamber, remember not to ask Yarrick about his peg leg.
Brayden Brooks
how the hell do i take proper screenshots?
>printscreen ctrl+v in paint takes too long. >wow's printscreen function it saves as a .tga file >windows key + printscreen (windows 10) it saves in a folder i don't want it in and it saves as 4mb which is too much for Veeky Forums >fraps not gonna open fraps every time i start up my pc
i just want to press one button and save the pic in a folder i set up, and i want the pic to be less than 1mb
Thomas Gomez
because you faggot keep spamming 300 times a minute
Jack Nelson
Which one is the /pol/ guild, I want in.
Jace Jones
you're trying way too hard
Nolan Perry
Alexander Thomas
try puush.
Cameron Peterson
user...just convert the TGA files.
Benjamin Lewis
Stay strong, queuecucks
dream of thicc hairy women
John Morris
there is a .tga converter in your screenshot folder. but it kind of sucks, take gimp or photoshop.
Bentley Diaz
>got past authenticating boss hours ago >doing timed quest >they broke something again, DC >authenticating boss respawned If I fail this fucking timed quest because of this bullshit I fucking sware
Josiah Cruz
>tfw it will never be aligned
David Hughes
>Tfw almost lvl 60 on old >When everyone comes back after being sick of old MC loot and shit pvp rewards I will be waiting to cull everyone
Truly the oldbird will have the worm in the end
Hunter Baker
>shoots chin >back of skull explodes
the angle is wrong tho
Henry Gutierrez
>dream of thicc hairy women Is there any good 34 of them with leg hair, pit hair, etc?
Juan Foster
>tfw i doctored out the Horde guild schism >tfw i spammed the "official horde guild" discord relentlessly >tfw i keep letting salty dogs out of the OP to further divide the horde community >tfw im actually an alliance player
Horde will never be able to raid, atleast not on my watch.
Mandate of heaven wwu
Alexander Wood
DOTR soon libcuck
Thomas Collins
>thicc hairy women sounds like you want a nigga
Landon Sanchez
>tfw cant get past authentication boss
Daniel Murphy
Is there a profession more comfy than cooking?
Joseph Murphy
I got in...
Isaac Johnson
I see herbs pretty often
Pretty sure mining is like this because the engineering is required to PvP meme
Sebastian Martinez
Ryder Edwards
IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ayden Moore
fuck off back to red dit bub
Noah Sanchez
Loli gnome with pigtails. mage of course.
Cooper Moore
Same, I have a 60 on old and will be levelling on freshfresh as well except on the other faction Probably will only make it to 30-40 before I go back honestly the 1.2 lvl 60 experience is dull and pointless
Aiden Peterson
Just got passed authenticating, 1000 queue
Brandon Roberts
Dominic Allen
Connor Walker
how does it send password when its just trying to log in?
Colton Sullivan
>haha that was such a cool moment ingame! let me convert it first before i upload it to Veeky Forums!
Nicholas Parker
thats the difference between alliance and horde.
you fags just shit post in the thread or on the IF bridge all day while horde actually plays the game. cya in searing gorge hick.
Asher Scott
Aaron Rodriguez
delete this
we still have work to do
Owen Jenkins
same, 1400
Robert Parker