Who /gettingolder/ here? I no longer feel the desire to drive hektik or hoon anymore...

Who /gettingolder/ here? I no longer feel the desire to drive hektik or hoon anymore. All I want to do is buy a prius and drive like a grandpa

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Really? I am getting worse (hoon wise) as i get older and get more confident in my bullshit

get on my level junior soprano

You'll understand what he means when you're older than like, 26

>buy a prius and drive like a grandpa

Don't do that. At least buy a Crown Vic and drive like a grandpa so you can still have eight cylinders of get-up-that-hill-and-around-ms-subaru-lesbianback.

Lol 26 here i am much worse

as I got older I realized I hate driving in general and gave up on cars

I realized this at 17

no, you're on your own Corrado.

This, 2bh

>Who /gettingolder/ here? I no longer feel the desire to drive hektik or hoon anymore. All I want to do is buy a prius and drive like a grandpa

I'm definitely /getting old/, I'm 26 and just got my first full time job since I was 21, in fact last night was my first full shift. Cool thing is that I'm a mechanic, bad thing is how bad my feet hurt after being on my feet in the shop for eight hours(I'm fat tho).

As far as driving like a dipshit I've only gotten worse but my driving skills have greatly improved as I've aged. Coming home from work I had to go up 500 yard road on a hill with about a 40 degree incline so I shifted down to 2nd(in an automatic) and shot up the hill at 60mph, pedal was to the floor and I was hitting 5000 rpms the entire time.

thats what you cucks for getting married and being "happy" living your normal lives

Real carfags just get more crazy as they get older
>Working full time
Yeah that took the wind out of my driving sails

Even though i am broke just been a /drive/ n33t makes driving more fun.

If i eventually get work again it will probably be taxi/driving work and that will suck the fun out of it.

At least buy something cool and drive like a grandpa.

i still hoon and shit on my bike, but after some close calls i really ought to save up for better gear and track days

so that i can actually go beyond those limits...without being so worried about an oncoming semi or some fucking distracted crossover-driving cunt occupied with her iphone

no shit

everyone gets too "old" for bikes eventually

20 year olds think they are old

fuck sake boys uncuck yourselves and start hooning you softcunts

>muh age
>muh feels
>muh legalities/cops
HARDEN the fuck up and go drive


Experience gave me perspective.

Street racing is incredibly dangerous. Police shoot to kill if you try to have fun. Having fast, expensive cars doesn't get the beautiful girl. Career is more important than car because car reflects career.

But, that never stopped me wanting a cool car. I just dont care about horsepower, bench racing and mods as much as I used to.

What if you have a panther but you still hoon it?

>get a panther
>spins at the hill because RWD

31 now. I've calmed down a lot. In my mid 20s I was still aggressive but now I take the middle lane a lot more and don't care if my trip takes a bit longer.

27-year-old reporting in.


OP, isn't it just bcuz you dont feel like it at this particular moment? Sometimes I drive calmly without any trying, sometimes I drive like it''s a fucking rallycross

You're not listening to Eurobeat enough

Download a few playlists and hit the road, you'll feel it soon enough.

>when government pays you to drive an electric\

>tfw older than everyone itt so far
>Tfw just bought a mighty max to race/throw dirt everywhere with

Uhh... Yeah. I find the older I get the more lines I can push/cross.
Enjoy hating fun.

I'm 30 and drive like a man possessed.
You're just a faggot.

> (OP)
>Experience gave me perspective.
>Street racing is incredibly dangerous.
This. Considering how retarded pedestrians can be, its incredibly dangerous these days. Not to mention old people and uneducated little shits

insurance dropped

where the fuck are you racing that there are pedestrians, you must actually be a fucking idiot

In a city. Where else do you think? Even outskirts of city is sometimes dangerous. Fucking fags never checking the road before crossing

>races on public roads
>somehow everything is everyone else's fault

lol maybe you since you're a scared faggot

Its my fault if i kill some retard while blasting through red. But its his responsibilty to take care of himself while crossing road where theres no traffic lights or worse yet at random place. Fucking fags when will they learn

Wiping out on open roads at high speed can be deadly when you don't account for telephone poles, ditches, boulders, sidewalks or even guardrails.

That is how you die.

It's also partially your fault if you kill someone anywhere while exceeding the speed limit, you reckless little cuntbag.

Driving in the first place can be deadly. I almost crashed last week going 70 on the highway. Cry harder


Nope. Pedestrian ALWAYS has to make sure its safe to cross a road. Yes, its my fault if i pull hectic skidz at 100kmh speed and fly off the road on pavement killing somebody

>Driving in the first place can be deadly.

Nice strawman.

Stay mad

>I almost crashed last week going 70 on the highway.

lol learn how to drive you fucking moron


Kekmao, heck off faggot. Your board is transportation, not auto. Make sure to get that monthly ticket

>bad thing is how bad my feet hurt after being on my feet in the shop for eight hours(I'm fat tho).
As long as you're not like 250ibs or more it'll get a FUCK TON worse for about two weeks and then much much better after the third. Take lots of ibuprofen and you'll be okay.

>bought a VW Scirocco R because I had disposable income and it seemed like a good idea at the time
>rarely drove it, put maybe 10k km on it
>rode motorbike instead everytime I had the choice
>sold VW
>motorbike is all I need to be content in life

>factually right
>hurr le go to /n/
Excessive speed ALWAYS gives you partial fault for a collision. Whether it be a car, a person or a wheelie bin. It's not my opinion, it's a legal fact.

Its not. Now kindly fuck off, tard. Its not my fault retarded granny crosses fucking street while its red light for her. CHECK YOUR SURROUNDINGS. Car is way more heavier than humam body, so its easier for you just to stay or back off while on foot. If its a collision with a car? Yes, guilty and responsible for the damage

Repeating it doesn't make it right.

You know im right, youre just trying to defend your shitty ideology very hard. Therefore you cant post valid argument

Hahaha, I knew I recognized that face

I've become less reckless because of a few close calls but I still drive like a complete asshole. Theres nothing more satisfying than blowing through a circle when theres a line of cars too scared to jump in

I'm 35 now and hoon worse than I ever have because I can afford more hoonable cars.

I am 20 and I work full time, get your shit together

Driving in general is dangerous and fun as fuck

Fuck off poofters

Plenty of people die at the track too.

I enjoy driving my bonestock 89 Town Car way more then any of my "built" panthers or trucks.

Going slow and steady is where it's at.

t. boomer

FAST landbarge is best landbarge

out of my way slow boat fucking shits

in my experience it depends on what car you're driving
I'm 24 and I DD a slow Volvo
normally I'm very civilized on the road, but I took my buddy's 911 for a spin the other day and went mad

I've built more then one fast landbarge, their fun, but sometimes cruising around in a wet mattress is all you want.

That does look comfy.

although i can only do so much cruising until i get board.

Perks of not being a boomer i suppose

Aussies made fast and comfy land barges

Making land barges fast isn't usually hard, just overlooked by normies.

But sometimes a landbarges best use is being a landbarge. With that said I'm building another box panther up so take what I say with a grain of salt.

I appr/o/ve

Funny people look at my ausbarge and belive it wont turn then i rekt the shit of them

>drive like a racer because sportyish car and suspension with good tires
>car dies and get new car
Now that I drive a smooth luxury sedan, I don't feel the same need to rail corners and hit apexes as fast as I used to. I just embrace the feeling of cruising while feeling minimal front-and-back and side-to-side G-forces and road noise.

as somehow who takes non sporty cars and drives them like racecars its much more fun

That said i am slowly turning my old barge into a racecar for the lols and it actually GRIPS

I wish I had access to some of your awesome aussie specials. I've got to stick with my fucking leaf built Canadian special instead.


fuck this place and fuck all of you, honestly i can see why isis exhists after using this board for so long

Cant you get Pontiac GTO's over there? Same car except slightly shorter wheel base and the fuel tank is literally IN the boot

Wish i would have seen this thread earlier.
I realized this about 5 years ago. Im 30 now.
I sold all my sports cars and bought a comfy light truck and a dual purpose bike.
Life is so much better not trying to act like a cool guy or impress anyone with muh sports car and hooning.
Havent had a ticket since then, or a near death experience.
Comfy life is best life.

>Life is so much better not trying to act like a cool guy or impress anyone with muh sports car and hooning.
Fuck that i just drive for myself faggot i dont give a shit what faggots think.
At least goat fuckers like cars and drive them.

Veeky Forums is benchracing central and not even the good kind where they know what they are talking about

It was only sold for a short while and the Pontiac bodykit looked like shit. I remember there being a shortage of parts, particularly for the bits that they changed.

Fuck that. I'm 21 and have yet to turn old and crusty. I'll forever be a cynical bastard though.

Its ok son. Youll realize youre insecurity some day

Lol i am fully self aware mate otherwise i wouldnt be here

You know you want it mate they are cheap in yankland still and are a future classic

Can confirm. When me and my buddies were young and stupid ever near miss we had was from some oblivious and/or careless asshole either drifting out of their lane or not looking or signalling before changing lanes. That and pedestrians and especially cyclists and people in wheelchairs have a death wish and will take every opportunity to jaywalk they can especially when there's traffic. The pedestrians have no excuse and most of the drivers in question were noticibly going under the speed limit and whether we had been doing 1km/h or 100km/h more than them and they cut us off it would've been at least partially if not 100% their fault for being careless.

Also all the motorists in question were always the only other people on the road and we were in the other lane well ahead of time. They had absolutely no reason to leave their lane and a lot of the time drove with their lights off at night.

I never really had a chance to be a "driver" when I was young, I had a long, sad line of econoboxes because I could never afford anything better.

Now that I can afford a good car, I appreciate the car's abilities a lot more.

thats called losing your testosterone

I am just a person that stays within my car's limits

my new car slides at the speeds I used to do corners at in my previous car, and I have decided that I want to keep this car as comfy old guy cruiser instead of wearing it out or breaking things from hooning.

it's a 99 Acura RL, so turning it into something it's not would be a huge waste of money. I would just use a different car if I wanted something to thrash about

all my cars are RWD so i cant resist for long

Don't know about a prius, but I'm 39 & just got a 2012 Avalon. Every other Avalon driver I see on the road is 70+. I still have a Harley, but haven't really rode much in the last 2 years. I'm currently looking for a 70's land barge. Mostly likely a 77-79 Lincoln Continental.

>serve 4 years as 0331 in USMC
>come back home missing danger and excitement
>bought a Jeep and went wheeling
>was fun but not fun enough
>buy a Suzuki bike off some dumb kid
>daily it and drive like crazy
>not even a year into both activities I ditch them both and buy a 2014 Corolla
>"I just want to get home"
>"I just want to get my groceries and go back home"
>"I just want to get there and back."

I'm 23

I think you need some super male vitality op