/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Where's Andy at? edition

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Its ok to not like shadowverse, I personally don't, but holy shit, don't be fucking delusional and pretend HS is a good game

Prove that's Eloise. You're just being racist.

game is dead, post OC for ben to steal

What are you using for climbing? I've always reached rank 5 on the first few days of the season but this time around nothing works.

how does this game manage to consistently get worse?

I like HS, fuck off.


play Shadowverse faggot

pokemon > shadowverse > that tes ccg > shitty magic clients > hearthstone

From the screenshots I've seen it's not even worth trying. Game looks like shit, art is shit, UI makes me want to barf, fanbase is entirely comprised of neckbeards jacking off to drawings, list continues.


Hearthstone isn't even in the top 25 user. I don't think you realize how much money and time normies pour into shit like clash of clans, candy crush, and other garbage reskinned facebook games. I lived next door to a banker that without exaggeration spent a couple thousand dollars on clash of clans.

what is this yugioh? too confusing for new players, you're fired.

Pokemon TCG is only good because of the art. The gameplay is incredibly stale after more than a year of playing.

I'm switching between Renolock and Reno Priest, with the occasional N'Zoth Hunter for the break. I'm only at Rank 7, but I'm not taking it too serious. The chests lose their desirability if you get them every season.

>pic related

competition is becoming tough even in casual.

Because there's nothing to achieve other than hitting legend rank which isn't even that gratifying since you get knocked out at the beginning of the month.


>veteran players desilusionate with the state of the meta
>the game is more inaccessible than ever for new players

Is there any way to save HS?

I rest my case.

>He doesn't know of old Eloise chinese streaming days


Fire Ben Brode hire MaRo

delete it, install Cunnyverse and pretend it was a patch. fixes everything

Is anyone else getting playful sprites? I can't get on at all.

Best OC


crossroads brawl lel


the brawl broke the game


brava blizzard

Area is a snore.

Constructed is worse.

Weebs unite for Shadowverse.

>remove ladder resets for non-legend players, but also remove win-streaks
>speed up animations.
Especially shit like Druid Hero Power and attacking with a Truesilver Champion
>stop releasing 1-drop minions with the strength of 3-drop minions
>be more experimental with mechanics.
hand-buff and jade golem are literally just adding stats to minions. wow. just experiment with shit and if its op, nerf it
>reduce the cost of arena tickets or give out more for free so new players can get in there more than once every 3 days
>release the tournament mode that we already beta tested for them

I'm playing a match right now, but no guarantee it won't shit itself once I'm done.

I'm not satisfied that that is Eloise.

>tfw Shadowverse has literally all of that besides the last point

Whatever makes you sleep man, but her background is not such a big secret

i love boobs
boobs and bombs

I'll forgive no tournament mode since SV's arena is actually really well designed. Just stop giving my opponent's Olivia and Bahamut.

>release the tournament mode that we already beta tested for them

HTB was not a tournament mode, it was glorified ladder with arena structure

Was hiring the Pizza guy a mistake?

Guys told me to post something here. So here. Have a lovely Arisu.

use the hand with brode for the love of god i cant do it from my laptop. Reverse his position to make it better

>crossroads brawl

Win once for the pack and never play it again brawl.

>tfw you get 60 packs for playing the shadowverse tutorial
>packs have 8 cards
how does hs even compete?

post the original and I will do it

Shadowverse also doesn't have a UI that isn't barf inducing.

Shadowverse's UI is literally barf.

just crop the hand man. I ll try to do it in paint

Cucktrol Warriors would absolutely LOVE this card!

>Quit coin flipping simulator months ago
>Still can't quit /hsg/
Anyone know this feel

Yes. But feel free to post more, user.

>play it against a patron
>it never ends

Wouldn't it end at one point when there's 7 Patrons on the board? Oh shit, no it wouldn't. Fuck, the card is broken.

Grats to the guy who guess it would be Crash at the Crossroads brawl again

probably zeriyah looking for attention

lazy blizz recycling shit brawls

Better than nothing i guess.

actually no its kinda shit. Someone with experience do this better

>these playful sprites are making me thirsty.

Now I've proved myself. What do you silly boys want to ask?

tell christina to respond to me on facebook, she knows who i am

How often did you have sex with Savjz? Any actual good changes for the game incoming?

Does Zeriyah do anal? Does she make sex sounds like those cute hentai girls? Can Brode actually read?

How many dicks have you sucked till now?

Rate my dust.

Im kinda happy desu. Im tempted to keeping fogger but I really want raza for reno priest. I also need dragonfire potions too. What do?

Rework the ranking system to a points system or something, then rate cards on rarity/meta snap-shot so new players will never go up against a tier 1 netdeck with basic cards.


Take 3 deck recipes from the existing classes and rotate them weekly for new players to play for free.

but above all they need to redo the gold distribution and pack distribution. Log in bonuses for free pack, tavern for free pack, gold per win with a cap(larger) and adventures should be about half the cost they are now just so new players can buy those and compete.

Basically Blizzard needs to take a sizable hit to the jew-train to save the game, they won't so HS is dead in the water.

Times the Dirty Dawg pulled through for you thread?

>enemy druid drops turn 2 doomsayer
>dirty rat pulls out pic related

Yeah the only thing that gets me to play the tcg anymore are some of my favorite mons getting printed, even if they're in shitty tier 4 memedecks. I played m-manectric for the whole season even when it was losing to everything just because it's one of my favorite mons.

>From the screenshots I've seen
HS kids, everyone.

post those times where you became a sick freak...



>Play Reno Mage
>Climbing ladder pretty well
>Make it from lowly Shieldbearer scrub to rank 17 on a massive winning streak
>Play today
>Lose vs. Renolock
>Lose vs. Buff priest
>Lose vs. Dragon priest
I hate this game.

So what should I do? Craft Raza the chained, or get some epics and rares like dragonfire potions? I have kazakus, and reno priest used to be one of my favorite decks back during old gods (cthun + reno best combo)

What in the fuck is happening

I literally put together a janky meme deck filled with murlocs for a quest. I'd expect to see pirate warrior and reno decks but I've seen tons of murlocs decks. Not one, not two, but several decks filled with murlocs.
Murloc shaman, murloc hunter, murloc pally... what? Is there some sort of a meme I missed this week?

yea its called controlled matchmaking

play Cunnyverse

i bet you heard that on your circle jerk shadowverse thread

calm down Zeriyah

Why is this stupid thread so fucking dead?

Where is everyone?

>tfw no Cunny to abuse

In /svg/, our new home.

join us over at /svg/ user. this game is dead ive been playing Cunnyverse for 2 weeks now and it trully is the superior choise. Dont let Ben the Man from Blizzakistan abuse your wallet

Google it. I dare you to find 1 list that even puts HS in the top 50 retard. And no it has nothing to do with fucking weebverse. That retard user claimed HS is the current most popular mobile game.

literally fuck off with your aggressive marketing

>stop playing HS months ago
>a few weeks back start playing shadowverse
>check the HS general for old times' sake
>every general it's overrun by shadowverse posters
What happened to this place

cunnyverse won

Ben Brode and his pack of goons happened

Sorry. Was meant for

what the hell are you even talking about user. You just walked in half way through an argument you didn't even read and sound like a retard spouting nonsense.

they could change nothing financially and just add sealed play and/or tournament mode and everyone would eat that shit up and say how great they are.

shadowverse gets twice as many posts and they are actually talking about the game

How would you guys build beast token druid?

ah, nvm then

>craft Alex
>hop on Wild
>play Freeze Mage
>the most fun I've had since murloc paladin
Remember when freeze mage was the cancer? Good times.

Thanks, I meant PW:Shield but I guess wrathion is just bad in general. Ty.


a combination of egg memes and beast druid. But have fun being completely BTFO by how much cheap aoe there is in the game right now

>actual pictures of the game don't accurately portray what the art and UI look like (garbage)
>incessant weebverse posters don't accurately portray what the fanbase is like (neckbeards jacking off to drawings)
>the ridiculous number of shitverse posts in this general doesn't accurately portray all of the shit mechanics on the cards and all the blatant rip offs of other card games

/svg/, everyone.

Deathrattles trigger after spells are fully executed. However, since this card waits for deaths to resolve and then checks, it would be up to Blizzard's spaghetti coding.

grasping for straws much blizzcuck? your general is dead and so is your game

Do people in Shadowveryse also concede before their opponent lethal's their face?

i am similar to you, but i have this twisted obsession with playing aggro shaman, hate every other aggro deck tho

you're as obnoxious as pony spammers right now