Dead by Daylight General - /dbdg/

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>What is Friday the 13th?
a upcoming slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one

>Official Wikis and sites

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.3.1d)

How to dupe perks (You might get banned for this maybe I don't know) (embed)

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My god those poor lambs

You got me hooked on music while playing now it's like a whole new game

claudette is cute

only on a hook


If I get one more fucking trapper on wreckers yard i'm going to stick 9 inch nails through my balls.

Such a fucking miserable match


And here I was thinking, "I wish someone would post something. Anything!"

Be careful what you wish for, I guess.

I feel like I've wasted a whole day. Unrelated to the webm.

>started playing killer after getting jake to level 35
>stalking some jake while he obliviously does generator
>get to EW3 right behind him
>rinse and repeat for the entire team

Holy fuck, I wish I had known playing a killer was this fun

Thank you for listening ot my blog

>twitching like a Michael J. Fox on a cocaine overdose throughout the whole match
>compete the generators while the trapper knocks down a Jake he was chasing at the time
>open a door while the Jake gets hooked so we'll have somewhere to run after the rescue
>While creeping over, see the other player get NOEDed right in front of the hook
>doesn't get picked up, so I know the trapper is camping, along with one-hit kills and almost certainly a trap
>get called a pussy after I run out the door

What did you want me to do, dude?

The only option here would be to sit in a safe spot ( not at the exit gate ), and wait for the slug to crawl far away that a save of either of them would be possible.

Funny thing, that - I was actually hammering the 2 button to motion for the slug to crawl over, but she just spun in place until Jake died and the trapper picked her up.

rip slug then, you did good

I feel this game is done for if they don't fix a lot of the bug and balancing issues within at least January

>survivors still haven't made the connection that swarming the hooks makes the killer camp

Also, xth for the face of pure love.

whats the tier list for killers guys?
just started getting into the game and nurse is my favorite so far
hag is alright too

fuck, wish I had saved my tier list made days back

stick with the nurse, hag is garbage, billy is most fun, myers is chill, trapper is an overpowered asshole, who is wraith?

aight cool
also how to get deviousness points as nurse? i get jack shit for em and hunting (but thats just cause i predict and tele right to them)

S: Trapper +Nurse
A: Billy + Myers
Shit: Wraith + Hag

This is high ranked though, low ranked every killer is pretty good in my opinion.

>Kill a 4 man SWF sabo squad who used this against me by slugging them
>Call me garbage because I didn't pick them up and let them bleed out.
>Still double pipped.
Holy shit...

dont think darkest moonlights stack, then again on some maps even one of those barely does anything

>Hook someone in the basement
>Walk out
>Turn around real quick
>See someone walking down
>Head back down
>get a grab
>Repeat until they're literally all hooked in the basement
>Get called a camper
The salt, the tasty salt. I can't get enough.

i see that now

damn this game is fun

Killer breakdowns

>The Wraith
+ While cloaked he is the fast killer bar none
+ lunge is slightly longer than other killers (minues EW3 Shape and Hag)
- Has no tools beyond finding survivors quickly to do anything
- most vulnerable to buffed flash lights unless using specific addons.

>The Hillbilly
+ Instant downs makes you the most threatening killer from the start
+ Pallet game is much weaker against Billy with Enduring and chainsaw destruction
+High mobility
-Chainsaw noises alert survivors to you exact intentions letting them either hide so you can't find them running in or dodge your sprint
-Flick removal further raised his already higher than most skill cap

>The Trapper
+ Traps alert him to where survivors are due to disarming noise / trapping victim, and help him have multiple presences across the map
+ Easiest killer to get sacrifices with as so much time is burned on hooks to disarm traps before saves can be made
+ Hinders the survivors juke game with well placed traps
- Traps found on map alert players to the fact you're a trapper immediately so they can instantly play accordingly.
- Saboteur can remove your ability completely making you a worse wraith if the game goes on long enough

>The Nurse
+ Negates the juke game completely with the ability to blink over walls and pallets
-Highest skill cap of any killer, long time to learn (rewarding if you do).
-Slowest killer

>The Shape
+Best stealther in the game in EW1 as his terror radius can not be heard until he's already in attack range
+Most threating killer with instant downs and longest lunge range in the game in EW3
-as slow as the nurse in EW1
-Even at EW3, he is still as easily juked and dodged as the Wraith.

>The Hag
+Longest base lunge in the game
+Well placed traps allow you to control the game more than other killers
-Second slowest killer
-Low profile and fov makes her much easier to hide against than other killers
-her signature perks can be completely negated

>trapper is overpowered


He has the worst mobility in the game and is cucked by small game/saboteur. He's only "OP" if you trap under hooks and proxy patrol, which is extremely dickish but not necessarily an aspect of the killer himself as it is simply a playstyle people adopt.

I rate killers effectiveness by how easy they can 4man while they try their hardest.

Trapper can't 4man that easily

>hook dude
>hear footsteps around shack
>walk out a few meters
>come back
>catch them as they run up the stairs
>they body block
>I smack the first guy then block the second guy
>smack, down, drag to basement
>leave trap at the top of the stairs
>walk out a few meters
>come back
>down guy trying to disarm my trap
>other guy walks into a trap outside the shack
when survivors camp harder than killers its a good game

easier than the other killers, didn't mentioned they have to succeed

>internet drops in the middle of a killer game
>everyone disconnects
>get invited to the "salty killers from dead by daylight" group in under a second
Do these people just have it up at all times?

Anyone play Hag? What perks you running on her?

billyfags need to go fuck themselves

Agitation, Devour hope, play with your food, 4th slot is pretty interchangable, tinkerer is really good on her, but probably should go with BS or enduring.

Hey, sabo users.
Can you answer a question for me?
Do you really think you have the right be angry that you're slugged when you sab'd most if not all of the hooks on the map?

I played against a hag with devour hope and insidious. The insidious camp play with the traps and a downed survivor was incredible. Really fired off my neurons

Maybe you should fortify your hooks better


Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

They really REALLY need to fix the game play of this game.
Running from pallet to pallet is neither dynamic nor fun for either side.

How to farm bloodpoints easy.

>Be asian
>Play Trapper
>everyone will lag onto your traps

>How to farm bloodpoints easy.
>Download SAM

>Running from pallet to pallet is neither dynamic nor fun for either side.
Nurse player here and I disagree
>DBD is closer to scooby doo than to classic slashers

If you don't want to play the game just don't


Its not that I don't want to play the game, its that I don't want the worthless grind

Are you really too dumb to know the difference?

This game is hardly a grind. It has an actual feel of progression to it.

I'm also confused.


What do I do as MM if all my hooks are destroyed? I tried to down everyone but I couldn't manage all 3 people wandering around and the 4th kept picking them up

>What do I do as MM if all my hooks are destroyed?
Whip out your IG.
That or bend over and spread 'em.

Always bet on Ace baby

>wrong image

the dice were thrown

This. I just run BS and let them. It's boring but I get chase points / destruction points and they eventually run out of places to go.

Honestly it's why I kind of like the swamp map. The pallets are more condensed and there's plenty of open ground

>Devour Hope
Holy fuck this is the most stupidly overpowered perk imaginable. How is this allowed.

I was wondering why the tree had blinking lights on it.

Steam Achievement Manager. Not sure how that is used to give you bloodpoints, maybe he confused it with Cheat Engine.

I put up the Christmas ornaments late this year. I had my hands full with pallet warriors running around.

Camp one of them and ruin their fun.

I feel so fucking terrible being matched up vs 20's, I want them to win but my competitive nature just won't allow me to ;_;

This is some deep level mindgames going on here.

I hope something worse than the recent glitch happens to this game, I want to see the flames.


I'm hitting rank 1 today for the first time! Hyaa!

uninstalling afterwards

that moyers and meg sure had great teamwork

I didn't leave the hook until webm related

Why is the Hag so fucking OP?

>Limited traps
>Can be disarmed
>Can be destroyed
>Can be avoided

>Unlimited traps
>Can't be disarmed
>Can't be destroyed
>Can't be avoided

The shit I hate the most is that her traps are unavoidable. You HAVE to trigger them, you can't disarm them like the Trapper's traps. Such bullshit.

I can not understand why people don't rebind their struggle-key to M1. Hope your spacebar dies.

Hag's traps can be destroyed with a flashlight.
Hag's traps can be avoided.
Hag has a maximum teleport range.

Hag is underpowered, if you're doing that bad, probably means you're bad.

It's more tiring to spam m1 than space, I've tried changing thinking it would be better/easier. Not for me apparently.

It honestly works a lot better for me. No idea how spamming M1 could be more tiring than furiously smashing your spacebar to pieces.

I would like to remind all you killercucks that you get more points if you let us all live.

N-No! You're the cuck here, because you're playing survivor! G-Get facecamped, noob! That's for that one gesture on the other side of the pallet!

>Hag's traps can be destroyed with a flashlight
Which no one ever carries because they're useless. Also Trapper's traps can just be disarmed without needing an item. You shouldn't need an item.

>Hag's traps can be avoided.
Wrong. They HAVE to be triggered to make them go away.

>Hag has a maximum teleport range.
Not enough clearly.

>That's for that one gesture on the other side of the pallet!

Don't taunt if you're a baddie who can't scooby doo killers properly.

Well I always thought people find more enjoyment in playing the game for real. Imagine a scenario where a GF wins in some game against her BF, she's overjoyed but when asking wether he let her win, he responds with "I tried my best, you won fair". But deep inside she realises her BF let her win, he just won't ever admit it.

But I suppose you like "winning". When you're at the end of the grind and the only thing you're playing against is people who let you farm or killers that simply cannot do anything against you because survivors are overbuffed, well... if you can live with yourself in this fake environment, all power to you.

>Flashlights are useless

And by saying that I realise that there's a certain powergap which make you think that killers are the overpowered ones. Here's how it looks right now :

Killers >>> Survivors

In a scenario where nurse can simply shit on you despite whatever you try.

In a scenario where trapper has someone hooked, with a trap under and proxy camping at a solid distance ( close enough that you will not get the unhook off ).

Survivors >>> Killers

In a scenario where each survivor has multiple additional lives provided with self heal, sprint burst, decisive strike.

In a scenario where the map is survivor favored to a point where you cannot simply even catch a survivor ( taking into account remaining killers over here, not trapper or nurse ), due to infinites or pallet towns.

When you get to a certain endgame point in the game, it's like playing rock paper scissors, there's no actual outplay or skill involved for the most part. The game balance is shit and you can only blame the devs for it. Yet they're talking about "competetive" modes.

>circling pallets is cancer

well, webm related is just an extension of "pallet circling", without any actual circling

same game, the P3 Billy didn't hook a single person and then you have people like this

I wish frogs would just delete palletheaven maps from the game

Right after when they delete the fucking nurse, you time a pallet drop just right when he blinks on you, you even get the score for it but her hit still goes though. "OUT FUCKING SKILLED"

I'm sure they will nerf her into the ground eventually.

I now know exactly what the killer feels like when every. single. hook. is sabotaged. It is pain. I will never sabotage another hook in my entire life.

Come on man, sabo4life. I sabo only with my bear hands though. Stopped using toolbox after was camped in the basement by the billy.

Also it pains me that the guy that went around sabotaging everything in the end had more points than the guy I chased around and wiggled free of my grasp three times before I finally hooked him. That's really fucked up and I feel bad for him now.

Is there anything more stressful than being the last one left alive after an ebony mori?

feels incredibly good

I hate this game & I hate the grind, too much of a perfectionist though


forgot to write grats

why do people worship streamers?

The sacrifice category and the 2500 point do one escaped bonus begs to differ.

Mental illness

why do people worship trump? same stuff

Why do people think the nurse is difficult to play?

huge stun

The bigger question is why do people pay them money monthly and all they get in return is a simple, "thanks dude"

>Monstruous Shrine
>Iron Grip
I'm ready for a basement party.

1 hour warning, start calming down and hide all the sharp objects.


>first 3 games as killer today
>all 3 have one or more person bitching in post-game that i'm hacking

feels good man

Waiting for them to post killer stats and see that the hag is barely played and just say that everyone is playing her wrong again.

I feel the same way, but when I get sabotage rituals I do them. Just apologize in chat after and explain your predicament. If he kills you early though accept that punishment




i'm gonna be kinda mad