/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Shadowverse is a free-to-play, class-based collectible card game similar to Hearthstone /hsg/.
The expansion, Rise of Bahamut released on Dec. 29th.

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database/Deck Editor:

NETDECKS :game-ai.jp/

Intro Guide/FAQ:

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Get your cheat sheets here: imgur.com/a/g8OD1

Card Collection Tracker/Pack EV Calculator:
Make a copy to edit your own.


All-in-one Steam undub and uncensor UPDATED WITH BAHAMUT:


Updated card art package.

A growing collection of animated golds/legendaries:

Come here if you want to search for card artworks:

Search by artists:

You can listen and download both EN/JP voices for cards at this place:


Other urls found in this thread:



when are we going to remove hearthstone from the op

Best girl

Where is the discord link?



Reminder to swordfriends to ALWAYS bet on Monika.


Pls concede

Memed my opponent in take two


Don't start this shit again

Monika has bailed me out of so many shit situations it's insane.

She's perfect.




>no evolves left
>draw monika



Kill yourself.

Holy shit seraph is strong

Why do people say havens weak in rob again

>no evolves left
>draw Levi
worthless card desu

How am I supposed to play roach? it feels way too draw dependent and easily bricks, and i feel like the board limit makes it hard to combo roaches with fairies.


um lol?

I usually hold onto one evolve for Albert.

Elena/seraph is good in rob, it's storm that has suffered.

Why do people post several times in every thread "why do people say X class is weak again?" especially when the class they're talking about it well-known to be Tier 1?

>Fight aggro blood in unranked with my meme shadow deck
>He gets an amazing aggro curve
>But instead of hitting face, he trades with all my followers and slowly kills himself until he's at 6 HP by turn 5 without me doing anything

What the fuck was that

This guy was in the AX ranks too

because it loses to the most common fucking decks you stupid mongoloid. just because you play against trash in A doesnt mean your weeb niggerness makes you good.

>Seraph is Tier 1
>"Why do people say havens weak in rob again"
Might be because literally nobody says that


to show her who is the master!

monika is shit and so is swordcraft

Nobody is saying that. Most of the bandwagoners just moved over to Tempo Rune is all.

You don't play everything on curve for one, keep the 1 pp cost spells in hand instead of burning them.

How many wins is a good number to get to C3?

aim higher...

Your opinion is shit.

This is poor advice. When I first started I listened to this advice and constantly lost control of the earlygame board by keeping 1pp followers in hand. But the real trick is to learn not to rely on the OTK too heavily. You want to flood the board with 1pp followers early to force your opponent to respond and to whittle down their health. The lower it is, the easier it is to get the OTK off. And you can always bring them back into your hand with an Ancient Elf.

Probably "control" that didn't know killing your opponent by turn 6 is viable.

I just got here on 70 wins, started last week.


you really just want to flood the board early and get in as much chip damage for the roaches to finish


Finally made a deck that was able to get me out of the swamp that was A3. I'm sure everything's bright and sunny in AAland.

This kills the Vampy.

I hope daria dies in a car crash

Don't put too many fairies and other 1 cost followers on the board so you can charge your roach without bounce. You still want to put stuff out the first few turns so you can get a big Ancient Elf early like always. Keep 0 cost cards for roach combos later too. Mini goblin will always get a roach when you put her out so put her into your roach calculations depending on your hand. It's an aggro deck that has Roach to just burst for a lot of damage in one turn, so you just have to keep a balance of keeping your board somewhat strong while also setting up roach combos.

>Haventumor thinking this means anything

she is still smiling

what a perseverance!

>I'm sure everything's bright and sunny in AAland.

Nice work user. Now the real grind begins.

i've literally won more games with my tyrant atomy shadow deck than i have trying to play dragoncraft.

We need more edit of this image with SV girls.



Here's the template :~)

Do it with Luna's sad face.

Why not make the faceless old men edits instead?


Suggestions for improvements? Aiming to control the board while grinding down the opponent with sticky minions and eventually killing them with something involving howls or puppers. I've got a similar deck but with Odins instead of Mords for if the ladder becomes seraph hell

>took a three day break
>can't win a single game with my dirt rune for the past hour

holy fuck, what the hell happened?

Is this Kyle?

do it with luna's glad face!

>can't win a single game with my dirt rune

What's new

11 out of 30 cards are 3 or below and then this happens

gentlemen how do we counter aggro blood

craft the third cerb and the third khawy

Same as Daria. You hope they brick.

Play daria

But that's fine, she still is a 4/4 that generates a 1/1 which is generally better than a 5/5. That beats the standard of 4/5 cost evolve effect creatures that are usually missing a stat point.

are any of these cards useful?
lord atomy


literally had 10 game win streaks, not even daria shitters could kill it. Maybe I'm just drawing like shit.

>SV girls
make it rowen instead

>those autistic retards with like 90k vials but refuse to craft anything they need because they're "cheap"

Unica, wards and heals
Play Elana

Dirtcraft is underrated.

It's the one craft I want to see the absolute least on the ladder right next to Dshift.

Need a concede please


>Fight 3 dirt runes in a row
wtf is dirt rune meta now with all the aggro decks going around?

it is a stealth tier 1

i just hope more people didnt play it as it brings more d-shit

Can I get a decklist?

>ywn play pre RoB SV ever again
how doth thou copeth with this feeleth

Is there a way to reset ladder ranking yet?

I currently got 1 levi and 2 darias, do i craft the 2 levis first or the third daria to complete the set?

control blood

Thank you Hurt-bro!

Should i craft 3 darias, 1 alberto and 2 cerberus (to complete the ones i have) for aggrosword and aggroshadow, or is it possible to make heaven seraph with 15k vials?

Feels fucking fantastic.
I'll take Rune/Bloodverse over Elanaverse any day.


no because the deck is shit until I play 50 more games and make changes to it.


>tfw aggro player
>tfw RoB meta
i'm in tengoku my nigga

>Load up Daria to do Rune daily
>Enemy is D-Shift
>Going second
>He bounces my Levi 2 times and I evolve him 3 times to keep getting fireballs
>Win with no effort then he DCs
Alrighty then

Are we going to get bonus packs for anything soon?

Just grinding out 1-2 packa a day isn't seeing much progress being made overall, especially when most of what you need is Legendary's and all the grinding shit doesn't get you much liquid at all.

>start playing SV a month ago
>save vials to craft dshift and PtP forest aka intelligent decks for an intelligent individuals such as myself
>RoB rolls out
>only top decks are aggro
Feels pretty bad my man

Just make Roach if you want to do math while playing.

Post your deck so we can see if there's anything wrong with it.

Just get 4 or 5 wins in t2?


You do realize the average elf player is too fucking stupid to do basic math and uses a deck where the hardest thing is doing basic math right?

I mean, fuck, even aggro blood has to play it's shit with some intelligence. Elf just vomits fairies onto the board and plays jolly jerkoff with roaches when their mindless cards bring them right into their hands so they don't have to worry about actually playing the game and can autopilot it.

Guys is roach really top tier or is it a meme? Im scared to pull the gun on my vials for it