>mfw got my first LEGENDARY upvote playing as Zeny
Levi Myers
>when you headshot and instant kill a cloaked sombra by predicting where they'll have moved to after they cloaked >when you headshot a genji the literal instant they stop deflecting >when you headshot a mercy as they fly in to resurrect
Logan Nguyen
Which character is the richest one? I bet on D.va, she makes dosh at every possible opportunity.
Noah Diaz
No one knows how to fucking guard a point.
Every team I get. We're trying to take the lighthouse on Illios, my guys are all hanging back a mile away taking shots into the doors on the point, too afraid and skittish to even try to go inside, meanwhile i'm rushing inside and killing one, two, once even three of them at a time before they kill me and my team still won't take this opportunity to take the goddamn point.
I am not even a good player but come on guys, we can't fucking win if we don't take the fucking point..
Jacob Richardson
anyone on NA wanna play?
Caleb Martinez
Lucio lives in a slum and is an international music sensation
He also doesn't get conscripted to fight a monster trying to destroy her country so his work doesn't get interrupted.
Samuel Jackson
>in an elf costume and still wears the whiskers
Nicholas Ross
Let's brown it up
Noah Long
>tfw you will never get out of bronze no matter how well you do because of this shittu which got you put there in the first place
i want to uninstall
Kayden Turner
Angel Morris
In 300 hours or so I've only seen one legendary.
I've noticed people hate voting for widows and hanzos, when they often have the most amazing potgs. Once saw a widow get a quintuple kill solo in the potg and had spent the rest of the game just annihilating everyone. No one on our team voted for them because they were killing us.
Adam Baker
>I've found that taking the necessary swap into your own hands works wonders. For example, in a game tonight I took Lucio because the 2 solo queuers refused to get off Widow and Junkrat to deal with a Bastion on King's Row's final choke. I swapped to D.va, ate the bastion, ulted, and won the choke. If your team won't adhere to a meta, fix your own problems and you'll be much happier but if i flex to counter stuff, we wont have a tank or a healer because my team went 4 dps, and rages anytime i ask them to go 2/2/2
Brody Phillips
>instead of getting elf d.va we got sleeves Zarya
Angel Ward
It's her trademark
Cameron Ward
how do you eat a bastion as dva
Ayden Miller
dvas probably rich, but wouldn't have fuck you money. Mercy or torb probably. I could see mercy being a leader in biotech, owning stakes in companies worth stupid amounts. same for torb with general engineering.
Zachary Peterson
>team leaves >STILL lose 33 points
I thought I should have only lost like 5 or 6, that's what has happened in the past. Actually pissed off tbqh. Dropped from 3003 to 2970
Nicholas Perry
Mercy spends all her money on booze
Levi Cox
People are just too traumatized of ''Too many snipers'' matches when both players refuse to change their picks, that's why
James Phillips
Zenyatta, of course. His life is full of experiences, he holds much wisdom in his processors, and his spirit is boundless.
Colton Butler
If the fivestack that composed the rest of your team abandons ship, would leaving incur you less of an SR loss than staying?
Joseph Cooper
Zenytta cinematic when?
Luke Brooks
So..how has it been using the new her? Does she still suck donkey dicks and there are much better picks?
Connor Rivera
What are your favourite heroes for each position and favourite skin for them?
Andrew Russell
Sombra could have stole a fuck ton of money. Not sure if that would be enough to eclipse anyone legitimate.
Assuming we're not going with the "lolevil" fan theory, Mercy probably puts away a lot of wealth to charities she runs or reinvests it in biotech research.
Torb I could see making a pretty penny on all his tech and giving a significantly smaller amount away.
Adam Nguyen
Good DPS and hallway killer. Randomly becomes defense god with shield/teleporter.
Why the fuck does anyone pick McShitter over 76 in KotH?
Luke Russell
Fuck that. 26 episode SOL anime starring Zen when?
Jaxon Edwards
Does Sombra even care about money or just being a dirty mexi?
Robert Brown
Nah, Zen anime would be a road movie Talon Wacky Misadventures would be SOL
Nolan Myers
>OP pushes early threads to spam his Youtube I hope a nigger shoots you.
Logan Martinez
Netherlands is a safe country pal, no niggers here, sorry :) watch my video though
Bentley King
Her M1 damage is out of this world
Elijah Butler
>your pieces will sell quite nicely I thought they cut off heads just for kicks
Robert Ramirez
Tracer for doggystyle. Common recolor skins
Thomas Morris
>everyone and her mom plays her now
Mhm..I mained her when she actually sucked. Enjoy your free handouts, bros.
Justin Morris
>M1 >gaymers of 2017 are this lazy
Isaiah Cruz
She trades more on favors then money. It is likely that she at the very least either has a massive war chest at her disposal as she travels, or she just steals enough for whatever she needs.
Anthony Collins
isn't symmetra canonically a billionaire or something?
Julian Parker
I'm feeling like not caring about anything at all today Should I go into QP instalocking Widow, Sym, or what else
Jaxon Diaz
Why there's this glaring different in the quality of skins? Rein's and Pharah's are amazing, while Zarya's and Mei's feel so uninspired and lazy that it hurts.
Dylan Jones
No,she is just high ranked architect of Vishkar
Ayden Phillips
just imagining this situation gives me conniptions
Juan Bennett
>playing attack Symmetra >last teamfight sees the other team scrambling due to staggered spawns but they need to contest >they either run straight into the microwave or lose the match >that VVVVVVVVVVVVVRRRRRRR noise the gun makes on maximum power
Easton Smith
>Offense Reaper - Classic, Shiver, Wight
>Defense Mei - Earthen
>Tank Zarya - Midnight
>Support Zenyatta - Ascendant, Skullyatta
I don't like most legendary skins desu
Lucas Peterson
pharah - jackal mei - default or colour change d.va - junebug mercy - default
Xavier Williams
Lincoln Carter
>Nah, Zen anime would be a road movie Shit I didn't think of that. That'd be cool as hell
Lucas Mitchell
>offense / Pharah - Thunderbird >defense / Mei - Rescue Mei >tank / Roadhog - Toa >support / Zenyatta - Sunyatta
reposting from last thread >be on defense >before the round starts, place a cluster of turrets around the enemy spawn for free ult charge >after they are destroyed, place turrets around the chokepoint >fire shields and charged rightclicks into the enemy's general direction >if anyone gets close W+M1 away >place ult in the back as soon as it's up >shield generators are usually better but teleporters can save your team's ass on point A, so choose wisely depending on the situation
Hunter Cox
Connor King
>no niggers in the Netherlands Lmoa
Ryan Bell
>high diamond - masters comp game >defense on hollywood >pick hanzo >entire team erupts into full rage/throw mode >they all shut their mouths when the easy algorithms kick in >first point hold
Why can't people deal with "not muh meta" picks?
Levi Sanchez
blueberry is best girl
Adrian Scott
>actually BUFFING Roadhog
Nathan Reyes
Form what we know of her (unless I missed some shit) she doesn't seem like the money type. She likes power and being a conniving cunt. Which okay, money is pretty much Power 101 accessory. But she is a a bloo bloo bloo "poor" little girl who is pretty much a tactical genius and knows technology like the back of her hand..because the back of her hand IS technology.
She actually, ironically, feels to me like one of the poorer characters in the game, despite her being a walking PC with a terrible mecha-cut and horrible color scheme.
Yeah, I said it. Fuck off.
William Perry
Brody Rogers
That's really cute, user.
Landon Gutierrez
He needed it though, his hook was very shit in a lot of ways.
Isaiah Brooks
because this game attracts retards
Lincoln King
>Pink and purple are horrible
Eh not really. If it was a guy yeah. Than again, it can be pulled off (See: Pagan Mihn)
>her haircut is bad
Okay you may be onto something.
Connor Hughes
>Mercy >Default Why do the purple and golden Skins suck so much? Devil is ok and Witch is fun for some time, but any variation of the default one (especially Eidgenössin) is just so much better.
Lucas Thomas
>both dirty mexicans >both have disgusting tumblr so-edgy and unique haircuts >both probably smell >both suck in their respective games
Capcom IS Blizzard, you heard it here last.
Jordan Thomas
Everytime i see the bva mini dva i get a boner instantly i cant find any porn of this tho anyone help
Asher Cooper
Made a mistake. I only mean the golden ones.
Isaac Phillips
>get quintuple kill and ult shutdown >POTG goes to a double kill
>ult and kill two people >immediately after kill two more >get POTG >shows me fucking around for 10 seconds and ends immediately after the ult not showing the next two kills
>Mystery Heroes >got Torbjorn and Widow in the duration of the match >get POTG for dying and contributing half the damage for three kills as Torb instead of the solo triple kill with headshots as Widow
How the fuck does this thing work?
Colton Perry
Gavin Foster
iktf, shitters gave him a bad name. A good Hanzo can definitely pull his weight.
Ryder Butler
It Just Works! â„¢
John Gray
>the bva mini dva ...what?
Joshua Powell
How the fuck do you hack 15 ppl in 1 life for this spray. I average 11 a game...
Zachary Rogers
How does this refute my point?
Hogs hook is shit when it hooks through walls and its shit when it hooks and then puts them in all random places instead of infront of hog.
Eli Perez
>on Eichenwald attack >Roadhog >team has decided to have no tanks, but we can rush it easily if our Zen ults >he just hovers around the gate and never ults >"alright zen let's ult in" >doesn't do anything >"let's go zen" >zen moves back, DPS funnel in and die >decide to leave game
I swear to God
Evan Anderson
>104 wins >102 losses Competitive is shit
Jackson Hernandez
So what happens when I hit 2500 SR? Can I still lose SR and go below 2500 but keep my plat icon or if I lose at 2500 do I lose nothing and stay 2500?
Zachary Rodriguez
tfw no irl widow gf
Lincoln Allen
>combat roll is a joke >flashbang doesn't activate half the time and is useless in the other half due to momentum >fan the hammer might as well not even exist >twelve thousand delays and handicaps during ult (literally statistically the offensive ult with the lowest amount of kills per minute)
So when is M1: The Character being deleted from the game?
Grayson Ward
You play someone useful instead
Lucas Davis
get to keep the icon but sr goes down
Blake Cooper
>D.va is most picked
Did it start out like that? I seem to recall a time where people hated her and said she was garbage.
If she was a male 'gamer bro' no one would play him lol. >mecha
Nvm, I'm a moron. People fucking love mechs, huh?
Eli Edwards
I consistently get gold damage/objective kills with her tho
Hunter Sullivan
Nice try.
Christian Cooper
dont die, the hacks from emp also counts so you can charge ult get 4-6 from that alone and as soon as you hack someone translocate out
wasnt as hard as i thought it would be
Michael Turner
Robots are a mans romance user
Liam Morgan
If the hack buffs go live it'll be easier to pull off, EMP counts towards you total. Just be more patient and don't go in without an escape.
Joshua Jenkins
I will dare say it, if D.va was male I think more guys would play him. I know a lot of people who just don't like play females..yeah THEY actually exist, believe it or not. They are normie as fuck, but it is what it is.
These are the dude bros that any day will take Uncharted, Bioshock Infinite, Last of Us, Gears etc. gruff buff tough guys over playing a qt gamer gril. For example. No, I don't get it either.
Actually, I do kind of get it. At the end of the day people are going ti play characters they like, good, bad, horrible, broken, OP, or not. This game has full blown LoL syndrome.
Nathan Cooper
playing bad opponents doesn't make Sombra good, friend. But more power to you I guess.
>b-but I'm good with her faggot!
Fine. She still is one of the weaker, shittier heroes. That's fact
Evan Clark
I have never met anyone who wouldn't play a character because it was a girl.
>will take Uncharted, Bioshock Infinite, Last of Us, Gears etc.
Oh, console players lol
Brandon Clark
>I have finally reached enlightenment and know the true meaning of life >and that is to pelt people with metal balls until they die
Brayden Perez
>I have never met anyone who wouldn't play a character because it was a girl.
Good. Bless your soul
>Oh, console players lol
Yup. These are the normiest of normies. >"I'm a guy why would I want to play a girl!!!"
They actually exist. It's scary. And I know some of them play OW
Blake Hernandez
>Oh, console players lol
The people that buy CoD every year despite complaining how it's the same game. And Madden '45: It's the same game but we updated stats lol!
Isaac Jenkins
Enjoying the last days of playing her in her true glory user?
Carson Wilson
>There are people who will never experience the joy of playing Pharah