/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

MHXX is due for 3DS in Japan on March 18.
Trailer 1: youtube.com/watch?v=5VV5-opm1TE
Trailer 2: youtube.com/watch?v=XiOBszkWCp0
Spoiler: youtube.com/watch?v=iJAaJHeuNg8

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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nth for




>Aerial style against Najarala



>"It's the first time high speed video"


>when someone likes your name

>when everyone misspells your name

brb i'm just gonna level 3 myself in the face

>when you make a joke character and people like it

two sluts open

ded general

It will be alive again in March for about two weeks, then it's back to page 10 limbo.


he's volvidone for



three slots

pls join

i'll come back later. i want to read some

How do people feel about not unlocked HR people? I've been slowly soloing my way through the ranks because I figure people wouldn't want to bother.

Who is the most majestic monster?

Yeah, that's what I figured.


I wouldn't mind helping people that aren't hr unlocked.

Shagaru hands down



Is this room still up?


kool, will join in 5


Shaggy and Goldbeard

What's the chance of a +4 Sharpness, +5 Handicraft OOO

approx %0

about the same as the switch not bombing.

What about a +3 Sharpness, +4 Handicraft OO-?
I want to now the chances befoore I start Sakura farming

anything with handicraft is rare i've got 42 pages of charms and not one with +1 handicraft let alone +4

Handicraft is overall hard to come by on anything Timeworn. And fuck, something like Sharpness +5 OOO or FastCharge +5 OOO is still hard enough to come across as-is, that people even just hack in charms with just the one skill + slots on it.

Charms may be easiest to farm in generations but they're more bullshit than ever due to the lack of slots. Don't subject yourself to this, either give up or hack em in

You should really sell some of those for easy money and to cut down on useless charms.
Put them into Athena's ASS charm list, and it'll auto grey out ones that are strict downgrades of others - like if you put in a Blunt +3 00- and a Blunt +4 00- the first one will grey out because it's objectively worse, and that lets you know what charms you can sell.

It's also good to filter through your charms at the end of every Sakura run, instead of waiting to do them all at once at a later time.

Don't bother with all that ASS shit, just look ingame.

>switch not bombing.
you guyy are retarded as fuck and the amount of shit posting on /v/ is amazing.
this is one of the most amazing handhelds made and the price is relitivly good for a NEW console.
the 2 actualy fault points in this is that it has little to no launch titles and the fact that the the controllers can be split but when you do the erganomics of it go to shit.
but instead it all just shit posting about stupid crap like 'why do we need a feature with ice cube' and other autistic shit that you people clearly dont get

Athena's ASS catches a lot more redundancies than a player will just looking at their charms.
I put in all of my charms once, after I had thought I got rid of all the worse ones, and it still found a good number of ones that I didn't need.

But that's a pain in the ass (heh) to add everything.

3 sorry because that online and free rental game is fucking bs

>add everything
You know you can just import your save into it and it will list all your charms?

Yeah, but that's also more trouble than it's worth. Just put in the charms you know are good, and prune the charms ingame you know are bad. There's no need for 100% autistic precision.

>free games are BS
The information says "Subscribers will get to download and play a Nintendo Entertainment Systemâ„¢ (NES) or Super Nintendo Entertainment Systemâ„¢ (Super NES) game (with newly-added online play) for free for a month."
Which can be interpreted as a rental or temporary yes, but can also be read as 'for that month the game is free, but you keep that game forever' which is more likely.

That aside, go back to
for consolewarring, we don't need or want that shit here.

>but can also be read as 'for that month the game is free, but you keep that game forever' which is more likely
found the triggered fanboy, disregard him and move on

When will Capcom pull the plug on MH3U? Wii U will be buried in 2 months and I can't see them supporting much longer. A year? Less?

And you're assuming it'll be temporary. You're no better than other user.
Now shut up with the consolewar flame inciting. This isn't /v/.

Curious to know as well, MH3U is practically the reason I haven't sold mine yet.

mate it had be confurmed that its temporary, and tell it to that other faggto who brought it up in the first place.
im just letting him know hes being a fuckign retard and spouting propaganda teir information just because of some personal reason he has

Tri didn't go down until 2 months after 3U came out. So I guess whenever MH5 comes out.

>Monster Hunter moves to a new platform.
>Several people do not move with it.
>Some of these people leave the general.
>Death creeps at our heels ever closer.

We lost a lot even just going from 4U to Gen. Or even throughout 4U's lifetime.

Think of all those guild cards from people at HR1 who you never see again.

So many lost

Only 90's kids will remember this

Huh that's why /mhg/ died when it moved to Wii and then the 3DS

oh wait

amatsu megasushi is my waifu!



What rank does high rank start in Single player mode? Also I just beat Glavenus and the credits rolled, what the fuck that was so short.

In Village, only quests explicitly marked "Advanced: ___" are high rank.
In Guild, 1-3 are Low and 4+ is High.


2 slots

I hate MHG early game so much.

MH has shit early game, I agree.
Wish they just released a title that only had G-rank.

I think you misunderstand
He's saying generations has even worse early game

That doesn't make the early game of other titles good.

FU has very consistent difficulty from start to finish

of course, hence the "even worse"

So nothing was misunderstood.

i'm on a slippery slope, guys. I failed to transfer my 600hr MH4U save when i got the MHGen 3DS. I'm save editing my character to be close to how i left it.
there is so much possibility here. it's very tempting to put myself at an advantage

the only real slippery slopes in /mhg/ are liking frontier and masturbating to monsters

Just play the game.
You do it to hunt monsters.

The 4U to Gen save transfer doesn't carry over anything of actual value in the first place. All it does is let you get an item pack from the mail feyline.
You don't keep your old items, weapons, armor, etc.

I just wanted to play on my MH4U character without having to start over

>mfw I fought Ceadeus for the first time today on 3U

It was beautiful.. the theme song, those sunken ruins, the monster itself, everything about the fight and the ending afterwards was beautiful, I even got a bit of teary eyed.

It's definitely my favorite fight in the series so far.

The ride never ends.

>First time
>Man what a neat fight
>20 times later because your friend has terrible rare luck

enjoy because the series got extremely worse after that

>solo farming for the helios set because 3ds only

>3u on the 3ds

>fucking everything needing G. Ceadeus Fur

What's Rathian favorite weapon?

there is a wii u emu now that offors online, dont know how well 3u runs on it htough

I think 3U is unplayable in its current state.

Virginal Caedeus encounter top ASMR

The subdued theme in the crawl that explodes into crescendo when you reach the last zone

Getting your ass reamed and beamed

Ultra satisfying horn breaks


DB so she can elegantly spin to win

Which version of Mark of a Hero is the best

>elder dragon
>it's a crab
>it's a horse
>it's a squid

flexing after drinking a potion XDDD


>it's a pretty bird

Looks like a dragon to me

What if only the ones with six limbs were called elder dragons but the others were called elder beasts?

What if my dick were inside your ass?

I'd likely be dissatisfied due to its small size.