/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, January 16th:
27 BC – Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus is granted the title Augustus by the Roman Senate, marking the beginning of the Roman Empire.
550 – Gothic War: The Ostrogoths, under King Totila, conquer Rome after a long siege, by bribing the Isaurian garrison.
929 – Emir Abd-ar-Rahman III established the Caliphate of Córdoba.
1412 – The Medici family is appointed official banker of the Papacy.
1920 – The League of Nations holds its first council meeting in Paris, France.
1945 – Adolf Hitler moves into his underground bunker, the so-called Führerbunker.

CK2 DD36 - The Witching Hour

EU4 - 13/12

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI4] - Après Moi, Le Déluge

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V9

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.


Sim are we continuing the game today or is that for next week?


Fuck off

Yes please

How do I make pop growth graphs in vic2???

Rate my timelapse of this Grand Strategy Game guys.

Africamodlad, you should make Aus-mod when you've finished SA.

Can someone reupload this from the steam workshop?

Pretty sure you can't, see the Chronicle program if it has a function like that.

not gs tho, GS games have more than 2 playable countries and that small as fuck map

>GS games have more than 2 playable countries
[citation needed]

Steamworkshop downloader doesn't work?

See all GS games here.

KR is shit

But all the games I see here are of Germany

kys reedgruppe

AAR is still in infopic despite the fact that newest version is for DH 1.02 beta. Shit thread desu.

No they are from sweden dumbfuck


Who cares, literally no one plays DH anymore.


You forgot Sudafrikums. That's two whole countries.

Next week

Reminder that if you stick a flag in each one of your chess pieces you will play as more than ten different countries at the same time.


Tru shit me laddo

Mayonesse in texas 2.0 WHEN?

who am I kidding it's going to be shit anyway

>4 threads

ignore the autists

No, Steam changed something with the API and now the downloader cant recieve the download link anymore

Luck you

can you go somewhere else you fucking autist
reddit for example


>the thread before last is still alive and below bump limit

Luck me? I dont know, getting kinda desperate at the moment to try their new minister system out they added to the mod but its near impossible to find outside of steamworkshop and they dont update their moddb

>making a DD for each society instead of talking about the meat of the DLC

> Hello all, it’s time for another Society reveal
Nobody fuckign cares

>that fag that made a thread more than 80 posts before bump limit

I care

war in the east is grand strategy
plz post

this. post moar

>all those fags that migrated instead of reporting

>In game terms, the Hermetics are an open society joinable by members of the abrahamic religions, as well as Zoroastrians and Zun pagans (OK, and Hellenic, should you manage to play as one). Their primary attribute is Learning. Their Powers and Missions tend to involve earlier scientific experimentation combined with mysticism and a dash of Theurgy. They will often reward you with technology points or artifacts.
>Other powers and abilities include attempting to divine the future using Scrying, making Horoscopes for your children, experimenting with drugs and medical techniques, and eventually writing your magnum opus - a book of lore and knowledge that you enshrine for the ages.

This is pretty shitty DD and a pretty shitty society. I hope the assassins aren't as boring as this one.


proper thread

proper thread

Fucking dead.

I don't know that looks pretty fun

Sure, what should be in it?

Kill yourself casual redditor

Based mods.

>tfw /gsg/ supports the r&i cancer

You are always free to leave if you don't like it here.

I would be fine with him if he just used the right fucking infopic

Friday. Only have a few hours a day during the week

r&i posts the thread too tho

Someone was making an Aus mod, but never released anything to do with it, what I thought it was going to be was each state becoming substates of the UK when they historically got representative government (Also, The Cape colony shoule also receive this nominal independence in 1872) and then eventually becoming the federation in 1901, complete with events for possible inclusion/exclusion of NZ.

Does anyone know why HPM has the liferatings of all the Transvaal provinces lower than vanilla, then changes them back to normal with an event that fires in 1836?
I'm sure there's some reason for it and I don't want to change it if it would mess something up

>less complex than EU4
literally non-gsg

>he posted it AGAIN within 50 fucking posts
This is spamming.

>zombies in Korea 3 months in

Mods already deleted his first post, he's just posting again out of sheer butthurt.
Everyone knows that board games don't belong in Veeky Forums.

I don't know, but I do have a question for you, what will you do about immigration to Boer countries? IMO accepting immigrants should destabilise the area, as it would be seen as encroachment on God given Boer land.

I'm pretty sure its to represent the massive pop decline of that area during that time, not sure why the event fires to soon though, I would ask him

r8 mygrobbadeniums

Sounds good, I might be able to put some stuff related to AUS in sooner rather than later
The substates thing is a bit beyond my autism levels but I have always wanted the potential for a united AUS/NZ colony

The event fires at the proper time historically speaking, it just seems a bit superfluous to have lower liferating just for a few months
Not a big issue or anything, just curious

Holy shit, you made a webm for it, awesome.

Do you feel like you could have taken Leningrad? I have been in similar situation in full campaign games, but then get pushed back, like a car driving uphill and slowly losing grip

Forgot to add, the event that triggers the Mfecane requires Matabele to own province 2110, which Gaza starts the game with
I was wondering if this was intended, to require Matabele to win a war against Gaza to trigger an event that has their population decimated?

>he keeps spamming is board game here
>keeps getting deleted
>he keeps doing it
why does he do it lads? even the occasional risk dumbfuck from /int/ usually goes away once he realizes Veeky Forums isn't for board games


Help lads, you're autist you can solve this


Which mods am I missing? What's something worth installing and maybe some of the mods I took are not compatible?

>Tfw Meneth is too cool for us now and hangs around with the Paradox devs

Fucking faggot kys
you too


How much do you play WitE and games like it?

Would you be interested in a multiplayer game?


can you please stop

Once again the Spanish are the bastion of civilisation in Europe

>one post
Epic, epic.

well geez, the diplomacy spammar/shitposter is part of the discordgroup
who would have thought

UK seems OK

I joined

>a Shiite Muslim society that - unsurprisingly - specializes in murder

How did Paradox get away with this?


Fucking Portugal and France, if either of them had given me military access I could have saved Iberia, guess I'm gonna just try to save Madrid then

I knew Sweden was a hotbed for Wahabbism among its immigrants, but I didn't know native Swedes were taking money from the Saudis

wtf i love paradox now

forgot pic

Because their name is the assassins not because they are muslim you faggot



+1 Respectfully disagree

Any MP games tonight?

Got some DH coming, you guys down?

holy shit yes pls on DH

fucking Busan man