/bdog/ - Black Desert Online

what the fuck is that in the background - edition

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an Korean MMORPG by Pearl Abyss. It features action-oriented combat, open world PvP territory control, player housing, unlimited levels, life skills, and more.

>Latest Patch Notes

>Mod Info if you put this here try to get it right goddammit gotta do everything myself

>Is it P2W?

>Guides, guilds, and other useful info
>duplicates and outdated stuff just come on

>EnHANCEMENT it's fucking >ENHANCEMENT< Guide

Newfags might be overwhelmed by the information overload at the beginning. Do yourself a favor and "turn off system notifications" in the Settings>Game options. Check everything in that window.
Avoid lag by turning off High End mode in the Settings>Screen tab. Be sure to check "Remove other's effects" and uncheck "Display other's names" for an enjoyable world boss experience.
For everyone's sake, read the links, Google it, and Ctrl+F, BEFORE asking the same stupid question other people previously have in the same thread.
If you don't know if the game is "worth it," ask for a guest pass in the thread.


Other urls found in this thread:


Is ranger actually a good class it feels so clunky

It deals a zillion damage per arrow.

you probably aren't geared or something

anyone know if higher quality seeds yield significantly greater exp from harvesting? I want to level up my farming, withered seeds bloom WAY faster, but dunno if the exp is comparable.

I finally have a reason to play again.


where is this from? looks lewd

Awakening bell in Mediah.

ded gaem

no endgame

feels bad man

Serious question, how long do you guys think it will be until the games start to die down?
I'm a bit surprised that there's still so many people playing, but for how long will that last?

give it two weeks

when they stop releasing content

ERP valk cassardis.imgur.com/
Titty Kuno imgur.com/a/cqiCM
Milfsorc imgur.com/a/FZmwV
Cyclops imgur.com/a/2zvPG
Tattoo imgur.com/a/n3eKO
CutestTamer imgur.com/a/jq06Q
Horsefucker imgur.com/a/jA4UM
Creepshots imgur.com/a/iY50t

it will die when ther's a game that steals the whales from BDO

then they'll panic and go full JEW pay2win and the few remaining players will quit

Alternatively they get their shit together, fix the performance, fix the market, make everything in the CS available for peasants, add a roguelike party dungeon and the game would be alive for another 2 years.

kill yourself avatarfag

Someone has to stop that birdcreeper

A couple of years i think, unless they do something to RADICALIZE the gameplay experience, some good PvE content would be nice, maybe something like instanced raid battles and some kind of non-gear-based-PvP.

Both things will never happen though, so it'll die eventually.

not long. the BDO community is already dead and media coverage (twitch, youtube, Veeky Forums, reddit) is basically completely dead in the water.

There is no signs of proper endgame content. No signs of a change to the infinite, endless grind at the 3 viable spots. All other content BDO has to offer is basically idle game stuff.

They have an insanely good foundation, but since koreans are barely humans, the fail to graps the concept of success, probably why there is nothing in this entire fucking world that those niggers have been contributed to outside of some esport mongrels.

>Make good PvE content
>challenging dungeons, ranging from 1 to 10 players
>can be done as much as people like
>add proper non-instanced PvE content like dungeons and world events worth attending to.
>immediately stop the "infinite" leveling bullshit and cap it at 62, drastically increase experience gain to that point. Reward those who grinded there for hundreds of hours.

It doesnt have to be raids, but man something simple as GW2 fractals or some kind of map/rift system like in diablo/poe....anything really.

>horsefucker updated album
Yesterday was a fun.

post boobies


is attack +5 the same as +5 AP?

dead game


what kind? specific species, no, jarrette's, yes



post fame


are you like 56+ on 8 characters or what

I strongly believe in this game. I have always tried out different mmos and eventually gone back to wow, but this.. This game MAKES me hard when i think about it, there is endless point to playing and progressing, it is beautiful and the combat is fking fire when you dont suck pleb ass. Stop being casual whinefags!


>no level 10 or lower negative karma alt to instantly res when breaking failstack gear that +15.

u done fuked it up.

>fail to stack item
>store it
>swap to low karma alt, get item out of storage
>go to goblins to die, inst ares till revive
>res in town, walk to storage, deposit, swap again

probably faster to find a place where you can just jump off the node and kys desu

At level 9 or 10 you can just have one of the guards nearby the storage kill you til it breaks then put it back in the storage and continue. You don't even have to go as far away as the reblath blacksmith.

noob here what is this about insta res and failstacks and stuff? what's the connection between low karma/dying/failstacks here?

What are we looking at?

below level 11, so 1 or under, you can resurrect instantly when you die at no cost. like having elions tears without using any, but only in the velia area, the whole newbie region.

When you are negative karma each death has a chance to lower the enhancement level of whatever gear you are wearing.

So your +14 gear that you use to build failstacks, if it hits +15, you can put it in the storage, grab it on your low karma alt, put it on, and die to the guards repeatedly until they all drop to +14, taking them off and putting them on the inventory when they do, then you can put them back in the stash and continue to use them for failstacking.

low karma = chance to degrade gear on death
below 10 = instant free rez on spot
failstack = when you fail to enhance you get a stacking increase to success which vanishes when you do succeed

what karma do you need for guards to attack?


So at level 9 you need to kill 2 wild horses and you're there.

I'm at negative karma on an alt and I can still walk around Velia perfectly fine


>chaotic means evil
into the trash it goes

for me i just walk up to the guard next to tranan underfoe and let him kill me then i can go back to the storage without being harassed by any.


what in the flying cock is this

Liberty or Yuria?


fuck off newfag

Yuria, once you hit 56 youll only really be using your awakening weapon.




It's really fucking annoying that you can't see every single quest available to you
do they really expect people to walk up to every npc in every square inch of the game looking for them


they are testing the flame resistance of their suits.
there is a tv commercial IRL that does this as well with some dude talking about how he made his business himself and now has people relying on him for quality control or something

ded general
ded gaem

kill yourself

post boobies

someone put logs in the market i need to make scantling for a boat, finally gonna try fishing since its apparently good

The more you know

sent ;)


someone give me 500m

If I invest a lot of points into velia can I get better shipyards there? Velia is the only city I like

Does anyone know if distance to a node affects how much stamina a worker uses? Or is their stamina only used when they are actually working? Plz responderino.


anyone know if they broke ancient relics like they broke the laventia event? i havent gotten a single one this whole time


What do you do with cooking honey /bdo/, do you just sell it as it is?

Kill yourself avatarfag

post boobies

Kys avatar fags

EFF off avararfag

post boobies

post boobies

Kill youreself

post boobies

post boobies

I've always liked Rift's gimmick of enemies spawning from rifts and taking over areas, killing NPCs and what-not.
It'd be really effective in BDO where every town is relevant to at least a selection of people, so places wouldn't stay overrun for long, but the threat of losing crafting/trading/gathering areas would force player activity.
And it'd be a great group activity, just make a day out of riding around closing rifts with a party.

post boobies

post boobies

Are any of these craftable or obtainable somewhere yet?

I hear we can post our avatars here

gonna beat the autist
post boobies

do you keep getting the fame reward email even if you don't login?

from the patch notes it sounded like only 100k gets saved

This 55-56 grind is the worst

heh yea, thats the worst lmffao haha


No they don't. They have a tooltip saying "You don't have to do every quest."

hey don't contort m'lady love like that

Kill yourself


Kill yourself avatarfag

post boobies

post boobies

>This 10 hour grind is the worst
Nigga you haven't even started it used to take 80 be happy

55 8.408.582.298
56 21.021.455.745
57 52.553.639.363
59 210.214.557.450
60 630.643.672.350

If 55-56 is 'worst', you should probably quit already.

soon kinda

I just started yesterday, I read that you should rush a character to 51 so you can do your weeklies and dailys or something, should I just do the black ghost guy quests and nothing else for that?

Also are costumes reusable? Some of em are cool but if it's one use, fuck that.
