League of Legends general - /lolg/

OT: Best swimmer edition!



See this post? See this circlejerking? I will wipe this shitposting the FUCK out. Eradicated off the face of the site.

Every trip that makes posts like this will be permanently banned. Every mention of "waifu", "gay", "husbando", "cumming", any sexuality, ANY off-topic posting, I will delete. I will wipe the fuck off the site and people who post it I WILL recommend for permanent bans. You think I won't do it, you think I'm joking?
Fucking try me. We'll see who gets the last laugh. Every cutesy little anime picture, every attempt at attention whoring, every clique circlejerk post, I will eradicate. Stomped the FUCK into non-existence.

I will delete this filth and I will ban these vermin. I spend all day on the generals so there will be no escape.

Never relent.
I will bring down the hammer, and you tripfuckers better prepare.

bring down the hammer on my pussy(male) please

also lulu literally a shit


Alright, who wants a skin?

>its a teemo feeds and loses your ranked game edition

>"Shurima was once the glory of Runeterra. I will make it so again." - Azir

Is Azir /ourboy/?

Lulu is my STAR!

me .

Should I stop taking all the kills as vi? Is that why i'm losing?

18/4 as vi
everyone else is like 2/3 etc.

Does she have revitiligo?

xth for finding a cute boy to love and accept your cum~


shush and enjoy it support slut

Veigar first.

But do you want to SWIM in her?

Daily reminder that lulu-poster fag(s) should hang themselves as soon as they can.

get me pentakill sona
will give you one whole (you)

I wanna swim WITH her.
I'm not that weirdo, thank you very much!


what is respect

>Tahm Kench

Which other champions are confirmed myths in the lore?

guys I found the yasuo main amirite? xD :3c

Irelia is a FATASS

Get in line with the rest of the gay pride parade, yo.

>those big fucking hands

I'm pretty sure that Illaoi's going to give you a reverse mating press.
Prepare your pelvis and maybe your spine.

i missed you too owo

>doing great in school
>have a good paying job
>have qt gf
>have lots of friends
>party with said gf and friends
>get the succ daily
>don't watch anime
>don't play league for extended periods of time
>don't have a league waifu
>don't have autism or depression

who /casual/ here?

The onlye 2 champions who can be considered kinda """"""""""""hard"""""""""" are gangpank and ezreal

entire gameplay based on landing skillshots and waving autos in between them, a shit ezreal deals no damage a good one fucking destroys a team
also buying frozen fist is a crutch

actually has combos that matters unlike ryze and other shit, playing against a good gp is the same as playing against a good meepo, nigger gonna hae 800GPM

>champions that people think they're hard but they're easy or just plain shit and this why no one plays them

this post is the absolute truth, if you try to argue againist it, it will be the same as posting with a little silver border around your post

>take ugly character
>draw her to look cute

i don't get you guys

why are there so many of you

As a S5 Zed main I know how you feel... but I can assure you nobody gives a damn.

>Saying that like it's a bad thing

Everybody dies

if you have to post about it here, it's a lie.
sorry about your delusions user.

If it wasn't for waifufaggotry, i'd still admire this goergeous art.

>this head perspective
>gorgeous art

just look at her

Saying you have it backwards is not saying it's a bad thing.

>those hands
>that small ass

I wanna cuddle Jinx
Cute wolf girl, do you think "awoo" makes her jump?

why are you bragging about it here

>that fucking head

get some taste you pleb

xth for Camille

..heh, nothing personnel
*w + 250 blood charges*
*locket of solari active*
*w spam*

Sorry she's taken bud

The model is meant to be cute from a top-down perspective. You literally only get to see that perspective you posted in an external model viewer. (and it's STILL cute as HECK)

I noticed this too user, by the proportions of her hands, the ass is just bellow average.

Not worth posting such a shamefull ass in this general

>guy with new gangplank skin
>starts ranting in all chat about how im stupid because i counterpicked myself
>first blood kill him
>kill him a couple more times and he eventually just abandons the lane entirely and starts fighting for cs with his mid

Holy shit, what a fucking troll.

Also, so glad I haven't seen a Lulu picture in days.

can you do a better job fucboi?

very cute
are u the germancuck

But this is not correct.
She went crazy and ekko just dropped her

post the game score then mr anti pirate.


>best girl!!

>my favorite champion is hot garbage
>but i can't stop playing her

i know right?!

>post ass
>either called small or fat/obese

there is no winning with asses

>tfw in 5 years cant stick to a single champion because they all get boring after 5 games

Can you post a picture of your client with your match history?

I need an Ekko edit of that Friendship picture.

"Friendship ended with Jinx, now Taliyah is best friend."

user, Ekko resents Jinx in current lore. I'd love to see lore of them being nostalgic/resentful of each other though. Honestly current Jinx doesn't have much (people) friends, poor 2x4.


Such a low tier ass should not be compared whit irelia's

What do all stories have in common, dear Wolf?

I thought he was just disappointed that she went crazy?

Me, what should i do?

Her tongue looks tasty.

is that a weird thing to say?

but hey, at least im in low elo so the champ I play doesn't really matter.


>Someone picks pantheon jungle
>Think we're gonna lose
>We do because mid and top don't get help
>by the time he ults the enemy team is running away and he can't kill them
>top laner tells him panth was a bad pick
>spergs out

I can understand if you pick Gragas or Sejuani for jungle but pantheon, especially as second pick?

>cant stick to a single champion

That's just called not being an autist. If you only play 1-5 champions regularly and you're not already in or seriously aspiring to be in a professional team, something is fucking wrong with you.

i blame those old lollypops that colored your tongue

i know that feeling, i only play norms but play ranked when im with a friend, i dont give a fuck about my elo or score the number of golds and plats ive duicked on makes me laugh

>getting bored of only playing half a dozen heroes
>having the attention span of a gnat is normal

I can't say you're wrong, now that I think about it.


Possibly that, perhaps they were friends in the past? I don't think Ekko would hate her out right, I'm more of the thinking that over time she got harder and harder to deal with and they fought.

Shit ship taste

>literally only play sion unless i get autofilled mid or adc

who /autist/ here

Yet nobody has dared to post a better one

Some guy got to Masters with ADC Sion. Why are you so bad?

late xth for breast metal waifu

All you have to do is write me some g ur o smut

she must've sucked a lot of lollipops to get it that blue :o

>tfw no kill button to press for all janna and soraka 'players'

Janna has been a brain dead top tier solo q support for too fucking long

>Darius intentionally feeds 8 kills in the first 15 minutes because I didn't gank his lane at 4 minutes and then decides to play the game once he realizes he's being carried

Jesus what a game

Why is that a bad thing? We don't need another Thresh.

God, we don't.


I want to impregnate that Sona.


posts like these are so stupid. Half the roster is the same low risk high reward shit.

Ezreals deserve to be bullied, if not killed

I jungle all the time and remember when tank jungle was SUPER metagame

I miss playing naut/sejuani with infinite CC. Do you have some tips to share?

spotted the assassin main

>your jungle tries to dive an ali draven
>your adc tries to solo defend a turret against a lee/blitz/cait

Do you guys consider Bjerg to be the best midlaner of the west bar none?

Be a tank
Know who to cc (Hint: It's the squishiest person or the person jumping onto your adc e.g. Rengar)
Your KDA doesn't mean SHIT. You are the tank. You die.

but literally all my spells already delete raka and janna shitters?

>your top laner tries to 1v1 darius 3 minutes into the game
>dies and tps back
>only to do it again

thats pretty obvious. I was talking more about how the hell do you deal with absolute garbage clear times.