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>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

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1st for ignore the sniper mains.

don't ignore me
pay attention to me
my class main has more skill and prestige than everyone else's
bow before me no skill peasants

i dont even play sniper in neither mvm or actual games

i acknowledge his role because he does it well and better than a demo or a soldier

their role is to lay down damage on tanks and give minicrits to the whole team

if your argument is "you lost because you lost" then i cant wait until you will need to have a real non-internet argument with someone

>Not really though
user ask anyone, Soldiers often offclass in comp. See some recent examples from today:
>Because it's the only actual support class
But Engineer is a support class, he's just not anywhere near as powerful as Medic.
And Crusader's Crossbow also allows Medic to snipe on top of also being the best healer in the game.
>Not everything's feasible.
I really don't see how it's not feasible to have reasonably balanced classes. You nerf a class, it becomes less viable. You buff a class, it becomes more viable.

Soldier mains are most skilled
After all, they do have the hardest to master movement.
That makes up for having the second easiest weapon.

4th for anti-shitpost leauge and renames. To the user who won in the other thread, im sorry. i just participated in a food challenge where i had to consume 5+ lbs of food in under an hour. im surprised im even able to walk at this point.

>Tries to restart an argument
I'm not even whoever you think I am.

fourth easiest
>sticky launcher
>rocket launcher

How are you living? Good god man.

And with that out of the way, LETS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS.

>5+ lbs of food in under an hour.
Dude, I am the living embodiment of fucking gluttony and I think that's a little crazy. You alright? Did you win?

Can someone explain the appeal of competitive to me?
I'm not even being a smart ass or troll, I actually don't get it and I keep getting bullshit answers like 'They're skilled players".

I've tried to get in to it, but it was just like the video game equivalent of chewing cardboard or grinding my testicles. Isn't that what this game used to help being avoid feeling?

i dont care
you cry about insults like a baby
whats gonna happen when someone proves you wrong in real life?
are you also gonna complain about them """insulting""" you with their arguments instead of making a proper stand or accepting their side of the argument?

Blitzen's Blitzkrieg

>Isn't that what this game used to help being avoid feeling?

some people are invested in their videogames and like to see quantitative returns



One shot one kill huh

Quantitative returns?
I don't.. How?

may as well add in the sentry and medigun too

I may or may not have several hundred hours experience with the AWP in csgo

Nice getting it done quick
it wasn't fucking easy, if i hadn't had the people sitting next to me cheering me on then i would have pussied out half way through. but god did it hurt, as soon as i made it home i head striaght to the bathroom and spent the next hour in there. And it isnt even done, that hour was spent evacuating what was from yesterday, to make room for the 5 lbs of meat cheese and potatoes.

Good lord. I wish you luck with the constipation.

buttsen's buttskrieg

Range of a forceful piss, prone to being actually broke, small cone of damage
Long range cone of damage, fiddly at close range
>Sticky Launcher
Giant clip, great damage, long range, spammable, AoE, and the often forgotten trap
>Rocket Launcher
See above but no manual detonation, no trapping, but more immediately at hand

Dude Demo and Soldier have the easiest weapons. Pyro is defeated by just walking backwards and doesn't have an AoE and range.

hmu for some personal reindeer games~

Penetrate my nose-hole

acting confused isnt gonna save you from real arguments either

I bought this with my dad's credit card

once you get to a certain skill level you want to play against people of a similar skill level and when that's high enough competitive is the most reliable means of doing so

Penetrate me from both sides

im fucking dead lol

i'm talking ease of use, not effectiveness

I got a doe-hole that fits two


hitler did nothing wrong

The Pyro character is a crit-based class


Well that explains the players,but I meant more why people are so rabid about it as some holy glory of gaming and the best thing for it.

Both for watching and thinking those players can decide what happens to the game as a whole. Thats like asking a fan girl to take control of a story.

rerolling for this

Oh yes, I forgot. All 4, very easy to use.
Walk forward, die.
Or sneak around and use reflect to be somewhat effective.
Walk forward, maybe live
Or Stay with the team and hope you don't die to rocket/sticky spam
W+M1+M2, win all day
Ehhh aiming is overrated, shoot in their general vicinity and you'll kill them anyways. Oh also you can fly at the speed of sound, heal yourself, get free mini crits, basically you can do everything and never get punished.

I'm sorry

you now realize that every single class in the game is easy as fuck to use and tf2 is not competitive and cannot ever be competitive because of it

Thats not what the loud ones think, and thus Valve will kill it.
Which is weird considering the fucking stupid cosmetics they keep adding.

basically, if a game gets enough competitive traction it becomes more marketable, so it could be an e-sport or really popular on twitch or something along those lines. it's important because that brings more people and more money into the game to strengthen that cycle. watching it is useful for people who want to get into competitive themselves or simply learn new tactics like the sigafoo save, or simply enjoyable, and they listen to what these people have to say because they've typically been playing the game for a very long time and know the ins and outs more than your average casual player. in cases like the whole "they were going to buff the reserve shooter" thing, it's less like having a fanfiction writer to take the helms of a story and more like having an editor to tell you what's wrong with your story.

Now Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, on Comet, on Cupid, on Donner, and Kritzen!

I pulled Gaben's sleigh for 36 fucking hours, and all I got was this shitty hat


I would like to dedicate this hat to my Hale's Own Professional Killstreak Collector's Phlogistinator

Late as shit, but i thank everything constantly, it doesn't even need to be something different.
Walk to the point?
Backstab someone?
I thank even in the middle of a firefight from time to time, depending how many fingers i have occupied

Makes some sense, but you can't seriously market a decade old game. They'd be better just making tf3.
But I can't say they give good advice with weapons. I barely stay informed and even I know they want the soldier buffed. Not to mention they just don't play the same way as normal players. They're detached from normal play, they only know structured high skill play, so I guess I'd say its more like asking an editor who only deals in horror to work on a light hearted romance. Sure they can be great at what they do, but you're asking them to do something they shouldn't be involved with because they just are no longer connected to the average players.
Made worse by the fact that competitive weapons and normal weapons tend to be used backwards. Like the Vita saw: Banned, but never used in normal play. Or the spy, never used in competitive, yet great in normal play (Provided they actually know what they're doing).

In my defence, there were already five snipers when I picked this class


I'm a huge fucking faggot.

In the Jungle you must wait
until the dice read five or eight

I'd ask you to fuck my face, but there isn't a hole for it.


ebin, simply ebin. yall know how to make a guy feel better. On a side not im almost done, ive only got one name and description tag left. Can you guess what the hat is?

It's the fursuit head isn't it?

Wait, are you the guy who spent $200 on crates and got nothing good save for the fox head?

You guessed it! Not only am I financially a dumdum but im also a dumdum when it comes to food.

casual is only fun until you become half decent at videogames. you are asking this question because you are not half decent yet

fucking larry put his lan pass on too tight, so he had to go ask b4nny for scissors to cut it off. then less than 20 minutes after, he accidentally tripped sideshow and made him spill his drink

>Trying to sell an unique item on the market
>No other listings, so put it up for a price
>Check today, three other people put the same thing a few cents lower
I fucking hate people

its not too late to turn off cosmetics and retake your life from addiction

so is this what your doing right now going to be a year long cause I'll like to see this happen

what do you mean

Page 10

sorry i was playing actually good games


the issue of having generals for good games is that everyone is always too busy having fun playing it to post in the thread

What is this shit even meant to be

>when you want to join a 6s team but they're all west coast and play in the middle of the day.

I'm just never going to get into comp it seems.

Post tfw three members of froyo, including b4nny, get taken out by a spy offclass chainstab

Traditional Islamic wear

The European Export

Don't forget he dropped the med as well
I knew just from watching their first match that Starkie was going to be Top Lel


>Jasmine Tea gone forever

I'm having trouble deciding a main. I've narrowed it down to three:

I like playing Scout but I don't want to be like every other Scunt main who destroys everyone on every server and sentries shut me down hard

I like playing Demo but Scunts destroy me and everyone always complains about how bullshit Demo is when I kill them and in general no one seems to like Demo mains

And finally I like Engineer but being constantly tied to your buildings because every server has nine spies is annoying. Also the gunslinger is countered by so much now that its almost not worth putting it down because the direct hit soldier who is always around is just going to take it out

Play the one you have most fun on
Shitters who complain about getting killed are just that: shitters.

I have fun with all of them but only when I am killing lots

If it helps, here are some stats

if you ask me (scout main) demo is the best class to main
>vital in every gamemode that's currently alive
>second least played 6s class
>not entirely dm oriented
>you can still do flashy plays (jumping, airshots)

Having people get mad at you is the best though? I have a custom description on Steam full of just people bitching about me. Play whatever you like, fuck everyone else.

If you wanna play demo and you're sick of scouts then practice your pipe aim and speedy sticky placement to fuck their shit in with a fast sticky-pipe combo. Scout and sentries don't mix but you can always bonk past it and harass spawn or flanks. Or you can work with a sniper to take out the engie then the sentry, or just wait for your team to help. I hardly ever play engie so I don't really know any strats for him, just do your best to keep your stuff up I guess. Every half decent player would be willing to suck your cock just for a well placed tele and dispenser.

im sorry im not good i apologize for my ego please forgive me, im just europeean

Deadringer spam makes me mad, not gonna lie.

>"I'm here to annoy the hell outta you"

The most fucking infuriating thing is how everyone in this general (or tf2 community) thinks that because a weapon is effective against idiots pubbers who don't know the first thing about movement the weapon is easy to use. Projectiles like the rocket launcher, stickies and pipes are much harder to use against experienced players than hits can. You know what I die to the most? Sentries and snipers. Why? Because I can surf, dodge and predict their shots. So go try and beat one of those begginer jump maps before you convince valve to nerf the sticky launcher again.

i generally find it easier to hit experienced players because if they know where they want to move i can at least make an attempt at predicting them, which i can't say about the people i get matched against in casual

Then the cunt starts shooting you in the ass from across the map.

Did you watch the tournament? There was a ton of spy stuff. No they do not want the soldier buffed. No they're not detached, most players experiment with all the classes. Yes every class gets played situationally. Vita saw and the other banned weps are still really good in casual, no one uses them because they're gimmicks and crutches. Having situational classes like spy sniper engine and heavy be full time viable only makes the game slow. For example of spy was able to 1v1 soldiers, well what is the game now? You have this player who can go invisible, pop up and kill you and then hide forever. That's not what spy does and that's not what competitive is about. If you wanna see what competitive is about watch the esea 23 grand finals on cp process

Casual is fucking easy, a maximum of only 2~3 enemies are really experienced.

Any links for that starkie stab? First link is broken and I want to see it again.


nvm found it

i never said it was hard but pipes or directs connect far easier when the person you're trying to hit has an idea of the map and where he's going
idiots just mash their keyboard and that's pretty hard to predict

lmao b4nny BTFO

starkie is a god
drackk too