/owg/ - Overwatch General

Chinese New Year event, and PTR changes, coming on Tuesday, January 24.

>PTR Patch Notes

>Live Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info




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>the event only lasts a week

Blue board. Blue thread. Blue life.

Blue is best.


Wait, guys....Sombra is a MAN?!?

Leaked event teaser

Reminder that the date listed refers to the game receiving a discount during that time, not that it's the total event length.

Honestly I'm surprised we didn't all guess Symmetra would get a cheongsam recolor

several players are needed to shoot down pharah
dont expect one to be enough unless its a good aim widow

Can somebody stop this madman?

swiss whore

>Fans have been asking for CTF since day 1
>Blizz finally adds it but ruins it by being Tracer only

Nice one.

I should report this, but I won't.

genji's swiss whore.

take a closer look at that image

>those perfect tits
god she's amazing

Hana an Lena


Why yes, I am bad. I'm barely 3k, I can't headshot her with my entire magazine, if I could I wouldn't be stuck here with you retards.

Why do you hate fun? I hope cooldowns are reduced as well for maximum intensity.

While I can see why people think she looks masculine to me all I see is Stefania Ferrario who I think is pretty cute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


First for Pharah is my wife.

What's the average MMR? I used to think it was around mid 2k but lately everyone I'm meeting is around 1800. Am I just surrounded by shitters or is this really the average?



Maybe this year she will get a comic.

Are roadhog players the biggest t-baggers in all of overwatch?

I second this

Eh, in QP I get matched up with everything from silver to master, often in the same match.

>mercy gets a non slutty skin that arent her blues
I dont even play her but finally


>people mastubating on shitty sfm
>when Pixiv is such a goldmine


bastion blows her out really fast

Its a shame its a trash recolor and not its own outfit

That reminds me, crouch spamming is getting nerfed tomorrow for anyone that didn't already know.

>play point and click cowboy
>have a good time
>play hook and cook streetpig
>have a good time
>play jet set radio
>have a good time
Have you decided who your favorites are owg

but that would involve picking Bastion

then stick to playing 76 and shut the fuck up complaining

>let me go talk about overwatch
>see this image
I just wanted to talk about the game and not fap

I just want to punch people


tfw want go git gud at cowboy but i have shit aim.

>shit aim
you can fix that by playing more cowboy or call of duty

Rein, Genji and Zenny are fun af.

Congrats league babies!!

You successfully lowered the skill ceiling EVEN FURTHER!!


But i loose horribly when i pick him.
I don't know why, i have okay aim ock- playing Soldier or Genji but the second i lock-in Mcree i can't hit shit.


yin yang robot
lifting strong woman
double shotgun ghost

Wasn't Crouch spamming just a cheesy way to avoid getting head-shot?
I don't see that being a skill ceiling thing.

>try tracer
>is actually fun
>try to run behind enemies to kill off their supports
>suddenly have 3 enemies on me whenever I show up

What am I supposed to do. Whenever enemies have tracer my team wont notice her before she captures a whole point by herself

So guys, when is the event out?



Confirmed? I only saw a start date no end date

24 more hours.


Use that

Daily reminder that Mei used to be a mountaineering, bounty hunter scientist


been playing a lot of zippycunt and clint eastwood lately

post more rare overwatch concept art.

>someone does something that requires skill
>calls it ''cheesy''

It was ridiculous on widow/gremlin dva, basically you were forced to bodyshot or you'd miss


>qt blueberry
I will wait for a nice skin for her.

Damn, she looks hot


Oh wow she actually looks Chinese compared to the pic related abondination

Pharah is even worse on console

>Mashing Shift requires skill
>Makes it impossible to head-shot certain heros
lol fuck that, there's a reason counter strike slows down your croching after you do it enough times in a row.


>jesse's point n click adventure
>have good time shooting down rocketbirds

>garbage gun fatso
>have good time dropping people in pits

>ninja ball robot monk
>have good time double-headshotting skinny french vasilly zaitsev

What was it?

>tfw you realize Mei was designed to look like a Chinese copy right rip off

>i have okay aim lock
>i lose horribly when i pick him
Then you don't have very good aim lock. Only way to get better is to play more.

It probably feels impotent because unlike Soldier, you're not gonna 'feel' the effect of your play unless you hit most of your 6 shots and clean up kills.

So why did they change her lore?

There a higher quality video of the leaked showcase?


>you will never be as good as beta players who had 9 month headstart

nope sorry senpai

She's way too god damn manly


Huh, how did that ock- get in there. i don't even know what the fuck aim lock is.
But sure, i'll try to practice with him more, he completely shuts down flankers and can deal with the rocketbitch if she's not 10 KM above ground.

This looks so damn ugly.

To appeal to the every(wo)man

i.e. the fat nerdettess

Loli hero when?

>be pharah
>see roadhog
>hit a few shots on him
>hog goes for the hook
>"hah, I got you now bastard"
>does a rightclick from 100m away
>makes me go from 200 to 0

Who thought this was balanced

Women are supposed to show skin they have an obligation

Pharah was a mistake.

>"Our World Is Worth Fighting For."
>Mei is a scientist who has taken the fight to preserve the environment into her own hands.[3] She specializes in the study of abnormal climate phenomena and their effects on different ecosystems around the world. She strongly believes in preserving the world for future generations.[4]

So she went from a badass mountain bounty hunter to a chubby climate change nerd?


Also original mei actually looks chinese


Your fault for sitting his his Right click sweet spot senpai.

Good. That was an annoying bitch pussy tactic that was abused

Don't hover in his M2 killzone, duh
Bop him away with E and engage at range.

so we got muscle girl and fatty girl amputee everyone... what horrible disfigurement will our next female hero have?

Why so cute?

Torb, Winston (buff please he's so fun but his shield is so weak with a massive cooldown),

Booping him away always has the risk of

a-getting healed
b-hiding behind a wall and healing
c-him running away because rockets travel slower than symmetra's projectile

literally because waifufags in blizz development

Not a Widowfag but she looks amazing in that pic

how many hours until the event? i want to play mystery heroes, but i don#t want to waste my lootboxes.