Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General /xivg/

One Day to PreOrder Edition

>Patch 3.5 Trailer

>Patch 3.5 Notes

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXII and XXXIII

>Red Mage Teaser:

>Fanfest interview with Yoshi:

>3.5 Gung Ho for GARO Collaboration

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells

naka si

Answer me flat

flat show 6.5 incher

>Make female manlet
Call it a dragon girl
>Make lanklet flat girl
Call it a dragon boy

>/xivg/ WILL defend this

In Scathach we trust

This is your party for tonight.

so since samurai isn't a tank, we're not getting one of those (or a healer) until 5.0

what jobs should take those roles, and what should their weapons be?

"dancer the melee healer" idiots need not apply

god her face is ugly

Yes, he was.

1st for one shot the AST


Have we been confirmed sam isn't a tank?

this is your DPS for tonight

My wife is beautiful, thank you

Yeah, but after Seihai left I followed him

I am, except I keep getting fucked over. Why do you think theres shitposting about me, Im poor and innocent and it keeps biting me in the ass. Im too nice.

Be my bf, Im cute irl.

delet this

Post /spectacles, I still love this emote!

I knew you were into this kind of thing.

>He told an interviewer after that the spiderman shirt isn't related the the new job, he also said he doesn't want to do BLU in FFXIV because it wouldn't work in the game without completely ruining what it is.
>I don't even understand how you can be so retarded as to still think it's even a possibility.
Still waiting for that citation, in case it's takin' you a bit.

I thought I knew him, he left without ever saying goodbye

>"dancer the melee healer" idiots need not apply

I know this post is bait, but what's the deal with people who don't want new and interesting classes.
Does everyone really want another DRK, AST, and MCH who were copy and paste classes from PLD, WHM, and BRD respectively?


Dnc is literally the only job left that has any chance of healing unless SE starts making up new jobs.

Judging by RDM being a dps instead of dps-heal balance i bet a dnc wont even get any type of heals anyway since yoshi cant handle such meta in his game.

no this is

So much wasted potential. All that buildup for a completely by the books 'just as keikaku' reveal by Diabolos.

I was hoping, at least, she'd turn out to be alive and tip the scales during the beam struggle, but no dice.

I'm sure you'll find someone who finds trucker dwarves cute some day...

common sense

Still waiting on your excuse for how SAM means Blue Mage

>"J-JobSam means Sample!!!!1"

would you date a boy half an inch smaller...

oh lmao sure beautiful on the inside i guess haha

oh you're serious
you actually find this tinyhead butterface attractive

>I'm poor and innocent
This is delightful bait.

I like this screenshot.

Don't steal my pic please

Shave your legs and I'll consider it.

Nah, beautiful on the outside and inside. Scathach is perfect

How come you never said goodbye to me Flat Chest?

This is your healer for tonight.


>C-common sense
Okay buddelesky, I hope you're right so I can bully DPS tards with a 50m+ queue for everything.



>poor and innocent


Quick everyone post your favorite screenie of yourself

Just be single forever. It's better that way.

xth for goddamnit no I didn't crash the server I was doing PvP all day

I still gotta get my macro set up so I can make my sharlayan goggles light up when I do it.

Yeah, I'll be revisiting that cutscene for a nice glance shot later I think.

Open up your party finder, click the raid or trial icons, and tell me what roles are 90% of the open spots.

I'll give you a hint- it's not tanks, and it's sure as hell not healers.

Despite the roulettes still being somewhat tank starved, structured content is lousy with tanks and healers, especially since you need twice as many DPS as the other two roles put together.

Adding two new DPS roles isn't a bad call.

Sure, here's me posing with my RMT waifu.

I dunno if I'd say "into it", I just find it something to spice up yuri pairings since I'm vehemently against my own character ever being futa

>When you fantasy and forget your slutmog on


>People discussing (read: shitposting) about the actual game for once
>Suddenly all the avatarfags double their posting
Fuck this general

ahhh fuck me I forgot what I wanted to ask

shitty internet

Can't wait until people are bawling their eyes out on having to wait 60 days for a DPS queue and the trials and all being extra bully with DPS because it'd be filled to the brim with them :^)


Sorry who is this, were you from the Table group? I came back and the linkshell and all that was gone, around the time I left I hardly talked to anyone, part of the reason I did leave in the first place.

But its true? Im nice but Im clingy and it bites me in the ass, theres a reason that being an asshole """ironically""" to people is popular here.


Go to bed Felix

Go to bed Seto

>ywn protect her smile


How many cuties have felt your magical tickle tentacles?

Try learning English first Kayleth.

i honestly almost never invite people to do anything so please don't take it personally if this is about me ;;
most of the time i join random pfs or only do things if others ask in the first place




im online right now tho!!

need tummy rubs for ensuing stomach ache please send help

What you did to Froo and Seihai sure was nice.

how the fuck do you erp with someone? nobody seems interested wtf

Yes user, and wow has 6 tanks 6 healers and 24 DPS specs.

And still DPS get bullied to hell and back and tanks and healers can play god, be uppity and bitchy at any moment and NEVER, EVER pay the consequences because finding a tank (which you need 2 of, only *2* out of 20 or 10+) is hellish, same for healers which you might need more (about 1 per 5 people).

Because someone on the team wanted Archer to go to Ranger and someone else said no Bard and they made a shitty compromise and it should have been Ranger all along.


Chemist / Salve-Maker
maybe Sage

not even really a Chemist enthusiast, it's just that any of these would be better ideas than forcing DNC as one.

also: A "dps-heal" is literally every healer in the game already. The healer role would have been an acceptable choice for the job, it just isn't what I would have wanted.

>le queue boogeyman
every time lol

>he fell for the erp meme
nobody here actually erps, it's all ironic shitposting

>being an asshole ironically

Felix bite me pleeease

when can we erp flat? be gentle I'm new to it


your not on when we need to raid....

When did I get a definitive statement that we're not getting Samurai? At least your posts seems to imply that and we know you're not that dumb, anonymous.
From one perspective, it matches the files for "JobRdm" which looks like it references Red Mage which has been revealed to be playable so why not Samurai.
Another perspective: the legatus that rules over Ala Mhigo is clearly a Samurai. Perhaps he functions similar to one; they could possibly have been working on the mechanics of Samurai when considering it between Dark Knight.
What are those files even for, exactly?

That was a shit response but someone linked a post from the official forum that states Yoshida feels like Samurai should be DPS.

>yfw the other class is SAlveMaker

Not it wouldnt. I hate hearing this stupid shit where people try to add Alchemist as a class into MMOs that already have an alchemist profession. Its just not right. Rift did it, but thats because their devs arent afraid to make weird shit like an alchemist who shoots potions from a bow.

I am tree

ya erp is just a meme

depressed au ra seeking someone to depressedly hang out with.

Do you Remember Ariee, Love Bug, and Nani Kore?

I am dendrophiliac

The game doesnt support the idea of a pure support, just like how COR somehow became a healer and lost his gun.

Although I'm a little upset by not getting a tank this time around, I'm really happy we're getting a caster that isn't a rehash of BLM or SMN

As opposed to making Dancer a healer because some random sluts want it and don't want to have to be pressured to do damage?

my internet is good until it isn't

I'll give u a hug, where to

Nah this is fucking bullshit and you know it. People here lovely cutesy Miqotes that act clingy. You dont have this kind of turnover rate unless something is wrong behind the scenes. You really want people to believe the line you just spouted "Im too nice to people, thats why they hate me!"

why would a dancer class be a dps

can you fucking retards who obsess over 500 dps classes fuck off back to black desert or something

there's 3 categories, and they should all have variety

They're cutscene files you stupid ogre.

I'd rather pet that one on the left

i would like to do things to this cat

i'd prefer no physical contact please, just someone to chat with.

You act like DNC doesnt have a rich FF history with a huge set of skills nor the ability to use melee strikes to DPS between dances. Not sure why you think that is somehow impossible.

i am on the left

>spent $20 to transfer just for a meme
I want to go back to primal

I had an edgy male au ra ninja in expert earlier who was actually okay, was weird. I had to comm the bard though who played foes for me the whole time and ballad without asking. Fuck our retard paladin who spent his scripture on a chest and right side and queued with a 170 weapon, though.

Can I pet you then? A lot?

Where to, then