/elyg/ - Elysium General

Delicious Placenta Edition


Alliance guild:
Horde guild:

ZETH'KUR aka FRESHFRESH (Do not roll here, server is dying)
Alliance guild:
/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Server Homepage

>Vanilla WoW database

>Leveling Guide
Need a new one because the old one was worthless

>Nos Pre-Bis

>Leveling Specs
The last one was written by someone who obviously never made it to 60. Need a new one.




I want a male orc to lead me to his camp and bully me with his friends!

lol @ dead splinter guild

u know who u are

Which fishing bot do you guys use

>u know who u are
the northshire abbots?

Anathema PvP isn't dead you dummies it's the best server~~

>Are lvl60 Rogue's poisons also lvl60? Do I have to get the Argent Dawn antivenom for them or what?

I want to _________ this cow a second time!

I've seen screenshots of people who have these numbers at the bottom of their spells, what do they mean?

eat the placenta of

I posted this in the last thread, but I'll post it here too.

I'm looking for anyone who wants to start a new character and party up in order to do a casual play through of the game. I'll play any server, class, and character.

These numbers show how often you can cast that spell before going OOM

lets stop

It means Corruption costs 1504 mana but Immolation only 437.


Do naxx warriors beat mages?


Excuse me!

Uhm, does anyone know of a good voice changer that will make me sound like a boy?

I want to trick all the girls on Anathema !

It's a keybind addon. If you press 1-7-6-4 quickly it casts Curse of Agony, and pressing 4-3-7 casts immolate etc. This way you can efficiently play with the numpad on your keyboard

Jesus Christ how is it even possible to have 1504 damage corruption? Is gear for this even in the game?

Addon is theorycraft btw.

why is that important to know?


wait so it's how much damage it does?
you guys are pulling my cock here

Just get voice training noob.

>gain 4.5 levels farming murlocs until captain sander's map drops
>friend gets it in 2 kills

>(You) have fully resisted shitposter's bait.

>wait so it's how much damage it does?
Yes, google theorycraft ffs.

dont worry, you'll still magically find yourself 2 levels behind whatever leveling guide you're following

>tfw no Puddi gf

>VanillaGuide players

Even bots are more intelligent and less likely to run against a dead-end for dozens of hours.

Be careful the girls on Anathema don't trick you~

Which class has the most bro potential to level with?

Reminder that Mandate would have a lot more people if it wasn't filled with people like this.



are any of the timbermaw quests in the game?

Paladin, they're total bros.

I have 2 days /played at lvl 33, am i leveling at a decent pace ? Elysium PVP realm

Is that why Salty Dogs has way less?

Yeah. Not close to WR pace or anything, but that's fine.

I don't believe I mentioned Salty Dogs. You sound kind of upset, dude.

Why is Mandate at member cap, needing to kick like 5 people per day?

*le straw man

Fuck off tranny orbiter. If your entire guild talks about how sucking dicks isn't gay if it's a trap for hours "ironically", you're actually fucking worse than the mass invite Trump and Harambe meme spam guilds. I mean at least those guys aren't smug about it like it's something to brag about. By the way I'm on Alliance, kiddo.

>china has access to the DB so if you piss them off in a farming area or interfere with their rank climbing you'll find yourself mysteriously banned


>precast consecration


>their rank climbing
>yet most of the top ranks and best tryhard guilds speak english

f'in owned will mandate shitposter ever recover?

This. I would actually reroll alliance if I didn't already play in nihilum. from the sound of it, things are the exact fucking same

I agree.

I literally don't understand the obsession with "reee normies" and "normie guilds"
Other guilds are essentially the same as Veeky Forums guilds, just a little less guild chat shitposting and more raid performance and organisation.
Your ebin sekrit klub of memes is pretty mainstream now and the guild chats are near very similar, with the exception being a lot less trap shit.
These people keep complaining about normie guilds and RL friends and clique's, but if anything Veeky Forums guilds are MORE circlejerk'ish and cliquish due to having a greater density of attention starved neets desperate to cling on to anyone that shares even 1% of their pathetic and "non-ironic" interests.

Can I tank strat/scholo/lbrs/emp before 60?

Holy fuck, my level 57 Rogue bot just got b&.

Been botting him up since Zeth release.

I'd much rather join a normie guild than Nihilum 2.0 honestly

no it didnt

leave it to mandate fags to defend tranny shit with a strawman meme

people did mc before 60, take a wild guess

Is it worth doing the paladin quest Test of Righteousness? Seems a lot going to 5 different zones and 2 dungeons simply for a weapon.

Everyone knows theres an automated bot check at level 57 and level 30 u fool

Verigan's Fist is an amazing weapon, I highly recommend working for it.

Okay, then explain what this means.

normie detected, please leave

>doesn't say realm name in bottom right
weak bait

Ok ty user, I'll work on it.

At what level can I heal/dps SFK?
I don't think pala's can tank at level 20 range right?

>the only other Veeky Forums guild with members in it

Mandate is successful, sorry bigots!

Thinking of joining a Veeky Forums guild but concerned that it will just be filled with dickheads spamming cuck and being racist and misogynistic all day.

As far as I know, the three left aren't like that. Of course you will get a comment or two every once in a while that falls under that category, but it's not just cuck and meme spam for the most part.

MoH is worth being in for Lumikaru alone

prove me wrong

>join a normie guild
>40 online yet there's maybe 1 post in /g every half hour

And I thought we were autistic

Are Elysium servers more Euro or Ameri?

online yet there's maybe 1 post in /g every half hour
I fucking hate these types of guilds.

It has Puddi and it's beta orbiters. Nothing is worth that. Checkmate.

Lumikaru is cute, CUTE !!!

True... there is karu but i dont think it evens out

Lumi Karu is an estonian dude.
How new are you guys?

>tfw you realize Elysium has a smaller population than Zeth if you don't count the chinks
>tfw the Zethbulls won again


Is Estonia white?

VPNs got banned in chinkland, what you're seeing right now is the real population of every server

Oh boy I want this gear.

>two mages in deadmine group
>neither can polymorph
>wipe twice
>WTF why'd you leave ur our healer
>you don't know how to polymorph
>so? learn to fucking heal

Then why are chinks still whispering me about gold and grouping with me

No its slavnigger shithole.

>he thinks the chinks actually got affected
Elycucks everyone

>got banned
not yet

Why are Horde such scumbags?

You're literally the niggers of this world.

>my level 57 rogue bot just got baited

>go to ashenvale covered in horde
>people killing that random elf quest killer 24/7
>realize vanilla guide is useless
what do i do now?

t. anime retard

think it through next time

& = and

welcome to fourchannel enjoy you're stay

>mage tries to polymorph my pet while red is up
>mfw he tries a second time right after

You are retarded, my eyesight gone to shit thanks to wow.

Would you bully me (sexually) tank-kun?


your english has too

He's ugly as fuck. What makes it worth it?

It's a shame that gnomes and human females have forced me to attack every alliance I see first, as too many times I've been betrayed by what I assume are fellow questers/grinders, only for them to attack me when I'm weak

Your mom has too.

I spotted the Horde nigger.

no, you need to be a femhuman

People naturally do that with age, this doesn't mean you aren't a massive fucking retard though