/drg/ Danganronpa General

Don't forget to use spoiler tags (Ctrl+S)!
Previous thread: "The ride never ends" edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 01/17/2017*

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide to enjoy Danganronpa
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - Indepth gameplay mechanics and infomation

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:

>New Dangan Ronpa V3 is scheduled to be released in 2017 on PSVita and PS4.

>DR 1-2 Reload coming to PS4

> DR3 Anime episodes and more

>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more

>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*
bato.to/search?artist_name=Spike Chunsoft

>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*


/drg/ was a mistake

NDRV3 was a mistake.

Which season was the best /drg/?

Reposting this from the previous thread, bonus mode characters types

Naegi - Variety
Ishimaru - Variety
Togami - Intelligence
Mondo - Sport
Leon - Sport
Hifumi - Variety
Hagakure - Variety
Chihiro - Intelligence
Sayaka - Variety
Kirigiri - Intelligence
Asahina - Sport
Toko - Intelligence
Syo - Sport
Sakura - Sport
Celes - Intelligence
Junko - Intelligence
Mukuro - Sport
Monokuma - Sport

Hinata - Sport
Nagito - Variety
Imposter - Intelligence
Gundam - Variety
Souda - Intelligence
Teruteru - Variety
Nidai - Sport
Fuyuhiko - Variety
Akane - Sport
Chiaki - Intelligence
Sonia - Intelligence
Saionji - Variety
Mahiru - Intelligence
Mikan - Variety
Ibuki - Variety
Peko - Sport
Izuru - Sport
Monomi - Variety
Usami - Intelligence

Shuichi - Intelligence
Kaito - Sport
Hoshi - Sport
Rantaro - Variety
Gonta - Sport
Kokichi - Intelligence
Shinguji - Intelligence
Kibo - Variety
Kirumi - Intelligence
Himiko - Variety
Maki - Sport
Tenko - Sport
Tsumugi - Intelligence
Angie - Variety
Miu - Intelligence
Kaede - Variety

Was she BLACKED?

I reject Kodaka!

Everyone relax and post comfy.

can someone even remotely stop /drg/

Let's start this thread on a positive note!
Don't start that shit again, fuckers

Kokichi Ouma is for.....

Why would you do this, OP?

Himiko is the cutest!

Needs Kaede and Kiibo

>Miu - Intelligence
U wot.

Shitposting apparently.

Souda is Intelligence type too.

>based zeus not intelligent
WTF bros

retarted oumafags

is a good girl who deserves more fanart.

Amamifag x Saiharafag is my /drg/ OTP.

Better than Naegi x Maizono


Being Himiko is suffering.

May they will fuck each other to literall death.

Which pantsu would you wear?


You think you're funny, huh?


hatefucking fanart when

oumafags x miufags hatesex



Why does it matter?

Saihara's probably.

Is it really just a loincloth..?


Let's find out, shall we?

Nagito's variety too retard.

Kaito's, Amami's, or Shuichi's

how can the KEK be intelligent but not based boy? this game sucks!

That's what I'm wondering too... a loincloth under a business suit is so confusing to me. Where's the support damnit?

She might not be a punch wizard, but at least she's a LEGS wizard.

Angie's or Saihara's. I also like Miu's.

Autistic Saiharafag are you saying Komaeda isn't intelligent either?

She needs more art


>amami in the same category as weak manlet

Please stop before it's too late.

Kaede's or Tenko's, but Ouma or Saihara's look comfy for lounging around the house or sleeping in.

why are you mad, bro?

Oh this old chestnut

I want to sleep in Miu's panties.

Maybe his height/size is misleading and there's actually not much there to support.

Beyond all doubt. That's how idols make it in Japan.

That's horrible..!

They look like those overly uncomfortable lacy panties that you really only wear if you're going to get laid soon. Not fun to sleep in.

Absolutely legs.


I want Himiko to give me a footjob.

>being this retarded

You can't make this shit up

Oh fuck yeah.

>not manlet
Got something you wanna say shorty?

Kaede's look the most like normal underwear and not lace bullshit, so probably those. Iruma's are the nicest looking though.

>tfw there will never be doujins of gonta fucking ouma's head into a wall to unconsciousness because he's actually got a pencil dick

Just managed to clear v3 without incurring in spoilers.

I really liked it as a whole. Nice characters, nice story, nice cases. But I'm guessing a lot of people hated the ending, is it so?

Stop responding to the shitposter.

I think it's a 50/50 split right now.

But either way, it's generated lots and lots of memes.

Just saying, if you're below 6'2" you should probably kill yourself. Also stop replying to yourself, it's unhealthy behavior.

> But I'm guessing a lot of people hated the ending, is it so?

Yes. The ride was fun at least

Just filtered his comments. Don't have time for his autism.

Reminder that she died for nothing.

What did I JUST say?

Remove the hopelet!

>tfw 5.1

Don't know how to interpret this. Miu a cute.

I would have never come here just to get spoiled, but that must have been fun.

The description of his underwear says that he had to wear huge custom-made underwear and that's why he shifted back to loincloths.

This is a group of good friends. Say something nice about them.

maki die

Literally the only reason she had that backpack was because it was a plot point.
Reminds me of someone else...

Remove Saihara and it's perfect

>he had to wear huge custom-made underwear

Reminder that Ouma is only 13 so you must not have sexual thoughts about him.

I would never suggest removing Ouma's clothes and licking his nubile body all over, nibbling his neck and kissing his adorable little nipples. Only a heartless monster would think about his cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with his saliva, pumping in and out of his mouth until it erupts, the cum more than his little throat can swallow.

The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down his chin over his chest, his tiny hands scooping it all up and watching him suck it off his fingertips is just horrible. You're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading his smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to his used, tight, boipussy, and thrusting in deep as a moan escapes his lips which are slippery with cum, while his small body shudders from being brought to orgasm in one quick stroke.


This'll probably be the last time I'll do this until things settle down.
/drg/ has been a giant mess lately, but remember, don't give in to any retarded shitposters. It'd just be giving them what they want.

I thought it was because he was raised by wolves, but that makes sense too.

Kaito and Maki are shit and Saihara whould get better friends.

He's the oldest

Maki had a good character design wanted on such a bland personality.


God kill me.

Will Kodaka make a sequel?

Remember Miu-kouhai stay strong. The threads are returning to their original state. This is your true test Miubro, to stay as strong as your dick for Miu.

They're dumbasses but they're still geniuses in their domains

Goddamn it. It's about time I put out some real talk.

Where are you guys, who want to so desperately to lure out the oumafags, even getting any notion that the Discord is planning on a raid? I have never seen any "plot" to invade the general, ever since that one event of discord drama that I was involved in. I hop on the discord every day, and all we do in there is shoot the shit and play games together. As far as I know, all of the sabotage that has been done here was enacted by rare Mius who can't stand the thought of actually being social with other anons here while contributing to discussion about the series. You have access to filters, so use them if you don't like what or who you see here.

We all come to this thread because we want to talk about namefagging and shitpost about it. There is no conspiracy to make everyone on the general want to fuck Ouma. Either provide unfalsified & unaltered evidence, or say nothing at all. Just because some of us do things differently in the general doesn't mean you have the authority to dictate what they should or shouldn't do. Even worse is that some of you are fucking attempting to try and infiltrate THEIR place on Discord. If anything occurs that is cause for removal, let the mods fucking come and handle it. Because this bullshit drama over anons who want to fuck ouma, coming from socially deficient amami/miufags bent on a crusade to cleanse the thread of "cancer" is getting ridiculous.

As much as we all talk about wanting to fuck anime high school students trapped in a murder mystery game, we're not in high school anymore. This constant tribalism has created a crisis in this general, and it's driving the fun-seeking anons away.

So, answer me this: what is the big fucking deal? Why the goddamn hostility? If your purpose was to drive saiharafags like me out of the thread, then congratulations, you've turned me off from ever coming here. And to think I even shared my fanart on this general at all.

The description said he tried wearing custom-made big boxer briefs but then shifted to the comfortable loincloth he used to wear back then, or something similar. I translated it a while ago so I don't remember the details

Kill Shuichi.

Tulpaman riding Saihara's dick at the love hotel doujin when

Some cute fanart has been flowing in as well as porn, which I am thankful for.