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The Illusive Man is dead edition

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>witty stuff goes here

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First for Tali is SHIT.

>Tali is THE shit



Claiming thread for best girl.

Fags stay assblasted.

You're late and your waifu is dead.

Hey, there's that guy! The 'literally retarded, dipshit, prick, etc' guy!

Tali is cute! CUTE!


How woukd you make a new qaurian waifu thats the opposite of tali?

>witty stuff goes here
Lazy WG. Lazy and disappointing.

Make a Xen waifu.

But honestly I don't think they should try to make another quarian waifu. Tali's great.


you mean as lazy as not making a new thread at all?

Not that guy but.

Jen'Tivah (Vas whatever)

Fun loving Quarian girl that hates science/math shit, is crazy for guns/weapons, adrenaline junkie. Virgin because she hasn't found a man/woman that she feels can protect her, has a softer calmer side when with her lover, as opposed to Tali who goes haywire when she finally gets Shepard alone.
Should be hard to romance and require a renegade/paragon check to convince to go into a relationship with you.

Open for critique.


>not making a new thread at all?
Would have been better


Also, forgot to add.

Bioware I know it's you lurking pls add this to your game it would cure my suicidal thoughts not kidding.

>all the sihas
wow what a bosh'tet right guys? right?

Tali also loves fun and guns (her character description even notes she's an "expert in engineering firearms of all kinds"), so her opposite should be a bitter and dour character who specializes in biotics.

What's her background, though? Why does she love guns, why is she an adrenaline junkie?
Why is she 'looking for', so to speak, a man to protect her if she loves guns?

>hates science/math shit

Hates it, or doesn't care for it? Seems strange to hate science, but love advanced weaponry.



not really

Is there any decent R34 of Andromeda yet? The SFM of ME is great.

not that ive seen, some pics but no good sfm stuff

There probably won't be, game is running on Frostbite

not yet, we haven't even seen all the possible love connections.

>Jack has been raped and slutted around regularly before meeting Shepard
>You never actually have sex with her during her romance
>She probably fucks her students more often than she does Shepard.
Wake up Jackfags, you're getting used for your emotional stability.

Drawn, yes, there's some stuff out there.
This, for example.

there's some ok stuff for DA:I out there and it's also frostbite. If the waifus were better there'd be more.

>She probably fucks her students more often than she does Shepard.
she'll have a hard time fucking them after i put them on the front lines

She goes with them tho

>She goes with them tho
not really

You can still rip the models. The naked SFM versions usually use pre-made bodies created by the SFM modelers.

They get killed and she survives.


>spend time on making a completely new model
>even give the model the lights where you'd put the weapons
>don't use her

Lel, fuckin' Bioware.

i've been here sinse mid january and these Op collages do not make any sence to me

i wonder why

they never do. but people get mad when OP's dont use them

ass too big

It's very simple. They're made up of things related to Mass Effect or MEG, and quotes from threads.

no shit Sherlock
the quotes don't make any sense

What was the point of Miss Butterface?

she just sucked the right dick

This is possibly one of the creepiest mods I've ever seen


Fish in a fucking bowl

Yeah I'm not expecting sfm yet since the game isn't out. Hopefully a year from now though

Why they introduced her instead of using Emily Wong I'll never know.


there's going to be a lot more as the release date gets closer

>Have to make a choice in Virmire
>Kaidan calls because he and the salarians are being "overwhelmed" in the tower.
>Leave Ash to die to save them.
>The "overwhelming" forces are 3 geths.

wew lad.

is that on screen 24/7?


wew what a ded thread

good riddance.

She looks better in real life.
Not by much, but at least like a human being.

xbox 360 couldn't render more than that.

>doing an infiltrator run on ME3
>get to the part where you have to fight 3 Geth Primes at the same time on Rannoch
>I'm shocked, they finally added something infiltrators might find challeng-
>realize Geth can be sabotaged
>okay, nevermind

Someone needs to make this a mod when Andromeda is released

why don't you try asking reddit about it?

That's one of the most jarring things I've ever seen

Fucking fuck, everything is a fucking controversy now

>tfw will never get a blowjob from qt femquar via the emergency induction port.
>tfw your dick gets stuck in her helmet and you have to go to the hospital/medical quar


Is every mass effect YouTuber/streamer some fat asexual blob?

>your waifu is dead.

>tfw by the time MEA takes place Shepard and best girl Jack have been dead for hundreds of years

I feel ashamed whenever I play Bioware games, and I hate playing them in the daytime

also I often make fun of people who do play them whenever the subject comes up.

I aggressively mock people who are too involved in fiction in real life and say anyone with a waifu should be genocided, yet behind the scenes am probably a far bigger waifufag than anyone I've had ostracized.

Hopefully it stays that way.

Isn't she the military reporter from the show called
Battle Tits?

>I aggressively mock people who are too involved in fiction in real life and say anyone with a waifu should be genocided, yet behind the scenes am probably a far bigger waifufag than anyone I've had ostracized.

why would people even talk about this shit in public? having a waifu is one thing, but talking about it outside anonymous message boards is retarded and sad.

Pretty controversial statement right there

>She looks better in real life.
who is she in real life? i did't know she was modeled after anyone

you should make a youtube controversyv ideo about it.

call it "the Mass Effect controversy controversy"

Here you go fellow turian fags

She's modelled after Jessica Chobot, some woman who used to work for IGN and a bunch of other places.

oh my

wow she does not look anything like her model. they had the same problem with Kaidan, and Miranda, Jack doesn't really look like her model either.
why are they so bad at it? do they not have enough money?

Holy fuck, that's a huge differences

Liara as well doesn't particularly look like her model

Was Bioware even trying with Garrus? Doesn't even look anything like Brandon

Shit forgot pic

naw, they did a good job on him.

Who was her model?

an elephant's butt

her voice actress via time travel

glad they didn't make everyone look like a fucking super model, but there still better be some hot space bitches

I was. i dont have a problem with how she looks.
i don't find her attractive, but that's just my opinion.

my problem with her, is her personality.

you run like that too?

yes. especially when i'm trying to escape from crumbling ruins and have ample space to turn without that sort of skipping. it's because i'm so irreverent.


Maisie Williams


wew, are you lads even trying?


No. The last thread was fucking awful and drove everyone away to bsn.

>drove everyone away to bsn.
i thought it was shutdown

there's a fan version that's just as bad. devs post there sometimes.

New trailer when?