/hbg/ Homebrew and hacking general

Unironically read the guide edition.
3DS: 11.2
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60
PS4: 4.05
PS3: 3.55

>Hey guys, I'm getting the "Failed to mount CTRNAND” error. Am I fucked?
Read the guide, if after installing a9lh use 9.2 ctrtransfer
>hey guys, i updated/closed the lid while on 2.1 and I didn't make a backup, now I'm fucked. Help?
Brick or meme
>How do I move to a new SD card after I'm done hacking?
Just copy and paste everything.
>Can I play anime games on my american/yurop 3DS?
You can play any game from any region as long as you're running the latest version of Luma (the thing you installed in the guide).

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
↳a9lh + CFW: 3ds.guide/
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
↳IOSU + Kernel Exploit: github.com/FlimFlam69/WiiUTutorial/wiki
Vita: pastebin.com/v3caHHnp

-freeShop now has its own website, freeshop.pw
-soundhax.com/ replaces Browserhax as go-to entrypoint and works on 11.2 and below.
-Limited support for running DS games off the SD card. See list below. gbatemp.net/threads/454323
-NDS-Bootstrap looking more promising gbatemp.net/threads/nds-bootstrap-loader-run-commercial-nds-backups-from-an-sd-card.454323/page-74#post-7042348

>Wii U
-Boot0 code execution displayed at 33c3, along with boot1 dumping.

-New VitaShell release. github.com/TheOfficialFloW/VitaShell/releases
-PSN spoofing is broken on the Vita for both Henkaku and TaiHenkaku currently.
-No need for a PS3/4 for Adrenaline, see this post wololo.net/2016/11/24/installing-adrenaline-without-psn-access-advanced-users/

-4.81 Rebug CFW released
-It's possible to run games on OFW 4.70 without ODE and IDPS. gbatemp.net/threads/447577

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that DS rom loading from SD was not worth waiting for

second for cakes

I need some actual /hbg/ related pics thanks


>poorfag with og3ds
>wanted to download sk2
Fug now I remember why I couldnt buy it now.

So I did a system transfer from a hacked o3DS to an unhacked new3DS because I wanted to carry over my NNID on the new3DS. However I forgot to back up my saves from all my games beforehand, stupid, I know. Is there any way to extract them back again?

They seem to be completely gone from the old 3DS's SD card. They're there on the new 3DS
s SD card it looks like, but all the games are corrupted in the 3DS software manager, dispaying no names and a file size of 0, even though they are there. I know the save data is in there, but is there any way to get it out again?

That doesn't make any sense. Space requirements have nothing to do with the inability to buy stuff.

Actually yeah if you dont have enough space it doesnt let you buy it (at least the eshop worked like that when sk2 launched).

Can't someone help with this?

/r/ing that pic with an actual slice of cake placed on a 3DS

Is it safe to allow streetpass to see my software usage?

Reminder to remove sissy anime boys.

What the fuck? Swapnote is alive? What else did I miss since launch?

Using the guide went fine for my 2ds, now I just got a New 3ds XL. Can I just leave the back unscrewed while I do the sd card swapping?

11.3 when?

So you cant play online games with a hacked WiiU? Whats the point then.

Where to get Lewd 3ds themes?

That shit 3dsthem.es site doesn't allow adult content.

The internet.

What's with the totally unrelated to /hbg/ OPs

I just left if completely off when I did mine. I was a little concerned about the battery falling out, so I kept some cardboard behind it.

I want to hack my device but this link in the OP is removed

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9

What do? Can I go ahead and start on the CFW?

that kind of answer isn't warranted when someone is asking a non-retarded question that isn't already in the pastebin.

Way to be completely useless.

leaving your wifi on period allows nintendo to access your time use via activity logs, nintendo domain, etc.

streetpass will detect you.
i left mine on and met a guy from istanbul.

i live in new work.
What was he playing? NTR CFW...

You've been warned.

Please respond

Said the faggot looking for porn images to put on his children's electronic toy.


Good, I'm using it but I'm not sure if that other link was necessary.

3ds.guide is the only necessary link

How do I make sure thw WiiU reads the SD? I got all the necessary files but I think it's not reading it.

I get that FSGetmountSource failed when trying to access the Homebrew.

who /jdm/ here?

been following the guide, once I got to the fasthacks setup step my 3ds is stuck with a black screen and the text "Beginning attempt 0x0"

What does this mean?

Will we ever get to play Wii games with gamepad controls?
Legit only reason I'd hack my Wii U

I own 100+ Wii games and all the good Wii U games.

What file do I need to downgrade my Acekard 2i on a 3DS? The DSi or the DS Lite one?




Just got one of those timebomb r4i
From what I read I can install YSMenu to bypass the eventual brick right?
but do I need to install it as a primary boot ?
or can I keep it as I have it right now, 4isdhc kernel booting YSMenu

if anyone is still interested in Vita piracy, eBay has a $15 off $75+ coupon, paired with a 3.51 Vita (search) it comes out to about $104 shipped depending on what the currency exchange is

coupon is CJANUARY15OFF, only good for 2 more hours

can you get free Badge arcade plays somehow?

Do they even sell the old OLED vita's anymore?

sighax when?

there's a listing for refurb OLEDs on 3.51, didn't want to link to it but that's what I had bought in the past and got a pretty nice condition one, no screen scratches

What's the name of that homebrew that allows me to use those early DS flashcards?

can you help me pls? my Vita won't connect to the PC via QCMA always gives me an error.

NTR Loader

>tfw that guy declares it
>Over $200 to canada with the coupon after tax
gg, thanks anyways.

the seller is in canada though


Say I installed Nintendon't on my wii U and Wind Waker works just fine. However, Metroid Prime doesn't. Things I've tried:

>Different versions of the ISO (1.0 and 1.02)
>Confirming that it's for the proper country
>Checking to see if the file sizes of the ISOs are smaller than ISOs that are confirmed working (which would indicate a download that failed part of the way through)

Are there any extra steps I need to take to get Prime to work?

different guy there, would that also allow me to use an old dsi flashcart clone too? i think it stopped working on my 3ds after 7.0

NTR Launcher? I can't find NTR Loader on Google.

That WRX is begging to be put out of its misery...

To clarify, Metroid Prime doesn't even show up as a selectable game when Nintendon't is running

I don't see why not, it loads all of the flash carts as far as I know
yeah, whichever one isn't the NTR CFW. couldn't remember if it was called loader or launcher


Pls respond.

In the worst case you can just set the clock to the last day it worked


someone on gbatemp was looking into it

Is it possible to create files installable to the system memory with WUP installer from Loadiine ready files? I've got so many games like Earthworm Jim that dont have tickets and therefore can't be downloaded from online and I want to be able to play them from the console menu rather than having to enter Loadiine each time.

I have Haxchi but not RedNAND.

you'll get banned if you hack

>hacking 3ds
>1/3rd of the way done

It's taking fucking hours do you think I can just turn off my PC and cancel this stupid fucking update fuck off windows

>""""upgrading"""" to windows 10

You brought this upon yourself.

from last bread:

when I try to start the a9lh installer, it says that payload_stage1.bin doesnt exist or is too big

You've probably put the files in the wrong spot, go back and double check.

How long should CHMM2 take to scan for themes?

I opened it up and it said no themes so i hit B to scan and its been like 5 minutes and it still says scanning for themes.

most likely. this is my 5th time doing this too

>having automatic updates on

If you have themes actually installed it will show them pretty much instantly. If you don't have any it will search forever.


Anyone who can help with this?

actually, no, I just checked and everything is in the correct spot. I should just redo everything I need since i'm already on 2.1 right?

Well i have the zips in my sd>/themes folder.

It said not to unzip them so i assume everything is in order.

I have themes as folder in mine and it works just fine desu

Does hacking my 3DS affect Pokebank in any way? I just downloaded it from freeShop (eShop wasnt loading) and opened it with my legit copy of Pokemon Sun, all my pokemon are gone form the bank (over 15 boxes), or could it just be that theyre invisible because i haven't got the national dex on Sun? Im scared that i might've fucked up all my pokemon when hacking my 3DS. halp...

What is a MCU brick?

Is 3dsiso still a good repository for .cias, I literally do not care about the drama

Sure, it's the main site everyone uses.

Could just use freeshop though.

yes or 3dschaos

Can you somehow get spotpass content whenever you want? For example I missed a costume of DoA:D when rotations were a thing, if so that would let me delete what I have right now and free up some space too.

In regards to putting in something for the large/small icons is it better to just slap a solid colour in? Can't really find much that fits nicely. Also what do I have to do to insert BGM in usagi, is there some external program I have to use?

I dont know to be honest, but have you tried just using freeshop and going to the controller icon and clicking on "download dlc"?

Colors, and perma irreversible brick
Nope, shouldnt affect it. Pics?Usagi itself lets you

Thanks. How does it happen?

What's the site for 3DS themes?


Yeah but I cant get undubs or retail games on freeshop.
Is that better or worse?

Do I need to keep soundhax and other entrypoints around after using the guide to set up a9lh? I got homebrew launcher on the home menu, can I delete steeldiver or will there be some use to steelhax in the future?


Im hacking my Wii U but I dont have a HDD, can I just install the games directly to the Wii U or will it explode? I tried going for Loadiine but it is slow as hell and I want to play online

why tho

Can someone dump the 1.30 update for Gundam Breaker 3 and the 1.02 update for World of Final Fantasy?

Is Haxchi really worth $6-10 bucks? Im a neet

if you spam colors to your notification led super fast there's a chance that you'll end up sending a corrupt color pattern, and since that pattern won't be recognized, it'll permabrick your console.

Hardmod restores won't work.

It's if you're European.

Don't worry primary booting, only use YSmenu to run games it has trouble with (like Okamiden). Get Retrogamefan's multicart update and place the contents of the R4i-SDHC YSmenu folder to your SD. Then you can boot it when you need to by running ysmenu.nds

It's free* jesus brainfart

What? What is stopping Nintendo from bricking us, AL9H users, with something like that with a system update?

I live in socal