/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

Idea guy edition

> Next Jam: Comfy Jam

> Play Demo Day 12!

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

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> Previous Demo Days

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> Engines
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

Other urls found in this thread:


A game that keeps baiting you with success, but when you are just about to come in reach, it yanks the carrot away and you fall into a dark abyss of failure.

rate this title screen so far.

this is for the demo, the final game probably wont have the links to my other games on the menu

Needs more fonts.

Ridiculously busy, holy fuck.

Artist here, looking for a game to contribute to

Post SSN + bank account info and I'll wire you the money.


I hate everything about how all of your games look, but people seem to disagree so that is probably fine.

your game is too good for that my man.

Well, I like it. Reminds me of a DOS title screen.

>message from high school friend
>"hey user you make games right?"
>"I have a mobile game idea"
>"It's derivative af but so is candy crush"
>"I reckon it's got potential"
>"why don't we partner up for it?"
>"I have a business partner already too"

>make art
>it betrays an adolescent cryptofascist taste bred by years of consuming only video games and anime while avoiding social interaction

Very funny guy, I'm looking for amateur collab only (for now)

Cool, what are you working on?

so i shelved this about 7 months ago after i didn't polish it enough for demo day 10. i'm ready to give this another shot. i'm going to get this stupid game to demo day 13 if it kills me.

Who is that business partner and how many of your bones will they break if you don't bring in the cash?

>"why don't we partner up for it?"
>"okay, so what're you going to do on it?"
>"well, uh, uhm, okay - I came up with the idea user! That's enough right?"

That's when you cut them out.

old guns progress

How does the whole recap thing work,

I have to make the post on the Monday?

rip :^)

drew the slimes and coded their AI. Now to get combat working.

>Cool, what are you working on?
I'm taking a break right now

Recap user posts the template on Mondays. If you post in that thread or any consecutive ones for the next 36 hours and your post follows the format, it will be caught and added to the image.

He hasn't said
I passed him off to a guy I know who started up a studio by picking off people graduating from a games degree and promising them "experience" (aka unpaid work, the only money they get is a cut of the profit)

The only other thing he told me was that his game idea was an endless runner and he wants to "flesh out" a few things with his partner before going to the guy I mentioned
I told him that the guy's going to want to know in what way they can contribute beyond just the idea (ie pay for it or help make it)
>"haha yeah we're willing to chip in ;)"

He'll almost definitely get rejected but I stay the good guy

Awesome, I'm gonna start posting to the recap.

Um, okay, well what were you working on?


Smart move.

>it's the domestic dog guy
thanks for the free trading cards senpai
bought some nice tf2 hats with that

>juiciest breakout on Steam

I was doing some office work at a publicity agency

This game looks really fun, and it has a novel premise. Best of luck to the dev there

Not to bash on you because you seem to be making good progress mate, but this is just for learning right? You know if you got that to a good state changing the art would be a pain in the ass and if you try to ship it nintendo would issue a DMCA takedown before you can even say "Hey listen"

Currently making my own engine and need an artist. Can you post some of your art?

Should I be making multiple dialogue strings for every possible path? Or just make lots of path?

The persist:random() thing is so it can remember which ones it's generated so far, so the first call to persist:random(4, "someid")
would create a list like [0, 1, 2, 3] then shuffle it to like [2, 0, 3, 1] then return 1 and then the next time you call it it'll return one of 2, 0 or 3, then return the one left of the 2 remaining... etc, so that you don't repeat the same RNG.

How can I make a game if I cant into art

a lot of artists look for collabs here

Oh boy, you may just love my article when I'm finished with it.

I don't wanna collab with anyone

I'm going to release it as a short free fan game of zelda 2. I try to keep posting of this project to a minimum on my blog/twitter incase nintendo sees it, which I doubt they will. As for learning purposes, I guess in terms of art/animation yea

What you need to do is stop hardcoding dialogue. Put that shit in a csv or some other table format.

This -- 90's shareware/10

This is external, anyway. It's in loliscript, while the main game is in C++. This is not straight-executed, only the blocks you see there are, and only conditionally, based on what the C++ decides happens.

Ehhh I'm a little wary of working with an enginedev

I'm sorry. But good luck.

Flawless execution. Truly a scholar and gentleman.

it's well known that a memer will reject any method of making game

perhaps... this style of posting is the real art... infinitely variable... yet always true to form

What the fuck do you care what he uses if you're just doing art

And another one.

Not him, but exactly what kind of game are you trying to make? I may want to get some practice in if it's not too bad.

hhhhhhh i have no idea what to make as a first project

i'm staring at a blank sheet of paper and it's paralyzing


MMO with a working economy

Could be worse. You could look at this and get PTSD.

i thought it's gonna be mommy feel good
got spooped for a sec there

Fixed bugs, optimized some stuff that was causing hiccups, and implemented a balance tracking and viewing feature. Now you can do accounting in my bounty hunter game.
Next up, TPS reports.

As others have said, strong 90s vibe. If intentional, good job, if not, get with the times gramps!

Great user, we believe in you.

Good progress


Hey, I'm a coder. Any artists with a game idea and assets looking for someone to dev it out?

I'm not sure what feeling your image is trying to convey.

Possibly, I've been sketching out characters/backgrounds lately and getting back into digital. What engine?

she's looking at your cock

>didn't have time to work on my game
At least it's the week-end now.

Just did an in-game input config because I noticed that agdg unity demos never have one.
It detects everything though so I'm putting so exceptions unless someone here really want to map CAPSLOCK to the attack button.

Say wha


I need to get to doing that. Right now you have to fuck with an XML file to change shit.

how did you manage to remap axes at runtime?

>collabs on aggydaggy
Literally never form and on the off chance they do they never work. 1ma or bust

Remove the engine list and add a framework/libraries list.

Theres a ton listed on the site

I won't be intimidated by a crying faggot like you, even if you had the business end of a howitzer pointed at my nose.

>pompadour flopping
I love it!

Why do people have children when they could be making games?

What software do you use for your art? Sorry for taking a bit to respond

Children are less likely to die

If he had any sort of business he wouldn't be posting on agdg

Children have a 100% likelihood of death, same as an agdg game.

I plan to turn my daughter into an asset creating machine. So basically to establish a family business.

>tfw cant motivate myself to work on game
pls send help

>same as an agdg game
Monolith, Aliens Go Home Run, World of Horror. And that's just this generation.

What's your game user?

>tfw you didn't count me
Do you not believe in me user? I believe in you.

The problem is anime.

Ooh you showed me. Which of those is yours?

Are you new?

>having more progress than the average game is analogous to not dying

fuck you I spat my water all over my devstation

>trying to work with bitbucket and sourcetree
>i work with big files (30mb +) that are updated often
>files larger than 10mb fuck it up and make the process take forever

How could I forget you, Gumball Spiral?


What kind of art do you make?

Nope. It's someone far less talented.

Do you eat shit?

That's just the one with monetary success in the foreseeable future. I know there are others in the recap that have been here for much longer. But is Limbo that much better than death?

>fishing for compliments

Ahh, I see, I'm being memed.

Nope, I suck shit and know it. At least Gumball Spiral dev is cool as fuck.

i heard compulsively masturbating to anime improves masturbation

You can kill slimes now

squirrel arcade (minigame menu)

thanks for the feedback, ill try to clean up the title a bit, and i do like 90's stuff


>those fucking squirrels

i love this place user, keep it up

Level two is out, running on the final™ version of Portal Kit Pro! Instructions are in the rtf.
Asset coming to asset store tomorrow.