Battlefield General - /bfg/

Operations are best mode edition

old thread >Weapon and stats:
Symthic's already started their metacrafting autism

>Emblem stealing website for uncreative babbies:

Q: Is BF4 dead?
A: Yes, BF1 now.

Q: Where are the BF1 Platoons?
A: platoon is kill

Q: Which VOIP Do I join?
A: Yuropoors will be more likely to find people on the Discord. Mumble seems to attract NA players. Use whichever you like.

Mumble server (VOIP and Text)
port: 64738

Mumble download (Snapshot version is more stable and has more features)


Other urls found in this thread:


hardline and battlefront were so shitty they killed hype for BF

Best game mode for squad wipes?

probably something like deathmatch, but probably just any game mode. I think most of the times I get a squad wipe is when I kill someone who was the only guy in a squad.
but yes, getting an elite class in a deathmatch should get you a few squad wipes (especially if it's the villar perosa)

wait for your team to lose in operations, then take the behemoth


did you do your part today, /bfg/?

>Q: Is BF4 dead?
>A: Yes, BF1 now.

Complete bullshit. BF1 lives of a constant flow of new players right now. In about ~6-12 months the game will be below BF4's player numbers.

There are no proper custom servers

no high ticket servers

no X map only servers

no progression

people are swimming in war bonds because the game has like 5 different weapons and nothing else to spend them on

maps are ALL horrible unbalanced and always end in one side getting steamrolled.

vehicles are either OP or completely useless depending on how well the enemy responds to them
All in all, despite having some fun, the levels are completely pointless and i feel like all weapons are too similar. They even added red dot scopes trying to get SOME difference into the gunplay.

That's what you get for making a game in a old timey era. The novelty is good at first but the nature of it lacks depth. Very similar to red dead redemption imo. riding a horse and using a six shooter is great at first, but when all you have is some different coloured horses and a different model six shooter it gets stale. Like you said, they have multiple guns of the same type with slight modifications, instead of one gun of each type that is customised like it has been in ever other BF.

What was cool about bf4 was it had tomorrows tech without being full on laser guns in space. You actually got niche tools that allowed for a ton of variety in play depending on how you composed them.

They're never going to fix tank spawns, are they?

It's been 8 minutes since my team lost their second tank and there still hasn't been a spawn.

It'll be fixed in the February patch after existing for over 2 months, friendo :)

>Operations on Argonne
>playing as Germans
>they push us back to the A/B/C points
>set up shop with MG15 Suppressive at C
>non-stop firing as they continually run into my bullets
>hold them there for all 3 battalions

wow its just like i'm playing Operation Metro!

>this is your sniper for the night.

say something nice about him.

>still playing this shit


he is very good target practice for my selbstlader 1906

Thanks for distracting the other snipers with your scope reflection.

Thank you for padding my 22 Star Selby 1916 and 6 Star Auto Revolver


Domination is pretty easy for that.

Argonne forrest is the worst map in the game, and shows it's worst failings
- overuse of gas
- explosive spam
- autismatico and shotguns
- lack of team coordination

I probably wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't so fucking close quarters. They do an incredible job of making a forest seem like a goddamn tunnel.

why the fuck do i only get thrown into NA servers when im queuing from EU ?(operations obviously) never happened before and even tho its "only" 110ping i dont wanna play with that and cant stand you fags spouting memes constantly

none of your points raised are adressing the map at all

>that one squad that won't stop throwing themselves on E flag on Empire's Edge and keeps being a thorn in our side
Just leave it alone goddamit. You're not gonna cap it.

Anyone wants to do kaiserschlacht on Xbone?

>when its always your squad that has to deal with backcappers for the rest of the match because if you dont the rest of their team will all cap you thanks to skill based matchmaking

whoever made a how to on backcapping for pubbies needs to be gassed

On your team or the enemy team? Because being a thorn in the enemie's side is a 100% legitimate tactic

Is DICE the worst AAA company ever?
>Nothing ever works right
>Money grubbing left and right
>Skins with a 1/1000000000 chance of dropping
>I can't even close the game without Alt+F4

>game starts
>see a plane crash
>B starts getting taken by the enemy
>Get up there, bunker doors locked, 8 people inside already

I have more trouble with the people who barricade themselves in the Fortress gun bunkers.
Why do boats respawn so fast.

>People backcapping on Argonne
>On Suez
>On Giant's Shadow
>On literally any map with cavalry spawns


What's your tag?

lets not lose two threads in two days

It's time to show these British shits what's what lads. I will breakthrough all the way to Amiens on the first brigade. Wish me luck.

First sector cleared with more resistance than expected, moving on with 115 tickets

>stopped on the 2nd sector
It's okay this one we're going all the way to the English Channel.

Cleared the 2nd with all 250!

Cleared the 3rd with 250!

Cleared the next one with 200 tickets to go for the last sector lads, we're all gunna make it

We did it meng. Bumrush of Amien incoming

First one cleared with all tickets

Some retard literally barrel rolled our landship onto its back in the middle of the street

Burned another battalion lads..

>BF4, BFH & BF3 MP for PC will be intermittently impacted between 8A-11A UTC/12A-3A PT Jan 30 for maintenance. Thanks for your patience.

what did they mean by this?

It's ogre... Willy I have failed you

>the exact timeframe I play during


post emblems


I recognise this, where's it from?


ah shit yeah of course it is. Nice emblem user.


It looks a lot nicer when it's engraved on the side of my Mondragon. It looks like a royal seal or something.

I would get banned if I posted it here.


Next patch when?

Why is the Ottoman announcer the only one that recognizes that their armies shitty little trenches, burnt down buildings and waist high hills won't last them very long in an attack?

Only one that implies 'yeah you'll probably loose these, but don't worry; we got an ace at the end of it all.'

Because the ottomans are the only white army so they have a competent commander



>using tf2 tier shit

>racking up tons of points with the heavy tank
>try to repair
>it doesn't let me
>realize the game has spawned me as a cavalryman in the drivers seat of a tank

I could have gotten Tanker 9 if it hadn't fucked up.

At least I still have to level Cavalry, as well, but the devs need to sort their shit out.

>not being rank 10 in everything


Cav and Tank are the only ones I have left, and I'm almost done with Tank.

why are there 10fucking legendaries this week I only want the gold pistol ffs

"fan favorites"
So far I've gotten veteran infantry, camouflage pattern, and royal edict
Whose favorites are these?

I refuse to believe there's a single fan who actually enjoys the shitty camo ""Legendaries"" they have up this week.

I like the gewehr 95 one desu

what the fuck they seriously removed the AA from conquer hell

>legendary acquired last week
>The Mexican, Mondragon skin
>literally just camo with a bit of net on the stock
I don't even use that weapon.

The black and golds are my favourite.

Sadly I don't have either the Doughboy or the Savoia, and neither of them are apparently "fan favourites"

>get a distinguished skin
>sleek as shit
>chromed the fuck out
>ivory stock
>it's so shiny it's unusable


jesus christ

I'm gonna go count my legendaries right now, I don't think I have more than 5, kinda enjoy distinguished skins more.

top kek


>Can't crate heal through friendly gas
nice meme

everytime I go to squad screen everybody is using bayonets on every class am I missing something because I just think it's useless

>3 legendary skins; Mondragon, P08 and M1916 Selbstlader
>Bunch of distinguished skins including Repetierpistole, Madsen, Martini-Henry, Bumblebee fighter, a few others

The difference they make on recoil and ads-ing isn't really noticeable.
They allow you to instantly kill any infantry/elite classes
You can use it in a panic to run to/between cover

how do i get rid of the blues? its like a damn strobe light making it impossible to play...

personally I never use it, the only thing it does for me is delay my ADS time by a fraction of a second.

I'm pretty sure I've killed more people that are mid charge or are recovering after a failed charge than the actual times I've been killed by a bayonet. also, I'm sure that at least half of the times people have bayonettted me they could have just as well ran up to me and knifed me

>The difference they make on recoil and ads-ing isn't really noticeable.
I remember after removing the bayonet from my weapon I didn't feel a big difference but after getting used to having no bayonet I felt a huge difference when I decided to put it back on

but yes, killing elite classes is a solid argument for them, especially for the flamethrower, since he'll never kill you before you kill him, even if you charge him from the front

I think the actual best reason to keep it is because it's fuckin FUN to scream at people as you run into them, stab them in the chest/armpit/neck and throw them to the ground

How do I scrap my cameos I don't want

>go to battlepacks screen
>go to inventory tab
>select shitty royal order skin
>hit 'scrap'

>voice overs for the map intro are white
>characters are black

So three Germans walk into a BAR. They all take shots. 2 Of them are killed but 1 is wounded and says "another round please!" And the American says "wait the barrel is empty" he reloads and and shoots the German. GG wp

>character is black or Indian
>voice is exactly the same as the white characters

it makes autists like you twice as mad when I kill them, so I like it

I don't think I can make it another month without stopping

they shot themselves in the foot making the first dlc so long from launch

GOAT simpsons episode

Only 48K to Tanker 10. I may never get in a tank again once this is finished.

What's the name of the conquest jungle level that's infantry only, where C is on the train track bridge totally exposed? Every single time I play that map I'm the only one to use smoke grenades on that point. I end up nearly solo capping it and then people realise they can't be seen and join me.

I feel like there should be some sort of smoke cover bonuses. Like getting an assist if someone caps a point inside your smoke, or if they get a killed, or if an enemy is killed.

Argonne Forest

You complained about the game and how you don't like it
>Doesn't change the fact that bf1 is still being played and bf4 isn't

That straight line desert map that used to have only 3 points is worse. I don't remember the name but it's ass

Yeah and forget about the team that gets pushed back to the bunkers and tries to get out. Every class is a grenadier. Assault with AT shit , medics with grenade launchers, support with the crossbow. Even scouts can use flares for good effect in tight spaces. I played the other day and got over 200 resupplies in a round and almost all of them were from explosives resupps, not ammo.

>Not Capcom or Ubisoft
They're bad but not the worst

Tanking is much harder today than it was on release. Depending on your assigned "skill" score, you might be lucky and not have squads of assaults instantly BTFOing you. Otherwise, try using the heavy breakthrough tank with some friends repairing, works wonders if they carry smoke since you can drop supplies to keep them alive and resupply them. Know when to push and when to disengage, let friendlies cap flags unless you know what you are doing. Tank only in maps you feel safe to tank in (monte grappa is a no no unless you want to be stuck guarding C or die trying to climb up onto D and B).

I think that if you got points for it more people would utilize it

I worked hard for these snowmobile kills.

Have they patched the dogfighters trench gun things? I remember in the beta you could fly above another plane and one shot them. You could just about get bombers in one shot too.